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Just wanted to report that my buns are back fromsummer camp, looking fat and happy, if not a little "sheepish" as firstfor being so(I'll borrow Vickie's term,'cause I love it) "cheeky" aboutcoming home in the past.

Missy gave me a couple of kisses, so all isforgiven and Calbert gave me a honk, a box , and mouthed my hand when Iwent to clean his cage...situation normal here on the Jersey Shore.

We will probably have to "eat mor' chikken" than the rabbit stew I wasthreatening everybun about, but in the long run, that's okay, too.

Thank y'all for putting up with our shenanigans. Thank youAuntie Carolyn for running such a successful summer camp, andlast, but not least, thank you Tucker for your permission to hold campon Tucker Lane in Tucker Town, Connecticut.

Buck, Mrs. Buck, Missy, Calbert
Buck Jones wrote:
Missy gave me a couple of kisses, so allis forgiven and Calbert gave me a honk, a box , and mouthed my handwhen I went to clean his cage...situation normal here on the JerseyShore.



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