The Three Musketeers

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Thanks Zombiesue, here is a photo from midday today of him tucking into his greens with Snowy. I pushed Houdini´s plate to the bars and Bandy took all his dill as well, he´s so funny at times.

Just wanted to post this of Houdini. He was driving me mad during the night with his thumping; he´d thump and then periscope like this. I couldn´t hear anything, goodness knows what he could hear

I´ve converted Houdini´s old cage which is still in his part of the enclosure to a digging box. I´ve filled it with the hay/straw I still have left from the bale and he loves spending time in there digging and eating.

And this is the famous cardboard box which they´ve now chewed a hole through and use it as an entrance to under the chest next to the wall. They should have been in the Great Escape lol.

Lol, they're so funny! I do wonder too, what starts the unending thumping they do. I know they get alerted or bugged by something, but you would think after a few minutes of nothing bad happening, that they would stop because everything is ok. But they don't do they.... Hmm, maybe you had a critter on the deck?

That digging cage looks like bunny heaven :) I can see why Houdini would love it in there.

Jennifer, I think that dosage info is starting to be a little outdated. From what I've read, higher and more frequent doses are now being used in some places. In the UK, it sounds like the average dose now given to rabbits in pain, is closer to 0.3mg/kg, up to twice a day, and some vets go higher than that. I think they were finding that because of the fast metabolism that rabbits have, that lower once a day doses, just weren't providing adequate pain management. I certainly wouldn't go any lower than 0.2mg/kg. I think it's considered a very low dose now. I'll have to see if I can find a vet based article with this info, and post the link, though most of those things cost $ to access.
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Thumping is so funny to watch. I think maybe he could hear my mom as she does talk and make noise when she sleeps and she's in the the room next door to them. He is a really noisy thumper though for such a little guy.

He loves his cage and he is my champ digger and hay eater. Snowy and Bandy visit there again.

You two are my encyclopedia britanica on rabbits, so much info you have there for us novices. I look at my fluff ball tonight and what a difference 24hours makes. I owe you big time :)
Haha, sorry. We kind of have this side discussion on metacam going now.

It's so nice when it's over and they're feeling better, isn't it. Even with what I've learned about rabbits, I still have that panic moment too, when I see one of them not eating. Then I have to remember what it is I'm supposed to do. Let me tell you, it's much easier typing it out for other people, then actually going through it yourself.
Pressed the wrong button and it´s disappeared :?

I find the discussions about metacam so interesting, just shows that thinking changes really quickly and will be interesting to see what else is out there so feel free to continue the discussion on here girls.

It is amazing how much info is out there, must have a look myself tomorrow when I will be back to normal after my zombie state today although I felt better than I thought I would. Lack of sleep caught up with me about 5 this afternoon; falling asleep on the sofa in company while watching someone´s holiday video; I laughed with my friend and said it was because I hadn´t been to bed not because the video was boring lol.

I did come home with greens for the boys, they love the enormous leaves from the cabbage patch and I love fresh lemons and avocadoes.
Poor Chris. I'm glad you felt better than you thought you would. What we go through for our sick buns.

Maybe he did hear your mom and that's why he was thumping or maybe because he heard noise coming from somewhere he's not used to hearing noise from if you don't use that room much. I had Shirley thumping earlier today because I let the destroyers out to play for a while and went to sit there and bunnysit with my laptop. It's the first time I have taken my laptop in there with me so I guess she felt it was a threat.

Socks filled with rice make wonderful warmers and they are inexpensive. I always buy knee high socks, I look for ones with really bright colors or crazy patterns. I then fill them with rice and sew the opening shut. I have even given them as gifts and will be making one in the next few days to send my son. Put them in the microwave along with a cup of water which keeps the rice from drying out too much and catching fire. For a human you would microwave for three minutes depending on your microwave. They are great for placing on your neck but really can work anywhere. I am sure for a bun though you would want to microwave it less not to make it too hot.
My goodness! I disappear for like a week and I miss so much! I just had to catch up like 4 pages!
I am so glad that Bandy is doing better! I sort of saw the other thread that you posted, but I guess I didn't put two and two together until I read it on here. I would have been worried sick, just like you, but thankfully he is doing well!

They're so cute! Ellie thumps a lot too, she just makes all sorts of noise in the kitchen. Sometimes I think its just to say, hey I'm here. And sometimes its to get the old cats attention.
She also licks me ALL the time. My clothes, my skin. LOL She licks my toes!

I also love rice warmers! I made Ellie one last year when she was tiny, she liked it a lot. Now I'm worried that she may eat it, so I have to find a real heating pad for her. But I love rice warmers for me too. I made like an 8 lb on for the chickens last winter, when the hen was laying on eggs. I put it in the micro for like 10 minutes, it stayed hot all night.

Glad I got to catch up! Hope you guys are enjoying life! Looks like I missed your birthday! Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Morgan, I did miss you but with all this drama I forgot to ask if you´d been kidnapped lol. I noticed you hadn´t been on for a couple of days. I´m missing pics of Ellie, you must taste really good for her to lick you that much:headflick:

Yes, you missed all my drama but I am so happy to say he´s back to his old self. I´ve just been grooming him which he tolerates but is not so keen and straight after than Houdini was grooming him.

I must try the rice warmers, he didn´t like the hot water bottle and although it
doesn´t get really cold in the living room, we´ve still got temperatures of around 18 centigrade, I´m sure they´d enjoy a bit of heat.

Been catching up on sleep today and missed doing the buns cages as we went out to meet a friend at lunchtime. Tomorrow is a bank holiday in Spain, three kings festival when all the kids get their presents so I can stay in all day in my pj´s and clean the buns and the living room; they are messy boys just lately.

Zombiesue: if you double click on the photos, it should take you to my page and you can see them in all their glory lol.

Denise, I am still watching over him like a hawk even though I know he´s been eating like a horse today lol. I am thankful that I know them so well now so it was easy to spot something was wrong straight away and do something about it. I´m sure we´re all the same and that can make all the difference.
Well, I am literally going bunny mad. I now have two bunny jumpers, bunny slippers and bunny pj´s. Couldn´t resist a jumper I saw today in the sales and I bought it even though it was more than I wanted to pay. There were actually two and I had trouble deciding which one but I might keep looking to see if they reduce the price of the second one.

I think my mom is a bear in disguise, I really think she´d hibernate if she could, I´ve never seen anyone sleep so much, maybe she´s got narcolepsia, who knows.
Yeah, it's a slippery slope, this bunny obsession. One day we'll be known as the crazy bunny ladies... if we aren't already :p

Were you able to figure out what may have caused Bandy to get sick? The few times it's happened with my buns, I think it had to do with them getting a bad weed in their hay.
It was probably something he ate although not sure what. He is the original dustbin, he will eat anything. I did notice that the giant box theyhave been eating a hole through had some packing tape left on it and wondered if he could have eaten some of that. The box isstill therebut I've checked and removed all of it now. He seems fine since, eating for England again haha. Here heis tucking in and just thought this one of Snowy is cute, sitting in one bowl of food to get to the plant.


Morgan, that was so funny. She has quite a few very funny sketches, I must find the one with the french teacher.

Just been grooming Bandy tonight, the amount of fur he sheds is amazing. But he is so good now and sits still while I comb him and then jumps down and goes and grooms himself, obviously doesn´t like how I leave it.

Had a bit of a panic at lunchtime. We got back (mom and I) and I went in the kitchen to start lunch, had said hello to the boys but hadn´t really looked. I´d nearly finished preparing everything and leaned over the shelf between the kitchen and living room to check on the boys and noticed one was missing. Panic central as I had all the doors open. When I checked, I´d forgotten to zip tie the doors to the enclosure and Houdini had obviously remember how to lift it up to get out. I found him happily lounging behind the sofa. That bun is such a sly one, just glad he didn´t realise it wasn´t zipped shut when we were out.
That was funny. I love British comedy, so much funnier than American for the most part.

As much as buns can enjoy being groomed by another bun and pets from us I guess over time they might come to see it as enjoyable when they are brushed.

I'm so glad he hadn't escaped. I'm sure it takes some time off our lives every time an animal scares us like that.
She does have so many funny ones! My favorite is her as Nan, the old lady. Shes hilarious!

I'm glad that no one escaped! How scary! There have been a few mornings when I come down to find my baby gate has been knocked over by a cat and I'm afraid that Ellie has gotten out in the rest of the house! Its a terrible feeling!

Ellie doesn't like to be groomed. She's such a grump. LOL
Seen her as nan and she is so funny.

I was cleaning out their enclosure this morning and I took a video of them getting under my feet and exploring everything I remove from there. They just make me laugh so much. I took it sort of their perspective, me behind bars and them outside. Love it when Houdini jumps on Snowy's house and he nips him to say, hey you off there that's mine lol. Will post as soon as I upload which could be a while :(
New herb plants today, bought the large rosemary as they love it, also got a flat leaf parsley. Bought tgeir usual dill and some basil from my usual market stall and she gave me the whole bottom part of the cauluflower she had sold and all the carrot tops off a bunch as well. I have so much stuff at the moment they will be spoilt. Thought I'd lost a bun this morning. After food, Bandy and Snowy always have a rest, all that energy they use up scoffing lol. Looking from where I was, looked like only one bun, Snowy had flopped behind him and was completely hidden, panic over haha.

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