The Three Musketeers

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Yes, the flop is so funny but the non recovery is even funnier. I was just lucky to be trying to film something else and ending up with the funny flop. Must admit, i would love to see Monty doing that... a giant bunny flop has to be so good.

Season 2 over....season 3 is even better. I´ve just been reading about new things coming up in season 4 but I am not going to spoil it for you.

Agnes and Archie are the bunny couple everyone wants to have, they are just such a good match.
I've never been able to catch Monty on video doing the flop. I just happen to notice the floor shaking and look over and see her belly facing me, feets everywhere and head nowhere to be found. Funny giant.
Such a shame. That´s the first one I´ve got of mine as it´s over in a flash and it takes longer to pick up the phone and set the video but I bet hers are amazing.
I love it when Ash bunny flops, but I still haven't gotten a picture! I'll try to its just that he never flops when I have the camera. I would also like to take a picture if Ash yawning, I love it when bunnies yawn the cutest thing ever!
I tried to put this last night, but my laptop died and even though when I turned it back on it brought up this page, there were no words that I had typed. So I quit last night, it was really late anyway!

Houdini flopping was the best thing I've seen. Ever. hahaha! It was SO funny! I laughed so loud last night that I scared my cat off the couch and woke my son up! It caught me off guard and made me laugh. :)

Ohh. And I wanted to say that I started watching Fawty Towers last night! Its SO funny! My husband was like, what are you watching? So I told him. He was like, why do you have this obsession with all British tv? I was like because its funny and silly and I like it! He just doesn't get it. haha.
I haven't tried to watch Downton again, but I need to. I watched like half of the first episode of Upstairs Downstairs but my son was being a brat so I couldn't finish that either. haha. I've having a really hard time with period drama's in my house right now! I want to watch them so bad but my son makes it impossible and when he naps is when I do a lot of stuff and then my husband gets home and he doesn't want to watch the period drama. Life gets in the way of me watching the shows that I REALLY want to watch! haha. Blah blah blah, thats what I feel like just happened. My mind just took a crap on your blog Chris!

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That was the most funniest bestest flop ever! I have never seen Buster's flop in progress but I have always imagined it would be cute but THAT ONE, was the CUTEST!

"My mind just took a crap on your blog" lmfao right now.

Well I know it must be hard to bond them after what all I've heard but Buster, well I just wish he had a friend. He spends all day in there and he doesnt like to play with toys much. He just likes to chew on his cardboard and lay around and occasionally spazz out and run circles in his cage, jump dow, run around the room, jump in his litter box, binky and fly out, run behind the trash can and then go to "home base" (his piece of tile) where he sits with wide eyes like, "I need to lay off the cheerios man!" 0.O
Thanks guys, it was just one of those moments that I managed to capture for eternity lol.

Morgan, you can crap on my blog anytime lmao. So glad you liked Fawlty Towers, the humour is very Monty Python but they only made 12 episodes and they are all so hilarious, I´ve got them on DVD and I can watch them over and over again.One of my faves is with the deaf is non stop belly laughing although the one with the rat is a classic as well.
I can imagine it´s difficult for you to get a quiet moment to watch Downton but it is worth it.

I have to tell you that it is freezing here today. It´s snowing nearly all over Spain and the really cold wind has reached here. I was standing on a building site this afternoon for an hour and a half and I was frozen solid when I finished....we´re just not used to it. Don´t know how you all cope with all that snow and freezing temperatures...bring back my sunshine :X

It would be nice to see Buster with a little ladyfriend....just wondering what he´d be like, he´s got such a cute face, I lurrrve it. Maybe, you´ll feel doing it when you think the time is right. He´s got you now and that´s probably Ok with him. All that binkying and running is probably a sugar overload lol but I can just imagine his face.
Just thought I´d post a couple of pics of my little rascals. Houdini enjoying a nap..I love it when they spread themselves out.


Snowy and Bandy cuddling up together.


Bought some new food for them today in Gibraltar as the stuff they´re eating at the moment, they´re not liking and I can´t currently get the stuff they were eating before. I´ll try them on the new stuff and hoping it goes well, it looks good and I´m hoping they´ll like it. I also bought them some nice fresh herbs sage and rosemary so hoping they enjoy them.

I love Snowy's pink nose! They look so comfortable!
I also love when they stretch out like that, they look so happy when they're like that. Look at Houdini's little back legs, I love it!
I think they´re at their cutest when they´re relaxed like that...would love to see a picture of little Ellie stretched like that, she´d be too cute.

Big news today, i have seen snow on the ground. I went to the airport this morning to pick up two guys to take them to Gibraltar. When I was heading towards Malaga, all the mountains behind were covered in snow and on our way out of the airport towards the motorway, I actually saw a big mound of snow. It´s the first I´ve seen over here on the ground in 30 was freezing this morning and it´s still cold this afternoon...we´re just not used to this...I tell you if those guys been in the car, i would have stopped and taken a photo lol.. that´s the kind of thing I do.

I have to be up at 5am in the morning to go back down to Gibraltar to pick these guys up again to take back to the airport. I´m getting paranoid about alarms not going off and me ending up sleeping in....I hate getting up really early as well but if it pays the bills...with all the alarms I´ve got set, I´ll wake up the whole building lol.
Hahaha. I'm the same way with alarms. Its like the earlier I have to get up, the later I sleep in. I always seem to do it when I HAVE to get up! haha.

I always try to get a picture of Ellie flopped out, but I can never seem to. I guess she isn't comfortable enough yet to let me walk around while she's stretched like that. So I've only gotten one picture of her stretched. I try to be quiet when I go into the kitchen so as not to scare her but I'm never quiet enough! haha.
I have the same problem...Snowy was flopping this afternoon and it was so cute but I wasn´t quick enough and he always hears me before I can snap him. They have such acute hearing, I can never sneak up haha.

I bet her flops are the cutest :nod
I can sympathize about the snow, but we still have about a foot of it left on the ground. I'm just dying for spring and warmer weather. It'll be in the 50's by Sunday, so we're getting there.

I think I'm in love with little Snowy :hearts He's seems like such a sweet little guy :)
Jenny, went past the same place today and it´s all gone. It´s a lovely day, sunny but a little windy but still warm.

Snowy is such a little darling...I always pick him up in the morning as he really likes it and he´ll look up at me and lick all over my face and cuddle up...justs makes you feel so protective. But I do laugh at him as he´d been eating celery leaves this morning and had really stinky breath and it you say anything to him, he looks at you "huh, you talking to me". He´s not keen on staying put when I sit down but loves being held when I´m standing up.

I was laughing this morning as I had to get up at 5 to go pick some people up from Gibraltar and then take them to the airport in Malaga. I heard the alarm the first time and got up, I was terrified I was going to sleep in. It was nice as the roads were empty and it was lovely to see the sun coming up. It was a bit weird sitting in a truckers bar at 6.45 this morning with all these guys wondering what I was doing there, I really needed a coffee and the loo lol. But I did laugh at one of the blokes. He stayed in a hotel in Gib which is on the way up to the top of the rock. He said that when he was having a cup of tea yesterday afternoon, he´d opened the window as it was quite warm. He saw a flash behind him and there was a monkey was running across the bed and out of the window with his packet of biscuits. He looked out of the window and there was the monkey sitting on a ledge below eating the biscuits. He then noticed a sign on the bedroom wall which told him not to open the window. I was laughing so much. By the way, the barbary apes in Gibraltar are famous, they stroll about at the top of the rock but are moving down foraging for food.

Anyway, I was going to have a nap but have decided to try and keep awake as long as I can and will probably nap this afternoon.
Lol omg monkeys stealing food that is just crazy!!!

I love the pcitures and Houdini is just gorgeous I don't get to see too much of him. The picture of snowy and bandy cuddling is just darling you can really see how bonded they are. Oh and the video haha it's so cute the bunny flop reminds me of a fish that just suddenly hopped out of the water! Hipster does it all the time and I just stare at him quietly amused!
Yeah, the monkeys there are really getting out of hand, they´re now foraging in the residential areas and cos people feed them, they come back and they can get quite agressive so it´s now a problem but I still thought it was funny.

Just been over on Morgan´s blog and was saying that I´m stressing about Houdini as he doesn´t seem to be eating that much but he seems OK and his normal self so I´ll just keep my eye on him. The food I had to buy which was the stuff they were eating, they don´t seem keen on, they´ve always got some left and the other stuff they used to gobble down. I bought a new brand yesterday which is better and I´ve starting mixing but there´s still some left from this morning. I must order the other stuff online and have it delivered, they used to love it so I´ll get that done this weekend and hopefully it won´t take that long to get here.

When he flops, it´s darn cute and it was the struggle to get up that had me laughing...sometimes they are just too cute for words. Snowy and Bandy do get on so well but sometimes Bandy and Houdini will sit like that as well. Still working on the final threesome but we´re getting there. Hipster, well I just love his little face with that dark nose, I bet his flops are so cool. ;)
I just had to google the barbary apes. They're sort of cute, if you like monkeys, it said that they're old world monkeys and their the only primate other than humans that live in Europe. I thought that was interesting.

Since they're not eating as many pellets, I would give them more hay and more greens and herbs. When I just typed out pellets, I typed out pillows first. haha.
Anyway, they're probably just not used to the new type of pellets or they're not wanting them because the greens/herbs you got recently are just delicious! Doesn't Houdini eat more hay than all of them? I would just give him more hay than normal and keep an eye on him.
Morgan, you know what it´s like, at the first of a lack of appetite, I´m imaging the worst. He´s out and about now and I left some pellets out for him to eat and he been digging in so he has an appetite. He hasn´t been eating as much hay these last few days so maybe he´s just not fancying it but I might buy a bag of the more expensive stuff and mix it to see if it´s more tempting.

Yes, they´re certainly overloading on veggies, I can´t seem to stop buying them but they are getting loads at the moment and enjoying them... poor Snowy has stinky celery breath from all the leaves. I suppose the others do as well but he´s my snuggle bun so his kisses are a bit yukky right now lol...I shouldn´t complain.

Morgan, the apes in Gibraltar are fascinating. Apparently, the legend is that they came to Gibraltar through a subterranean passage which linked Gibraltar to North Africa and the story is that if they ever disappear from the Rock then Gibraltar will go back to Spain which they will never want so they make sure they are bred well and looked after. In the second world war apparently their numbers dwindled and Winston Churchill ordered their repopulation to keep them there. You really have to be careful when you go up to see them at the top as they steal everything and are so smart.

I´ve taken these photos over the years. This one is really old but I just love it as it looks posed and it really wasn´t....just right time and right place. That´s the north of africa that you can see across the water.


This is when we visited a couple years ago. It was sitting on the car and had been looking through the windscreen as I had crackers inside....I was scared to shoo him off in case he bit me lol.


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