The Misadventures of Shadow

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Active Member
Feb 2, 2010
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Philadelphia, PA, USA
Hi all, I'm Iris and I live with my boyfriend Evan and my bunny Shadow. We're both college students finishing up our Finance bachelor's degrees at the University of Florida, although I still have a year to go.

I got Shadow about 8.5 years ago when I was a little girl in middle school. He's had quite the life to say the least! I was naive and not very informed about bunnies then, so he lived in a very small cage back when we still lived in a small condo. He did get free roam time but after he chewed up wires (the first sign of mischief) I was only allowed to bring him outside.

We moved into a larger house in 2003. Shadow was given the run of a walled-off part of our backyard, where the previous owners had kept two pitbulls. He was still brought inside in his cage at night. The same year, we brought home a German Shepherd puppy, but unfortunately Lupin and Shadow were never to become friends. When my grandma moved in after 2007, Shadow's area of the backyard was converted to a garden. Sadly, Shadow never did get his own place to run after that, and was confined to a small cage for most of the time.

When I started my Junior year at college, I decided to bring Shadow with me. I couldn't bear to see him trapped up all the time, because I knew at heart he was extremely active and curious. So in 2009, we packed him up, and I set up a little place for him in the hallway of the condo we share with 3 other roommates.

To give you a little idea of how incredibly mischievious and what a fighter he can be, here's a brief list of stuff he's been up to:
  • His front paw was broken when he tried to zip through the door to the backyard while my dad was closing it shut. He recovered with no problems.
  • Once in 2004 he escaped his metal-reinforced enclosure in our backyard by digging a hole through the other side. He wound up in the house down the street and we searched frantically for two weeks!
  • The German Shepherd had gotten to him three times. The first two times was just rough play and Shadow was fine. I really thought I'd lost him the third time when he screamed while being thrashed around in Lupin's mouth! But he got up the next day like nothing happened!
As he's getting older, there are more problems to look out for (dentals, arthritis) but for the most part he's happy, healthy, and SO ACTIVE. He never wants to be in his cage if he can help it, and that's after sacrificing 1/5th of our room to him. I love this little guy, and I hope I can have a few more years with him. He deserves all the spoiling I can give.


what a lovely story! seems like you have some pretty good memories with that handsome bun of yours :) that's so good he survived all that! (i keep my bunny and dog seperated for this reason, just in case! both my dogs are hunting breeds!) what a little toughie ;) if only most bunnies when to homes with caring, loving owners like you :)
He sounds so sweet (and lucky too lol). I look forward to reading more!!
Hey all! I just got back from a trip to Atlanta for an interview (crossing my fingers.) Shadow's due for a vet visit this Friday as well. Here's a few things that have been troubling him lately:

  • Molar spurs: He had them trimmed in mid February, and is doing just fine! I finally found a good, fresh source of timothy hay that he would eat.
  • Arthritis/Back issues: He threw out his back (probably pinched a nerve) a week ago and couldn't walk on his hind legs for two hours. He recovered the next day with a dose of Metacam, but we're still going to get him checked out.
  • Litterbox training: He used to be sooooo good, but now he's weeing a little outside his box. It might just be due to age, and he can't make it to the box in time. But he has been naughty and went on the carpet in my room a few times.
Shadow has been on a few adventures as well. We went on a picnic at the grassy field next to our apartments and decided to bring the bun. Here he is, munching on something tasty:


And from farther away:

Chilling next to my roommate:

We're going to try and bring him out every week now. The weather is so beautiful here!
Shadow just had his checkup today and the vet didn't find anything too worrisome. He is a little bit dehydrated, underweight, and he did hurt his back a little, but they are all probably related to his age. He's an old man!

Tomorrow is the start of my spring break and Shadow is going to my bf's house for a few days since I'll be busy over break. I am really nervous that he might become too stressed over the 4 hr ride, but he's done fine so far to vet visits. I'm going to have to write extremely detailed instructions because I don't know if I trust anyone with my rabbit but me, lol.

I am looking forward to visiting my family and seeing our dog Lupin. Whenever I can I'm going to take him to the local dog park because I know he doesn't get out much. How do you convince your 14 year old sister that walking the dog daily is much more important than sitting on your butt reading web comics all day?! UGH.
Thanks for the spring break wishes. I had a very relaxing break, and Shadow did very well at my bf's place, although I was told he made quite the mess... silly bun.

Once I got us all back from break I decided to try something new for Shadow's litter box, since he's been peeing and pooing outside his box more than usual. I've actually watched him get his paws inside his box, raise his butt, and spraaaaay all over the floor. It was probably because he was using one of those triangular shaped plastic ones from the pet store. I switched him over to a four-sided regular ol' plastic bin. What a MIRACLE. No spills anymore, and he even poops 90% of the time in his box.

One time I decided to give him a large handful of hay on the floor, and he seemed to decide that was ok to pee on. So now all hay goes into litter box. No spills thus far.

Now I wish he would be the same when I let him out of his penned off area. I have a wood pressure mounted child door that I use to pen off a hallway-type area in our bedroom. I wish I had my camera so I could take a picture, but you get the idea. Anyway whenever I let him run about the room he seems to LOVE peeing in another corner of the room, no matter what I do to dissuade him. He also loves to pee on anything remotely resembling cotton (clothes, blankets, comforters, you name it!) I've thus had to only let him out for a few hours in the dining/living/kitchen area, with supervision. Reason being he loves to chew on things everyone accidentally drop on the kitchen floor, and because there are three other guys in this condo and it's a huge chore to keep the place clean as it is without bunny poop. I wish I could let Shadow free range all the time, but I'm at a loss of how to control his peeing in the bedroom. :/

Ah well, happy St. Patrick's day. I'm cooking Irish beef and stout beer stew for the roommies and some friends. After that, back to the grind of school!
Yay! I am heading to NYC this summer for a paid internship with AXA Equitable. Needless to say, I'm super excited. Finding an apartment has so far been fruitless. I even almost got scammed once! It's so hard to find anywhere as an out-of-state student for a short period of time for a couple (since my boyfriend will be coming too.)

The only bad news is I can't take my bun with me. I'm being paid for the round trip plane ticket, but there is no way I am subjecting Shadow to the stress of traveling by air. He will have to live with my parents and sister for the duration of my internship (about 9 weeks.) I'm worried that he won't get the care and attention he needs, since he's gotten pretty spoiled with me. But hopefully he'll do fine as he did all the years he did with them. As long as I provide him with the right pellets, hay, and instructions, I think my sister can take care of the rest.

Overall, Shadow is doing quite well. We'll have Easter pictures for sure!
Congrats on your internship! I haven't lived out in NYC for about 15 years but I'm still familiar with the area so shoot me a PM if you need help with the locations. I'm sure Shadow will do fine with your family and that 9 weeks will go by quickly.

Shadow is adorable. I can't wait to see the Easter pictures!
Last week, I got some distressing news from my sister, who was taking care of my bun. Shadow had started to diarrhea, and he seemed to lose control of his hind legs. He had fallen and injured himself when getting out of his litter box. That afternoon, my sister discovered him laying with his chin and front paws at the edge of his litter box, with his bottom soiled with urine and runny poo. She cleaned him up and cut open the side of his litter box so he could access it better.

I knew at this point that he probably wasn't going to make it, even though it sounded like he was still fighting. He was still eating a little hay and walking around.

The morning after, my sister called to tell me that Shadow wasn't walking anymore, and he seemed to be gasping for breath. Shortly afterward he passed away.

He was my first pet and I will never forget all the lessons he taught me, and the good times we've had. Ever since we brought him home from the pet store, he brought so much joy to our lives. The past few months of taking care of him in my apartment were especially enjoyable. I'm glad I was able to give him some of the spoiling and free roaming he didn't have for most of his life. I wish I could have seen him in his last days.

Goodbye Shadow...


Feb 2001 - 7/14/2010

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