The Jack and Eva Diaries

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Wow your cat is the exact double of my kitty!


Oh, I have sooo enjoyed reading this post. Jack and Eva are adorable (& Smokey too, of course). Well done to you and Ben for rescuing these two beauties. I hope the bonding gets off to a great start - can't wait for the next episode!

Oh - I LOVE this thread.....I can hardly wait to check it again. I have to admit that I have a special affection for harlequin patterned rabbits.

I do have a quick question though...where were the babies taken to HRS (or whereever?). Was it an accidental litter? Or rabbits that were taken away from someone?

I don't know how anyone could give up a mama w/ her babies.....then again - I'm sitting here looking at babies and wanting to go cuddle!

TinysMom wrote:
Oh - I LOVE this thread.....I can hardly wait to check it again. I have to admit that I have a special affection for harlequin patterned rabbits.

I do have a quick question though...where were the babies taken to HRS (or whereever?). Was it an accidental litter? Or rabbits that were taken away from someone?

I don't know how anyone could give up a mama w/ her babies.....then again - I'm sitting here looking at babies and wanting to go cuddle!

My understanding is that the original owner had a male and female bunny that weren't fixed. She kept them apart but then friends of hers put them together thinking it would be funny, I guess. A few weeks babies. :? She called SARS BC for help. After the babies were weaned SARS put the babies in foster care and started looking for homes for them. I believe they also helped the girl with the cost of spaying and neutering her original two bunnies.

February 16, 2005

Jack’s parents came home to find him not willing to eat again. Luckily his mom had some critical care left over from the last time he went into stasis. Jack and his mom spent the evening on the bed where she forced him to eat critical care and put his tummy on a heat pack and massaged his stomach off and on. Jack was very crabby about the critical care and couldn’t understand why his mom kept making him eat it. He decided right then and there that she was the meanest mommy in the world and every time she let go of him he would turn his back and flick his back feet at her. His mom smiled, said she didn’t care if he was giving her the equivalent of the finger in bunny language and kept forcing him to have his tummy massaged. Jack went to bed that night very cranky indeed.

The next morning Jack felt a little better. When daddy came out to check on him he was sitting in his hay bin having a bite to eat. When mommy came out and offered him his morning Craisin he gobbled it down. He was so glad to be feeling better that he even forgave his mom for the critical care force-feeding and put his head down so she could groom him. But then he saw the most terrible sight in the world. Mom was opening his pen and she had the terrible gray box. Horrors!! Jack hopped all over his pen trying desperately to evade his mom’s hand but unfortunately Elizabeth was good at cornering him in his pen. He went with lots of protest into the horrid gray box and when his mom leaned down to look through the bars at him, he immediately turned his back to her. After a scary car ride, Jack’s dad dropped him and all his stuff off at that terrible smelling place that they called “The Vet”.

A couple hours later Elizabeth got a call from Dr. Kathy. She toldElizabeth that Jack’s stomach felt good, not bloated at all andthat the massage and heat had helped and he seemed to be in good spirits. But Dr. Kathy still felt it would be wise to do another round of medicine for a week or so.

So poor Jack’s been pretty upset with his mom lately. Not only is she forcing him to eat Critical Care whenever she thinks he’s not eating enough hay or if there aren’t enough poops in his litter box but she’s also forcing him to take medicine three times a day! Jack doesn’t care that it’s banana flavoured; he hates his medicine. But the worse part? Jack is no longer allowed pellets. He only gets hay and water and fresh vegetables. Jack’s mom told him that she thinks the pellets are part of the problem that keeps giving him stasis and from now on he only gets them as a treat. Jack thinks life sucks but his mom has a surprise for him. The very next day he meets Eva for the first time!

Next Chapter – The First Meeting
Saturday February 18, 2006

The Bonding Begins - His Story

So, yesterday was a really crappy day for me; I mean really crappy. I was finally starting to feel better (after my mom made me sit on the bed with her last evening while she made me eat that yucky green soup stuff) and was looking forward to a lazy day of hay grazing and sleeping when my mom showed up with the terrible gray box. Long story short – she made me go to the vet even though I was feeling better!

Anyway, today was a million times better! It started off normally - I got to stay at home all day and eat hay and sleep. Mom made me eat some banana-flavoured medicine but I could handle that. And then, that evening Daddy came into my pen and picked me up. He carried me down the hall behind my mom to the spare room. I was pretty excited; I’d never gotten to see that that room before! Dad sat me down on the bed and I started sniffing, why – there was a Craisin right in front of me!! I quickly ate that and looked up at my mom to see if she had any more for me. She didn’t hand me any more Craisins so I started to look around when suddenly – “she” caught my eye.


She was gorgeous. Pretty pink nose, liquid brown eyes, long silky ears and a body that just wouldn’t quit. Did I mention her legs? Long and strong – just like a girl bunny’s legs should be. Well! I could hardly believe my eyes! I slowly hopped towards her and she slowly hopped towards me, my heart was beating fast and I couldn’t stop my nose from twitching. A few more hops and we were nose to nose – it was heaven!! “Jack, this is Eva” I heard my mom say softly behind me. “Eva” I sighed, a name as beautiful as she was.

What happened next is a bit of a blur to be honest. One moment I was sniffing her lovely face and the next thing I know I’m showing my affections in a deeper and more intimate way…if you know what I mean. I don’t know what happened, all I knew was that I wanted Eva to know exactly how much I loved her.


Yeah… unfortunately the lady didn’t exactly enjoy my deep affectionate love for her. In fact, I had to chase her around. Can you believe it? A young stud like me reduced to chasing after a beautiful woman? (Mommy said something to daddy about me showing my love in the wrong direction was liable to make me lose some of my precious bits. I didn't know what she meant but Daddy turned a little green).Eva's so pretty and her fur is so soft I just can't resist trying to love her.


So finally my mom stops me from chasing Eva. I settle down on the bed and just stare at her. She was sitting over on the pillow, a little steamed with me.


In fact, she had to go and sit with daddy so he could groom her.


I immediately ran over to my mom so that she could groom me too.


After a little bit Eva left dad and started eating some Craisins she found on the bed. I took that opportunity to run over and show my affection again. Once more she ran off around the bed avoiding me! I looked at my mom and she just shrugged and said “The girl wants to get to know you first.” I got pretty tired of chasing her around so finally I just laid down and relaxed. Let the lady come to me you know?


It didn’t work though. She sat there and groomed, and I sat there and groomed but neither of us budged.



Finally I decided to sit in the cat bed for a bit. No sooner did I get in then Eva came right up to me and gave me a friendly lick on the nose.


I sort of thought that meant she wanted to, you know… make with the love but as soon as I tried she took off again. Geesh, women! Then dad picked me up and took me back to my pen. But he didn’t put Eva in with me. I didn’t even get a chance to get her number! I was pretty ticked with dad and flicked my back feet at him but he just laughed. Oh Eva my sweet, I miss you already!

Next chapter - Bonding Session #2- Her Story.
Oooh - I'm so glad I checked in one last time before heading to bed to see if this thread was updated yet...

Just had to read this thread before I went to work - so glad I did :)!

Seems like the first session went really well (can't wait to hear Eva's side of the story ;)). Love the way the pictures follow the story :great:

Oh yes she is a bit more than pudgy! :baghead (Well, all are animals are.)

I'm not sure...she's almost full siamese, but we're not sure what she's mixed with because she came from a greenhouse.

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