The Bunnies of Ten Acre Woods

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Again proving why I'm not going to a rabbit show, ever.:D

Congrats on the babies, they're beautiful! How did thebreeder get the lionhead, was he dumped on her? I know a lotof people assume that breeders would just love to have unwantedrabbits dumped on them. Oh well, at least he has a good homenow. I hope he settles in and calms down soon. Helooks like a sweetie!
OK, this is the last straw - tomorrow I'm jumping in my car and heading for Cut N Shoot to bunnynap your new babies! :)
:tantrum:OK, as I said on anotherthread, this isn't fair!!! I just told my husband I amgetting another one and that's it.

Mike, congrats on your new additions-again :disgust:.

The poor lionhead. I wonder why he's scared. Maybe he just needs some settling in time and some treats. :D

Yeah! the Lionhead was just dumped into her lap at theshowand she had no room to keep him so she dumped him onme.:foreheadsmack: :roflmao:

ec Hahaha!You'll never find my Place,I'm so far in the sticks that the mailmansome times gets lost .:laugh: But your welcome to visit anytime andThanks for the compliments!:wave:


Thelionhead is finally coming around slowly but surely andhehas to be one of the sweetest and softest Bunnies I've everheld.:inlove:

Oh! my daughter has named him "Teddy" becauseTinysmom said he was a TeddyBearLionhead.:wink

The little netherland Dwarf "Baby Boo"is one activelittle Bugger and she get's into everthing but love cuddlesandpetting but notto crazy about beingheld.:heartbeat:

We're also going to have to redo our Blockades as she's so tiny she canfit in and underplaces that I don't think a even tinylittlemouse could get into.:biggrin:

She even fits completly down into my shirt pocket.:hug:

My other Bunnies all seem to lovethe ND and theLionheadbut Mongo doesn't appreciate me bringing another Buckinto his Harem.:laugh:

Mongowent over to Teddy's cage and started Trying tofightwith him thru the wire but Teddy defended himself andgrowled back at himwhich scared Mongo to deathandhe ran back to his own house. :yes:


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Actually, the more I look at it - the less I think he's a teddy - but I'd have to see him in person to make a real judge of it.

I'm really so happy you have a lionhead. I wish it had been one ofmine....because then I'd already know all about its personality...butoh well. I think you'll really enjoy him once he comes out of hisshell. My lionheads are great with people - but I will warn you - thathaving them around is like having a 2 year old. (Imagine having 40 2year olds in my rabbitry? wonder I'm exhaustedsome days).

Anyway - I want to warn you of a few things about lionheads.

a. They love to explore - even more so than some other breeds (althoughPuck my Holland is very much this way). For instance, I've had themjump onto a chair and then onto the table when they got into the diningroom. When I caught Titania...she was shredding my mortgage bill.

b. They love to look innocent. DON'T BELIEVE THEM. They lie.

c. They usually get along well with other breeds.Right now I have some living together with a couple of hollandlops.....they get along great. They dont' like my New Zealand mix doeand she doesn't like them...but they love to jump out of the rabbitry(the girls) and go snuggle with Tiny, my Flemish Giant. (Is a flemishgiant next on your "to get" list??)

d. Mine are a bit afraid of the dog - but they will chase the cats out of the rabbitry.

Anyway - welcome to the world of lionheads. You'll love them. They are excellent for those who like lops as well..

Congrats Mike and family! What beautiful bunnies you brought home!

I love your little Netherland. Her (is it a her or a him?) markingsalmost look like a little dutch when you just see theface.Very adorable!

And welcome to the lionhead club!! Im with Peg, it does look like abrokentort (much like the wonderful Mr. Tumnus). Ilovethe markings on brokens! And Peg is right about lionheadsand their curious nature. Ive caught Mr. Tpulling bills andpapers off the coffee table and running around the room with themhanging from his mouth! He also loves to climb anything and everythinghe can.

Cant wait to see and hear more about these newest additions. Your girlsareso lucky to have a dad who does all this with them, andenjoys it as much as you do (actually, maybe more than they do?;))
Hey Mike! :attention:

We're calling out the search parties!:privateeyes

:? You okay? Hope you're not feeling poorly. :imsick:

Where are you? :lookaround :airborne:

sas :expressionlesset al
:what! Mike is missing!!! Oh dear, hope everything is ok.

could be he is trying to adjust to all the extra cuteness in his home!Not to mention all the extra :sweepthat comes with the extra:brownbunny!! :bow

Shye, Nuggles, Nibbles, Hoppidy,

Stella, Dalloris, Weeone, Peabody, Porter, Yeller,

Georgie, Zipper, be continued next week

(after I peek in the nest and hope Weeone dont try to kill me)

Hello! Everybody Here I AM:dancing:

No need for concerned and Thank you all for making me feel Wanted.:kiss:

I'm just Hunky-Dory:yes:that's why I haven't been around lately.

Now that I've been feeling better,I'm trying to catch up on work thatI've been neglecting here around the Ranch!

When I feel good I never cansit still for very long!

JadeIcingI will go check out your 2 new Babies and Congrates!:great:

Here's some new pics of our wild Bunny Bunch!






Notice that Baby Boo has a face full of Fur and she seems to likeit,she stayed that way till Teddy moved which was about 20 minuteslater.!

The Animals, Daisy and the Dogs have taken over our love seat,no one even sits on it anymore except the animals!:laugh:

I promise from now on "That I won't drop out of site again for morethan a day or two without letting someone in my extendedBunnyFamilyknow! Ok?:waiting: :biggrin:


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Hi Mike!:wave:

Yes, please let us know. We love you and we have to hearabout all your bunny antics! :bunnydance: I'm so glad youwere lucky enough to come home w/ "more than you bargainedfor". I hope to do the very same when we move, I can't wait.:happydance

Crystal :rainbow:
Hurray! Glad to hear things are going well!

I love this picture:


How adorable is that?! Daisy looks like shes saying "um..are you okay?"

Your girls are so lucky:DI bet they love your new animal menagerie!

Hi Mike,

just wanted to show you the babies that were born before christmas.(Weeone and Peebodys kids)
