The Bunhalla Bunnies 2011

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My cat eats the hay and pukes too. I don't know why they don't figure out the connection? I think he wants to impress Becky that he's trying to be vegetarian.

I hope your day gets better :)
[align=center]RIP Courage (July 10th 2008 - Feb. 4th 2010)


Last night when I was making the rounds saying goodnight to everyone, I found Courage the betta fish dead on the bottom of his tank. I don't know what happened to him because he looked fine when I fed him that morning.

He was with me for about 2 and a half years, and in that time learned to recognize me when I stood near his tank. I even taught him to come to a certain corner of his tank for food when I tapped on the side of his tank. He was an awesome little fishy and will be missed.

I'm taking down his tank today - no more fish for me for awhile. This will be the first time in a very long time that I haven't had at least one betta fish, but I think it's for the best for now.

RIP Courage - I hope you had a good life here with us.



So sorry
Sigh...Thanks. That was soo the last thing I wanted to find last night :(

Poor Courage.

It's always sad when you have a pet pass away and you have to do that one last cage cleaning.

I buried Courage outside under a nice big tree. Wasn't easy to find a spot to bury him that wasn't under an insane amount of snow. I know he's "just a fish", but I can never bring myself to flush pet fish...I just think it's disrespectful.

The bedroom looks so weird to me without his tank set up.
I'm sorry for your loss. I have little funerals for my fish too. It just seems the right thing to do. He had a long life for a fish, and I'm sure it was a happy one with you. :pray:
Thanks :) He did live pretty long considering he was already an adult when I got him, so who knows how old he really was. Of course no matter how long pets live it's never long enough. But yeah, it's always better when they reach a relatively old age for their species. I hate when they die young. Courage had been starting to show his age a bit over the past year. I thought for sure he was going to pass last winter, but he lived another whole year after that.

So now I'm down to Kit, the 3 bunnies, 2 aquatic frogs, and 2 geckos. Hopefully we don't have any more deaths for a loong time, since all those pets generally have pretty long lifespans. I think out of all my pets now, the bunnies would be the ones I'd worry most about, since they are the most delicate out of all the pets I have. Plus I've had to deal with a lot of issues with them, like Berry's stroke and Ziggy's ear infection. I just really really hope we can go awhile now without anyone getting sick and no more deaths.
I know the feeling.
Yesterday I was trying to get a decent picture of Haku and Aurora together for the "My Pets" page on my website.

I set up a little area on the couch where I was trying to get their pictures, and of course Kit the camera hog couldn't resist getting in on the action.

Here are some random pictures from the photo shoot!





I have a ton more but I don't want this post to be huge.

Yesterday while I was watching the Puppy Bowl (lol) I decided to make Kit a new pillow case for the pillow we keep in his crate. So I made him a red one to match all the rest of his bedding...Kit's favorite color is red ;)


Then while the super bowl was on I randomly decided to give him a hair cut. His fur was getting really long. He doesn't really have the nice straight fur that most papillons have, his fur is kind of wavy (he takes after me) and instead of hanging straight down it poofs out and kind of makes him look a lot fatter than he is. So I know it's weird to cut a papillons hair, but I think he looks really cute if I cut the hair on his body and leave his tail and ears long. He doesn't look fat anymore, he looks like a little racing dog with a funny squirrel tail. I'll try to get a new pic of him sometime soon!
Love this post. Told hubby about meeting up with you this summer. He said fine.
That'll be fun! We'll have to plan something.

It was so funny during the photoshoot, Haku was actually the one who was curious about Kit. Kit was just laying down most of the time and Haku kept going over to him.
Thanks! :biggrin2:

Kit is amazing. I luff him so much. I've never met another dog who is soooo great with other animals before, especially much smaller ones. Kit makes me smile so much. Every morning after Chris gets up to get ready for work no matter where Kit is he jumps up on the bed for morning snuggles. It's such a great way to start the day.

There is a Reptile/Pet expo in Edison NJ this weekend and I want to go so bad, but it would take us over 2 hours to get there by train/bus. Plus I know I'd waste soooo much money if I went which wouldn't be a good thing right now. Maybe next year I guess.

I ordered the bunnies some treats that got here yesterday for Valentines Day heheh. Now I just have to figure out what I'm going to get for Kit and most importantly for Chris!
I was going to go but didn't!
Myia! Hey! How've you been?

Thanks. I miss Courage but I think it was his time. He was really starting to slow down and show his age. I'm glad he didn't suffer at all, as far as I know, he was perfectly healthy one time I checked on him then gone the next.

I have been good! Just busy!

I lost all 3 of my bettas last year so I know how it is! But they were only 3. :/
Aw I'm sorry about your bettas too! It's so sad when they go.

Cleaned the bunny was really bad. Shredded newspaper all over the floor and someone peed on the rug, not sure which one of them. While I was at it I decided to cut nails too...they where not too happy about that. Oh well. Barnaby is so cuuuuute! I didn't want to put him down when I had him in my lap...he's just too adorable. He almost looks like a completely different bunny now with his darker winter coat and his long fur again. But he still has his adorable white belly!
I have to do my guys nails. Also set up a day to go where the others are and do them as well.
Nails are never fun! I'm always so afraid I'm going to clip someone's quick and make them bleed, even though I've never done that before!

I'm such a mean bunny slave...I locked Berry in the cage last night because she was driving me insane! Well I warned her, I got up like 4 times to ask her nicely to quiet down and when she didn't listen in the cage she went. Of course 20 mins after I get her to be quiet and fall back asleep and Ziggy starts acting up. I am never going to get to sleep a full night ever again....or at least not until we move someday and I can keep the bunnies away from the bedroom.

This morning I wake up to find Berry and the boys nose to nose through the cage bars. I opened the cage and Berry came running out to be with the was so cute. Like they missed each other SO much even though they where laying near each other through the bars the whole time.

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