The Bunhalla Bunnies 2011

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On January 10th of this year, it was exactly one year since Berry had her stroke.:biggrin:

It still amazes me to look at her now, and think back to how she was a year ago. A year ago today, she couldn't even lift/hold her own head up. But for the last 3 mornings in a row, she's been waking me up early in the morning by running around like a nut and doing binkies. She's also recently discovered the joy of old phone books! Her and Barnaby have been extra close together. Almost every time I look in on them now, those two are snuggled next to each other or grooming each other. Berry seems extra happy lately.

Ziggy officially hates me now. I honestly think we are both getting a little sick of dealing with each other lol. I hate having to catch him everyday to give him his meds. I'm just trying to do what's best for him, and he throws a fit every day. Today I felt bad because after dealing with him being particularly cranky and giving me a pretty nasty scratch, I had some very choice words for him.
I know it's not like he knew what I called him lol, but I'm sure he could tell I was less than pleased with him. I gave him a few treats afterwards so hopefully he forgives me.













I had to upload my 2009 and 2010 picture folders online to my website host to store them in case the computer crashes again, but it's taking over 24 hours so far! Lots of pictures!
The rabbits are driving me insane! I don't think they're planning on ever letting me sleep again...unless I sleep in the living room or move them to a different room (which I don't want to do, the room they are in is the best one for them).

Of course as soon as Chris got up and we put the TV on and stuff they shut up. They're like "Oh okay she's up now we can be quiet." UNTIL I try to lay down and get some rest, then they throw another little bunny party. I'm so tired!


Aww Berry! She's so lucky to have you as her mom. And Ziggy too, even if he doesn't show it right now :p

Your bunny parties sound pretty insane. I still can't believe how much noise they make! Seriously, mine throw their fits but if I close the door I can't hear them anymore and when they realize I'm not coming, they quit it. Soon as they hear movement, they start up again though.
I don't know how the heck they are so loud. They drive me insane. You can hear them from outside our apartment in the hallway too so the noise goes right through the walls lol. Luckily it doesn't seem to travel much further than that because the other tenets in the building claim they can't hear them from inside their apartments.

Ziggy escaped last night at like 5 in the morning. He pushed their box fort over in front of the pen, then I assumed just leaped over the pen from the top of the box...gah! Luckily the other two didn't attempt it with him. It took me forever to herd him back into the bunny room because of course he doesn't want me going anywhere near him, and he had the whole apartment to use to run away from me. Not exactly what I wanted to be doing at 5 in the morning, but it's kind of funny to talk about now.

I don't know what the heck has gotten into my three lately. They are going insane! They are making a huge mess, digging hay out of their litter boxes and hay bins and just covering every inch of the floor with it. They are being loud, hyper, keeping me up all night digging and escaping and running around like they are possessed. The other night Ziggy spent 3 HOURS dropping a jingle ball toy down the ramps in the cage...over and over and over again.
It makes me want to be a jerk and just go in there and take everything away from them, lol. No toys, no boxes ....just food and water and hay and litter pans. But the way they have been acting lately, they'll manage to make trouble just fine even with limited resources. Plus I would feel to bad taking their stuff away. I just really really hope they calm down a bit soon!
I wonder if the weather is driving them bonkers. Or maybe they heard there is a 13th zodiac sign.
Haha maybe! I have no idea what's setting them off. They weren't too bad last night, only woke me up two or three times.

My aunt is in hospice care. I'm kind of on edge lately. Every time the phone rings I'm afraid it's going to be someone to tell me that she passed. She has cancer that started off as lung cancer but is pretty much throughout her whole body now. It's really sad...growing up my aunt was almost like my second mom. She lived right up the street from my family and I spent many happy summers at her house. She has 5 kids, all boys, because she wanted to keep trying for a girl but never had one, so she really use to enjoy when my sister and I visited her, since she didn't have any daughters of her own.

I feel the worst for my uncle because a few years ago my cousin, his son, passed away when he was only 26. So he had to deal with loosing his son, and now only a few years later his wife.

So many people in my family have had cancer it's so depressing. My own dad is a cancer survivor. I have this huge phobia that I'm going to get cancer just because I've had to see so many people around me deal with it. It sucks!
I know that feeling. So many in my family as well. My great-grandma died from lung cancer that spread. *hugs* I remember that call 19yrs later. It is a horrible wait.


My sister and her kids are missing now. :? Her bf/father of her kids is a total scumbag and according to him she packed up last night and left with some guy that she's only met once, and took both the kids with her. That doesn't sound like her at all. Now no one has heard from her which is weird because she usually talks to me and my dad on the phone at least once a day.

So now I'm very worried about her and my two nieces. Just what I needed. Thanks to stupid Berry I barely slept again last night, it's been over a week since I got a good nights sleep. I'm really just running on empty and it seems like I just get hit with one thing of bad news after the next.

*hugs* I know the feeling.
Are you sure you want her? This mess is her doing...And there has been one like it or worse every morning for over a week. It's been taking me like 2 hours a day to clean up after her!



I like how her eyes are glowing red in both pictures...because she's evil! Here's a before shot of what that area normally looks like! The gross dirty litter is such a pain to get up off the rug.


But I have discovered why the bunnies have been so crazy lately! I found this in their hay this morning...



Appears that my assessment of them having bunny parties at night was correct! They party and get drunk and don't even invite me, then hide the evidence!

Lol I really did find that in their hay. It must have been compressed in with the hay somehow when I bought it. So now weird things I've found in hay include a smashed up beer can, and a meteor!

Ziggy let me pet him today. I took some pictures to compare to older pictures to see if his face has gone back to normal at all. I don't really think it has, but the vet said it may never go back to normal now even after his ear infection is gone.





So apparently now I'm going to have Ziggy with his lop sided grin, Barnaby with his messed up nose, and Berry with her one blind eye. My little group of misfits. ;)
Aww Ziggy is cute with his lop sided smile! :hearts
And yeah, that mess looks familiar. I see that same mess every day in Penny's pen. But she also pees in it to make it extra tough to clean. Wet bits of hay is 100x worse than just a mess of bits of hay... so if you are looking to take a Berry break I'm sure she and Penny have lots to talk about. Hehe!
Thanks Brandy, I think it's kind of cute too!

Helen, I feel for you then! At least this is a new thing for Berry, so I haven't been dealing with it for that long. Someone has been peeing in the mess here too...I'm not sure if it's Berry or one of the boys but I can kind of understand why they would, because all the dirty litter is out on the floor instead of in the litter box so maybe it confuses them about where they are suppose to pee. Can you imagine the mess if Penny and Berry got together? I bet they'd have fun though lol.
I've been having the worst dreams lately! Bad dreams don't usually bother me too much, just wake me up but I never really have any problems just going back to bed after.

But last night I had a particularly gruesome one made worse by the fact that one of the bunnies was thumping in the bunny room I swear in the exact pattern of a heart beat. So I woke up from the dream to whoever it was thumping but in my half sleep daze I could not for the life of me figure out what the sound was. It sounded like the sound track to a creepy movie where you hear loud heart beat sounds right before someone gets murdered or

It took me a minute but I realized what the sound had been and went in to check on the bunnies but whatever was bothering whoever it was thumping seemed to have passed because they where all happily going about their business. It was probably Barnaby, he's always been really thumpy.
My dog has to be the sweetest dog ever!






Chris' friends girlfriend got pet mice and they had babies. She brought a little boy over to ask me what I thought about it's tail because it's shorter than normal. I'm kind of the 'go to' person for animal questions in our group of friends.

Anyways...Kit was in love with this little guy. When he first saw the little mouse, he was so excited he was shaking lol. But he was sooooo gentle with it, it was amazing. He kept licking it and laying his muzzle down next to it, it was the sweetest thing ever.

Normally I wouldn't have let a dog near such a little animal...but Kit was really curious about the mousey and he doesn't have a mean bone in his body. I really have a lot of trust in Kit when it comes to his behavior around other, even much smaller, animals.
I understand Kashi is great with other animals. I'm so proud of how she is with other animals.

Have you heard from your sister?

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