The Bunhalla Bunnies 2011

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Haha maybe! They did let me sleep for the past 2 nights though so that's a good thing!

Ali...sorta. I didn't hear from her but I guess my dad did once. She's with some guy that she just met last week. The whole situation is kind of weird. We all totally support her if she wants to leave her boyfriend (the kid's father) - in fact we have all been telling her for a long time now that she should leave him because the way he treats her is just horrible.

But I don't know if I support her just running off with another man, especially one she barely knows. I told her before all this happened that I really think she needs to take some time to just concentrate on herself and the kids, and go awhile without having a man in her life. But she's the kind of woman who feels like she needs to have a man in her life to be worth something.

I's sad. I feel bad for her kids. They don't understand why she left their father and then right away went off with another man, dragging them along for the ride. And of course the kids are both little girls, I really feel like the lessons she's teaching her daughters about relationships aren't good ones.
Oh and Ali...I think Kit has a secret crush on Kashi! ;) It's too bad we don't live closer, or that I don't have a car yet, we could get them together for play dates. Kit looooooves other dogs! From what you've told me about Kashi, it sounds like the two of them would really hit it off.
Kashi has a crush on him. ;) We may make a trip out that way come summer. We can figure something out!

I understand what you mean about your sister. My God-Sisters mom is like that. We try to show her different but she is getting to an age where it's easier to do the wrong thing than the right thing.
I'll be sure to get some new pictures of Barnaby! I haven't gotten many new ones of him lately.

My bunnies are geniuses. They're so funny. Yesterday morning I heard a ton of bell noises coming from their room. They have a lot of bell toys because Ziggy really likes them. I was kind of annoyed because they woke me up again and I was planning on going into the room to take the bells away for awhile so I could go back to sleep lol. But then I saw what they where doing!

So three of the bell toys are toys that hang on the side of the pen. They have wooden chews on them and bells at the bottom. The bunnies where running around like crazy, but back and forth from the bell toys to the other end of the room. When they got to the bells, they would run into them to make them make sound, then rush to the other side of the room, then start all over again. Of course doing binkies all the way over to the bells and back.

The funny part was that they where all 3 doing it, and each using their own bell. It looked like they where having some kind of crazy race or something.

I went to get my camera to take a video but of course when I went in there with it and got close enough to take a good video they stopped what they where doing to beg for treats lol.

When I eventually get a new laptop, I'm going to set up bunny cam in their room! Then I can spy on them without having to go in there and having them stop what they are doing.
I keep forgeting I have a cam on my new laptop.
Dragonrain wrote:
The funny part was that they where all 3 doing it, and each using their own bell. It looked like they where having some kind of crazy race or something.
:shock: All I am able to say is, "WOW!!!" Each bunner picked out their own bell to ring?!! They are geniuses!! I think it is sooooo cool that they all decided to play the game at the same time of themorning. I wonder if they will play the game tomorrow morning also. And maybe the morning after that..... :p More bell toys, please!!! ;)

Oh boy more bells? Well they would certainly love that. Bells have been very popular with them lately!

They've been letting me sleep more lately. I still get woken up by them at least once or twice a night but it's usually because they want/need more hay. They haven't been being as annoying about keeping me up, after I go in and give them hay they've been calming down and letting me go back to sleep.

It's been soooo cold this weekend! Brr...I hope everyone is staying warm and having a good weekend!
Haha my guys would be sol.
My African Violet is flowering :) My mom has African violets and hers always stayed puny...but mine is getting huge and it keeps flowering. I've already had to repot it a ton of times but I'm thinking that I'm going to have to buy it an even bigger pot soon.

This plant is really special to me because it's the first "flower" that Chris ever gave me! Chris gives me potted plants instead of cut flowers because he says he doesn't like that cut flowers die. Haha he's weird but I think it's sweet, plus it works out well for me since I love plants. And how many people can say that they still have the first "flower" (really a plant but still) that their fiance ever gave them, and it still flowers?



My Christmas cactus has a tiny flower bud on it too. I tried so hard to get it to flower in time for Christmas and it didn't, and now almost a month later it has one single tiny little flower bud on it lol. Oh well, there's always next year!


My other plants are growing a lot too. This one...


That Chris got me last year started making little baby plants, so I think I'm going to have a bunch of them eventually. Here's one of the baby ones that I repotted...


And a couple of other randoms...




My spider plant and aloe vera plant both died. Chris' mom keeps making fun of me about it, I have a lot of more exotic types of plants that are harder to care for, and they are all doing really well, but I can't keep common easy stuff like spider plants and aloe vera alive. Oh well. I'll try again sometime soon.

I'll throw in some (sort of bad) bunny pictures, since most people seem to think plants are boring. :p




Your bunnies are so smart and cute! Sounds like they were racing and had some good rules so they wouldn't run into each other :)

I like the plants, I may have to post a few terrarium pictures in my blog. African violets are great! Particularly in the winter when everything is so cold and gloomy to have that burst of color makes things so much more cheerful. My husband gives me plants too because the flowers dying makes me sad.


Give the naughty bunnies a squish for Becky and me. :hug2:
Aww thanks. I'll give them a squish from you...if I can catch them lol.

The plants flowering in the winter is really nice :) I'd be the last one to complain about winter, I like the cold. It's 30* here and I have the windows open! But the one thing I can say I don't like about it is the lack of greenery outside. Having a ton of plants inside is a good way to combat that I guess!

I'd love to see your terrarium pictures sometime!
I love potted plants! My grandmas house looks like a garden. HAHA she has a bannana tree in the kitchen....
That's what we are trying to do with our kitchen lol...make it look like a garden/jungle lol. We are slowly getting there, but I need more plants!

I've been feeling really run down and tired the past couple of days. For those of you who don't know, I have an autoimmune disease that basically causes my body to not be able to process vitamin B from food, soo I have to give myself B12 injections or I get really anemic and just feel blah. I started off getting them once a week, then slowly transitioned to once a month, but I'm going to go back to twice a month, every 2 weeks, again now because once a month just hasen't seemed to be cutting it lately.

Last night I went to bed around 1am. I woke up at 8 to walk and feed Kit then came home and went back to bed and slept till 2pm lol. I really hate sleeping that much but I just couldn't function today. :(

This afternoon I cleaned the bunny room. It needed it baaad! The bunnies make such a huge mess of that room. I was so mad though...I got the whole room nice and clean and only had one litter box left. I had the last dirty litter box up on top of my hay bin to keep the bunnies from using it before I cleaned it. But while I was washing their water bowls, I heard a really loud crash. Yup, they somehow managed to knock the dirty litter box on the floor. There was poo and hay and gross dirty litter alllllll over the rug that I had just spent an hour cleaning. :X

I set up Haku and Aurora's new under tank heaters and thermostats today! Ha I was way to excited about getting thermostats in the mail.

Pictures from today...

Berry says "Why yes mom I am proud of the mess I made!!"



Ziggy wants treats!


Ziggy has been getting really good about getting his meds lately. He's doing well :) He's actually gained a bit of weight during the past couple of weeks which is good because he was a tiny bit underweight. Oh, and he hasn't been peeing on the floor lately!

Here he is sitting on my lap right after I gave him his meds (He's on injectable antibiotics), with his buddy Kit keeping him company. Kit always has to supervise and help comfort Ziggy while he gets his meds.



I can't tell if Zigs mouth looks any better? Sometimes I think it does, and other times I don't. Maybe it just depends on the angle I'm looking at it from. Either way the vet says that the antibiotics seem to be working and although his ear infection isn't completely cured yet, we're making progress.




That's it for today :) I hope everyone is staying warm! We are getting yet more snow here! It's pretty. I'm hoping that Chris will have a snow day from work tomorrow.

So so snowy! I thought we were only going to get flurries from this storm but the snow is so deep in some spots! It's taller than Kit in some spots! I had a hard time walking him this morning because most of the sidewalks weren't shoveled yet. But Mr. Kit had a fun time, as usual, in the snow.

Snowy views from our apt. windows...





Mr. Kit having fun in the snow...

Kit says "Oh my dog it's taller than I am!"




Snow pirate digging in the snow, looking for plunder!


Snow fox Kitsune escaping from the hole he dug himself into...


The bunnies of course are nice and snuggly safe in their room. I recleaned most of their room this morning after the litter box incident yesterday. I cleaned most of it yesterday but it wasn't clean enough for my standards. Having rabbits and being a clean freak is absolute torture sometimes! These pictures are before I started cleaning today, if you can't tell by the hay mess. That's Berry's handy work again.



Such excitement at your house! I'm sorry about the B12 shots, I have to get them too and they sting. Do you end up with a bruise on your arm where they give it? I get accupuncture for my pain levels and that doesn't leave a mark, a single injection and there it is.

Animals seem to know what they shouldn't do (aka pull over the litter box) but they just can't help themselves from doing it. Some kind of glee of being naughty. It's a good thing they are so darn cute. I couldn't imagine walking a dog in this. I have not been out of the house in 2 days and I like it like that.

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