Well-Known Member
Aaaand, we're back! With a somewhat cooperative computer, a new camera, and a new foster furkid, the Banana Squadron is ready for takeoff!!
Let us first welcome our newest resident, Princess Daisy! Her Highness comes to us from the Rabbit Haven, taking over the former domicile of Willow, who has found her forever family.
Hi hi hi hi!! me iz Daisy, and me iz a bootifull black netherland dwarf! mommy haz toldses me all abowt my forum familee, so me thotses me'd come and sayedses hi to you all! Mommy promisedses me will be in her changee picshur thingee very soon, so me will get the fame me deservedses!! Now, a bit more about me, Princess Daisy: Me favorite food be bananas, of corse, so all you's gifts to you's Princess can be sent to mommy to forward to me. If me is granting oddiences, you can find me on me's throne in the laundry room. Mommy calls my throne a... a... camping stove. Me guesses thoseses are fancy words for throne. Me also likes to run all the time and binkie lotses! Mommy says someting about "hard take picshurs", I thinks that means she thinks me's pretty. Shes right! Anyway, me naggedses mommy for an e-male, so maybe yous can alls send me fan male very soon when mommy caves. Ta ta!
Oh, Pshaw! yous is not the Princess!!!! ME IS!!! :X ...oh... nevermindses... you is the princess. ME'S THE QUEEN!!!!! :dude:
EEEEEEE!!! pretty does! pretty does! pretty does!!!!! :inlove:
Geez, Butterscotch... get over it... you've already made a new lake with your drool... :rollseyes:
Now that we're all introduced, here are some more pictures that mommy has taken with the new camera (the bunnies are probably starting to think that mommy and the camera are joined at the hip
(my little brother)
Let us first welcome our newest resident, Princess Daisy! Her Highness comes to us from the Rabbit Haven, taking over the former domicile of Willow, who has found her forever family.
Hi hi hi hi!! me iz Daisy, and me iz a bootifull black netherland dwarf! mommy haz toldses me all abowt my forum familee, so me thotses me'd come and sayedses hi to you all! Mommy promisedses me will be in her changee picshur thingee very soon, so me will get the fame me deservedses!! Now, a bit more about me, Princess Daisy: Me favorite food be bananas, of corse, so all you's gifts to you's Princess can be sent to mommy to forward to me. If me is granting oddiences, you can find me on me's throne in the laundry room. Mommy calls my throne a... a... camping stove. Me guesses thoseses are fancy words for throne. Me also likes to run all the time and binkie lotses! Mommy says someting about "hard take picshurs", I thinks that means she thinks me's pretty. Shes right! Anyway, me naggedses mommy for an e-male, so maybe yous can alls send me fan male very soon when mommy caves. Ta ta!
Oh, Pshaw! yous is not the Princess!!!! ME IS!!! :X ...oh... nevermindses... you is the princess. ME'S THE QUEEN!!!!! :dude:
EEEEEEE!!! pretty does! pretty does! pretty does!!!!! :inlove:
Geez, Butterscotch... get over it... you've already made a new lake with your drool... :rollseyes:
Now that we're all introduced, here are some more pictures that mommy has taken with the new camera (the bunnies are probably starting to think that mommy and the camera are joined at the hip

(my little brother)