The AWL/Chicago Ridge Megathread

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naturestee, many thanks for the transport offer. That's potentially a big help in getting these guys into homes, where they belong.

I'm so sorry to hear about the non-existent adoption rate at Sheboygan. I wish I could say I'm surprised. AWL has had one rabbit adoption in what feels like forever, and that was to an employee (which doesn't make it any less appreciated, just that it shows how people are not walking in the door looking). That CatNap hasn't even been able to adopt out Snickers is A Sign, and not a good one.If it looks like the two I sent you are in trouble, please, give me a heads-up. I'm not sure what I could do, but situations change with the mythically volatile weather around here and I've pulled offlast second miracles before.

Every week I'm getting fewer and fewer animals out of AWL because I have no homes, shelters, or rescues to send them to. The staff have always gotten - and continue to get - excited when I arrive because they know I'm getting animals to safety, but even they are starting to deflate a bit at the rapidly decreasing numbers. They know I'm trying as hard as I'm able, and in fact the director gave me a really nice certificate of appreciation (something which is not SOP even for volunteers) for all the work I've done for them. I'm just frustrated that I can't do more. But I can't. As it is I still have four hamsters born to an AWL refugee in August that I can't seem to place. The only critters I've been able to help in any appreciable amounts are rats, and that's strictly because that's where I have the best contacts.

And because I agree wholeheartedly with naturestee's statement but believe it deserves more emphasis:


So Many Surrendered, So many unwanted, .... not enough homes.

naturestee, I hope your sweetly cared-for family of youngsters will get adopted. Eventually. To good homes! Along with the rescues that BlueFrog transitioned to safety. That back room (where rabbits are euthanized because there's no homes available) makes you weep.

I believe I've seen a link on a website like this already, where ALL the euthanized rabbits from shelter/s who've lost their life because there was no home for them to belong to, were displayed. Very sad...

BF: You are an angel for all you do!
Bluefrog, Julie, no worries about my babies or Sheboygan's two Chicago buns. They do not euthanize rabbits here except for very bad health problems or extreme aggressiveness, ala Fuzza who was literally dangerous to passers-by. And then they called me about foster/rescue before anything else. I just wish they had homes!
Hello again,

It's been a hard week at AWL, so much so that I didn't press for many details. I know we lost 75 hamsters for space, and although they implied no rabbits were euthanized, there were several missing faces and only two confirmed adoptions, one of whom was in surgery being speutered while I was there. I didn't have my camera with me so this update will be more "off the top of my head" than usual:


  • Cream-colored heavy set ?dwarf, very pretty color.
  • Black Dutch mix, just a narrow white blaze and white toptips, super cute and friendly
  • Black lionhead and black lionhead without a mane?, bonded pair

  • Californian-colored Netherland dwarf, non-handicapped
Transferring to a no-kill soon![/b][/b]

  • Tiny black and white Angora in a cat-style lion clip, cutest thing you've ever seen.
Definitely still there and in need of safe haven

  • Californian Netherland doe, partially blind <-- SHE'S STILL ALIVE!!
  • Black Dutch
  • Palomino lionhead
  • Fat Hotot mix with the really cute face
  • Eyering lionhead mix
  • Palomino spotted mini rex
  • Pudgy dwarf mix REW
I'm once again going to plea for the life of that little Nethie girl, because she's a sweet little thing outside her cage (even the shelter staff agree) and I can't bear to lose her again. Someone, please? She's just a teeny little bun! No trouble at all!

Don't panic if you don't see your favorites on the "still there" list. My attention was diverted by an impacted crested guinea pig (was at top of kill list, now safe), and not wanting to look too closely at the buns, absent having someplace to send them. I know I didn't see the big Californian mix doe, the English spot mix, the small black bunny who needed to pose extra hard, or the more generic of the two eyering bunnies, but that doesn't mean they weren't adopted, hiding in an igloo, or my eye just passed over them without thinking.
I wish the babes you fostered, Angela, had homes too. Really good homes, homes that would keep in touch althou' that's not too likely.

They become extended family, those tiny heartbeats that grow up.....

BlueFrog: Surely if we had more help and hours available in the day, that tiny little disabled girl would have a spot. Must keep on prayin' she is spared, and finds forever loving hands to hold her for several more years. She'll experience a human's LOVE. Her photo just melts your heart...


  • Coolest broken rex ?mix, curliest coat I've ever seen on a living animal, and wooly! I could run my hands through his fur all day and not get tired of the sensation.
  • Several more

  • Nethie girl!
  • Tiny Angora

  • Black Vienna-marked Dutch mix

  • Palomino buck
Some significant chances coming soon. Stay tuned.
I wish I could do more then just offer my support. I think what your doing it great and I would take them all in if I could (I guess my son's got to have a place to sleep).

Good luck!:)
Echo on Wabbitdad's post. What you're doing is great.

Terrific news to hear that the Nethie girl and tiny Angora will transition to safehaven rescue.

C'mon Palomino boy, Stay safe from the injections of the back room. cheering for you too,
A huge THANK YOU to the bunny angels of RO! I don't know who you are, but word from AWL is that they had five adoptions this week alone from people who had seen them pictured on the Internet. I haven't posted to Craigslist orother onlinesources in a while, so it's got to be you guys. Stand up and be counted! And cheered! And bowed to! WOO HOO!!!

Of course, there are always buns there in need of homes. Eventhough currently no one's in danger, they want and need lovin' from their own permanent slaves:

  • Harlequin SH female, light coloring, about 1 - 2 years old, super cute
  • Harlequin lionhead, dark coloring and a very distinctive mane with almost "Fu Manchu" moustache, found abandoned, distinctive and cute
  • Harlequin lionhead, light coloring, scar or something on eye, was very relaxed about my saying Hi.
  • Black Dutch, same one who's been there for a while, haveposted photo previously
  • Black Dutch, a new one, a little smaller
  • Lionhead/English Spot? Hotot? mix, another long term-resident, haveposted photo before, really starting to blossom in personality! Hadn't really registerered before but was super-friendly and kissy today
  • Bonded pair of black lionhead and black generic rabbit (I'm guessing sibling but no trace of a mane). These two just adore each other and I really hope they find a home together.
  • Palomino buck, awaiting pre-adoption neuter
  • Bonded pair of small REWs
  • Californian or cross thereof. Looked a bit small and angular to be a purebred but was in a bottom cage and I didn't have much opportunity to investigate.
  • Orange spotted mini-rex, same one as before.
  • Small eyering bunny, on pregnancy watch & looking for a foster home
I plan to start posting these buns to Petfinder next week, after I meet with a staff member to go over AWL guidelines, which I hope will increase the adoption rate even more. Dare I feel hopeful that maybe the situation has finally turned around?!

I want the mini-rex.. :bawl:
naturestee wrote:
AWL is going to let you put animals on Petfinder? FINALLY!

YES! I am so excited about that development words can't describe it. I would have started sooner but have been feeling so punky I haven't been up to it, plus there were some database issues to be worked out, but finally, those buns will be invisible no longer. Add to that a recent clean-up, cage reorganization, hay procurement, etc., and the place is hardly recognizable compared to this time last year. I couldn't be happier about all the changes.

Pipp, be careful what you wish for! ;)He is really gorgeous, and seems quite sweet too.

Good news, everybody. Palomino boy found a really terrific home through the shelter! Woo hoo! Adoptions have started to pick up overall, and most of the adopters are reporting they've seen and heard about them through the Internet. THANK YOU to all those RO members and others who've been spreading the word! It's working, it's finally working!

There's more good news... but first, a warning to long-time threadwatchers. Lock yourself in asoundproof room and remove all fragile objects from the vicinity before proceeding, lest your expression of unbridled exultation and joy cause the neighbors to fear for your sanity or your family to disapprove of permanent household damage.

OK, you ready?

Are you sure?


I'm now on permanent Petfinder rabbit duty, with full access to the account and unrestrictedphotography privileges. This week's uploads are a little wonky due to some unprecedented camera issues, but hopefully I'll get those ironed out shortly. I figured even slightly wonky photos were better than none. I may even get tocreate entries for the goats and other livestock that most people don't even know AWL has because, for obvious reasons, they're not on the adoption floor. Heck, I'd do the dogs and cats too but there are so many, and besides, there are other volunteers taking care of promoting them. I'm all about pushing the ones others don't know much about.

Speaking of which: from here on out, if you see a material misstatement of fact on a rabbit listing at AWL (color, breed, whatever) I hope you'll take the time to PM me through the forum to let me know. I've learned a lot but there's still plenty I don't know, especially where breeds and mixtures are concerned. Emails sent directly to the shelter will probably not reach the right people, so please contact me personally instead.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to perform a happy dance. :p

BlueFrog, I am so happy for you and all of the little bunners waiting for their forever homes!!!! The PetFinder listings look great!!! You are doing awesome work!!

I am sure this is such a big step in the history of AWL. Everyone involved needs big pats on the back for trying to make the small and fury more accessable/visible to the general public.

There are so many cuties there right now, I would have such a time trying to choose. Edmund needs a big squishy from me, and look at Ridley's beautiful coat, Monty's one dark ear is so cute, and of course Sacchi is an absolute dolly!!!! :biggrin2:

Thanks for posting the great news!!


WAHOO!!! :highfive::jumpforjoy::yes::party::bow:woohoo:goodjob:party0002::time::clapping:
Im so happy for you and the bunnies! Hopefully Petfinder will help you facilitate adoptions- people connect so much more with an animal when they can see his/her face.

I'll continue to pray for you and the bunnies. I hope things start looking up for all of us in the midwest here :)

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