Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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That's a difficult decision to make. You feel like your word and credibility are on the line, yet you want to do what is the best for your rabbits.

If it were me, I guess I would look at it this way: I made myself a promise about these rabbits long ago, and I made it for very specific reasons. I put a lot of thought into the decision, and I STILL think it is the best decision.

Then I would bathe the situation in prayer, asking that the girl would understand and forgive. I'd speak to her in person, or if not possible to do that - I'd call, explaining the decision I'd made long ago. Apologize that I had mis-spoke myself, because I did not get all the facts about her rabbit housing situation right at the beginning and tell her I had to be true to my promise to myself and the rabbits. And, offer to put her into contact with another reputable breeder that you checked out ahead of time.

SO much easier to say all of this, than to do it! I'll pray for you as you think over what you need to do.
Nice pics!

It's amazing to see how big Duke is! Incredible that you pretty much had to hand raise him - which is often not successful - but he's also looking SO GOOD!

Harmony is such a pretty girl...love that dewlap :D
I LOVE PHOTOS 2 & 3 !!!!


I think Nyx is pretty much done growing (watch her prove me wrong) but her daughter may actually get bigger when she's done growing - I won't count on it - but I wouldn't be surprised.

Nyx is actually prettier than she turned out in the photos and I love photo 1 of her laying down because that is just the way she is so often - except usually Sophia is laying across her back.

I could kick myself - my camera card is out of memory and I don't want to delete any photos - but tonight - Robin went out to bring the girls in from the porch and she said they were all in ONE HUGE PILE...she saw legs at the bottom hanging out but everything else was just one huge big pile of bunnies.

I am going to get a new card and hopefully get a photo of that tomorrow evening if I remember to let the girls stay out and play for a while while it cools down.
TinysMom wrote:
I think Nyx is pretty much done growing (watch her prove me wrong) but her daughter may actually get bigger when she's done growing - I won't count on it - but I wouldn't be surprised.

Nyx is actually prettier than she turned out in the photos and I love photo 1 of her laying down because that is just the way she is so often - except usually Sophia is laying across her back.

I could kick myself - my camera card is out of memory and I don't want to delete any photos - but tonight - Robin went out to bring the girls in from the porch and she said they were all in ONE HUGE PILE...she saw legs at the bottom hanging out but everything else was just one huge big pile of bunnies.

I am going to get a new card and hopefully get a photo of that tomorrow evening if I remember to let the girls stay out and play for a while while it cools down.

That's exactly what I thought..."I'll bet she lays like that all the time". Both her parents do, and she looked SO much like Sweetie, in that reposeful position.

And, I thought, "Holy cow! Her daughter is huge already...she's going to be a big one!"

I love that "bunny pile" look...don't see it too often around here, as our buns are busy, busy when they are out to play. We see it with the babies, but that's been awhile now...

Gosh!! I think I have baby Flemmie fever again! Well, I guess I can have THAT kind of baby fever, since we aren't going to be having the other kind anymore. At least not til after our boys get married off, lol.

I hope you do capture the bun pile later, and get some lovely pictures! :biggrin2:
The bun pile is hilarious to see - especially when you see them all piled up like and its like 80 or 90 degrees (like if its 110 outside and the window a/c can only bring the temp down some).

I'll be like, "Aren't you girls hot?"

They just look at me (if they woke up) and go back to sleep.

I can see Sophia aging - she hasn't aged as well as the others. I suspect she will be the first one I lose - I keep thinking of getting her neutered but I just don't have the $$ right now.

Nyx will probably be neutered this next summer so that I can have her a long time. It won't be forever - but it will be the best I can do.

I need to remember to buy an apple this weekend and cut it up and just sit down on the floor and share with the girls. I'll probably give slices to most of the girls - but Nyx and I will share another apple or something - its been forever since we've done that.

Right now Hermes is out having his playtime...it is so much fun to have him outside - if anyone ever shows the joy of being a bunny - its Hermes. He's my binky monster....he binkies as much as a smaller rabbit.
Peg, I'm so glad you still have time to share with your bunnies (Or, I should say you MAKE time) since you got into Avon. Having a small business that you work from home can consume a person (the voice of experience here :p ), and sometimes you can get so busy you forget to stop and smell the roses...or share an apple with your bun. :big wink:
wabbitmom12 wrote:
Peg, I'm so glad you still have time to share with your bunnies (Or, I should say you MAKE time) since you got into Avon. Having a small business that you work from home can consume a person (the voice of experience here :p ), and sometimes you can get so busy you forget to stop and smell the roses...or share an apple with your bun. :big wink:
I'm sitting here in tears Karen. How is that God used you - right now - at this very moment - to confirm something?

Last night I was up late....November is going to be a tight month for us - and as sorta a desperate act - I started doing some job-hunting online and found a job at our local GNC store.

I completed the application except for the three references. I needed to double check some cell phone numbers for prior bosses who told me in the past they'd give me a reference.

Turns out two of the three I had....have changed companies/numbers, etc and I don't know how to find them right off.

I called Art this morning at work to talk to him....really sorta down. Turns out - other than the fact that the money would be nice - he's not overly keen on me working outside the home....he has a rotating schedule and he honestly enjoys having me home when he gets home from work (or before he goes to work).

As we talked, we realized that with better management - I could continue to stay home - and that if I will really spend more time working my businesses and getting out there....things will pick up. It takes time to build any business.

So what you wrote - is just such CONFIRMATION of what God was laying on our hearts.

I just get...scared...sometimes. Its not that we can't make it - its just one of those "its mac & cheese" paydays because once we buy the food and hay for the buns and pay our bills and fill the tank with gas...well....then we wait for the next payday - where we will have more money and I will have two events where I'll hopefully be selling my Avon.

So thanks for sharing that...cause I really needed to hear it today - this morning.

Isn't God so wise? He knows exactly what we need to hear, and when we need to hear it. To HIM be the glory! I just said what was in my heart at the moment...not even knowing He would use it.

It reminds me of the passage where Jesus is describing the work of the Holy Spirit (and that's what happened here, I am certain): "Out of you will flow rivers of Living Water".
I'm so excited (and this is the perfect timing too) - I bought some scent testers off Ebay from someone getting out of Scentsy and they came today. A few were discontinued but most of them (over 30) weren't....

SO I now have a set of testers I can send out for basket parties for my long-distance friends on Facebook, etc.


Also - my Avon order is due in a couple of hours - and I go see the Welcome Wagon guy and give him my stuff when Art gets home a bit after two.

Oh - and I finally got an email about an event I'll be having my Avon at in November - on the 16th. I'm so excited.
I am glad things are looking up for you. We are amazed at how things work around our house, God always seems to have one of us up when the other isdown.

I love all the pictures of your bunners, good thing Texas is big, there is a lot of cuteness in your herd.

Tell Nyx her bro Handsome Bun is as big as momma and looks like he will be almost as big as dad.
You're not going to be calling him "Tiny Tim" are you?

You know I wish I could have her brother too if he's anything like her....right?

I don't have space...but still yet.

I just got home from Walmart.....made sure to buy 2 apples so I can share one with Nyx.

Busy busy day.....got a late start this morning but after Art got home I dropped off stuff with the Welcome Wagon guy....went and put my Scentsy ad in the newspaper (I think its funny...It goes something like this:

[align=center] Practice Safe Scents!
Call Peggy today to schedule your Home or Basket party or place an order.
Then it gives my phone number, email and website addy.

It will be in the business section under "Scentsy" (just like an Avon rep has hers under Avon and a Mary Kay rep now has hers under Mary Kay).

From there we went to Walmart for a bit - but I was dying to get home because my Avon order arrived shortly before we left. Even though there wasn't much in it for me - it still feels like Christmas every two weeks when the order arrives.

I'm thinking about what other businesses I can add as time goes by. I'm definitely going to add Thirty-One Gifts because I love their tote bags.

I've decided to not add Celebrating Home for reasons I can't really go into....but partly because they would be a conflict of interest with Scentsy.

I also started thinking about selling Usborne books again. I LOVED those books when I was homeschooling and I started thinking about the Preschools in our town that might like to do fundraisers.

I'm also thinking about Tupperware.

I figure if I have enough things going - and my customer base continues to grow....and they know that I'll be placing orders regularly....it will eventually take off.

By the way - here is the logo for "Peg's Place" - this is the postcard with all of the private information removed (since I don't want it out on the forum).

The postcard will look better than this as it will list the companies I represent (as will my business card, etc).

But my letterhead and business cards will use this logo:

Like it simple but pretty.
Thanks Ali. On the business cards - the logo is actually on the left side with the other information on the top, bottom and right side. I really like the balanced look of it.

At this point in time - I'm starting to dream bigger dreams (that will take a bit of time to come true).

I'm dreaming of adding something for the kids (thinking either Discovery Toys, Usborne books, Barefoot books or some combination of those) - plus I even found something for pets that I'm looking into.

I still need to contact Tupperware to get their start-up information also.
Thought I'd clarify something here about my vision for what I want to do.

Here is what I'm sorta dreaming of...

Every 3-6 months, my customers get a plastic bag with the "main" catalogs in them - then once a month they get their Avon brochure(s) together along with the special flyers for each company - and a list of dates I'll be placing orders.
My Discovery Toys website - even has a picture of me!

Ok - so the picture is old...I need to get a better one (but I love that one of me).

I even did the "my story" about why I picked Discovery toys.

Having fun already - and one of the first things I'm SUPPOSED to do for my "work"...is to sit down and PLAY with the toys when they come.

Oh...make me cry.

I think between Scentsy & Discovery Toys I need a button that says, "I PARTY for a living".


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