Tasmanian Devil and Ruby!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2012
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, Maine, USA
Ok, yes, now you really have to laugh at me... I gave them each their own blogs, but I didn't like having to update both, so we're starting an AWESOME new blog for both of them! (This is the only blog, i promise :p )

So, anyway, I have 2 indoor buns that I will be writing about. They're both young females.

The first bunny is Tasmanian Devil, known as Taz or Tazzie. She's a female lionhead-dutch mix, but she has no dutch traits in her whatsoever! She's pretty hard to photograph (little wiggle butt!) and she's a dark brown color. She's a real sweetheart who loves to binky and run around. I'll post pics AND exclusive video of her ninja-karate chop-binkies! :biggrin: She's my little angel, (and mischievous devil-bun, oddly enough!)

Then there's Ruby, my newest bun. She's a beautiful netherland dwarf bunny with a heart of gold! I love her to bits already! :hearts

Here are pictures of them: I have 2 of Taz as a baby, then Ruby as a baby, and then the last one is Ruby today:





More posts coming, along with video and pics!! :)
Grrrr.... I'm so mad! I just took a TON of pics of the buns, only to discover the cord I need to hook my camera to the computer is at my dad's, and i'm at my mom's right now! :(

In other news, I asked the breeder I got Ruby from to send pics of Ruby's mom and dad, and she sent me some:
The first pic is Ruby's mom, the second is her dad:



Maybe this explains why she doesn't look full Nethie?
Ruby's mom looks like a mismarked dwarf hotot. I'm not as familiar with ND, but the dad does look like he could be one. Can't wait til you get your camera cord so we can see new pics of your buns :)
Thanks! I did this big photo shoot with them, and then realized I didn't have the cord... :grumpy:
Btw, I forgot to mention their birthdays!! :lookaround

Taz was born on July 21st 2012, and Ruby was born September 6th 2012! ;)
I'm home sick today :( Bad cough/cold/slight fever, etc. So, I'll be spending lots of time on RO and with the buns!
Okay, so I saw this little pet carrier in the store... I almost died, it was sooo cute! I want to get it for my buns! Does anyone else have one?
My only question with it though, was, if they pee in it, can you wash it? I would probably have to wait till they're more litter trained, but are those kind of carriers good?
This is it:

And then, I went to the petsmart website, and i saw this.... http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2751754&f=PAD/psNotAvailInUS/No
oh my word, I want it for my outdoor buns!!!!!

Okay, now I have to make a bunny wish list! ;)
My bunny wish list:

1. Pet carrier above.
2. New Toys for them
3. NIC get done!!!!!
4. harness!
sorry to hear you're sick, that really sucks! hopefully bunny snuggles will help a little.

the first link is the same as the second, btw...

you definitely want a carrier that can be cleaned easily - has nothing to do with litter box training and everything to do with the fact that there's not a litter box IN a carrier. if they've gotta go, they've gotta go.
haha, yeah you're right...

Big news! I moved the buns into the bog NIC just now! They seem to like it! *fingers crossed* There's a divider, and I have some toys/grass mats in there, so I think they're set for now! Pictures WOULD be coming if i had that stinking cord!!
Sometimes you don't have to have the exact cord that came with your camera. If your mom has a computer cord with the right kind of connector to hook to your camera, then that will work too.
I already checked for another cord :(

But, I feel like doing back flips... THE CAGE IS AWESOME! :yahoo:
Yay!!! I bet your buns are happy running around in there :) Can't wait to see pictures.
So, even though I don't have pics yet to share, I will give a quick update:

Both bbuns seem to like their new cage; Ruby is exploring more than Taz. Taz is laying in her grass cave which she had for awhile in her little cage, but then I had taken it out to give her more space. I think she's happy to be reunited with it!

For Ruby, I took a little cardboard box and filled it with hay, and she's loving it! Oops, she just knocked her food bowl down :rollseyes:

But, i think all is well. I'll be getting more toys and fun things for them soon, but for starters, they just have the following:
Taz--grass mat, grass cave, homemade toys, litterbox, food and water,
Ruby--box with hay, litterbox, homemade toys, food and water.

I think it's kinda strange Taz isn't checking out more of her cage, although she used to spend most of her time in the cave, so i must have made her kinda sad when I took it away, poor girl! At least she has it now! :)

Oddly enough, the buns kinda have this 'schedule' where they'll be moving around at night, in the morning be hungry for food and jump around, then, as the day goes on, settle down until late afternoon, around 4:00, and then that's when they get the most playtime. Do any of your buns have a 'schedule' like that?
bunnies are crepuscular, which means they're most active in the morning/evening and sleep through most of the day ;)

mine are up and about most of the night like I am... by mid-morning they're very lethargic and "go away mom, we're sleepy".

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