Soooska's Bunny Burrow 2009 - 2011

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Thanks everyone for your kind comments.

I had my title changed, I decided not to start a new blog, why you ask? Because I want everyone to remember my Beautiful Wilbur & Jackie even though I don't have them anymore and Fluffy too. If I started a new blog people wouldn't read about them.

Jan I have no idea how they are doing, it's been probably 5 months since i've seen them and have not talked to Chris since I moved at the beginning of December. It's probably better that way, I just hope & pray he keeps them and does not give them away. I just couldn't take them, having the 4 I have is alot of work for me as it is. I'm actually glad we all live on the same floor. Now saying that I hate apartment living after being in a house for 11 years.

I got the little bed at Ikea. If you look for it it's under a Dolls Bed.

I was cleaning up the rest of the holiday stuff and while packing up the cards. I ran across the one from last year with Daisy. Made me smile all over again.
Thanks for sharing that Ali. Daisy Mae was very excited.

More pictures of Daisy Mae.

Daisy Mae sharing Buttercup's Bed.



DM in the Hidey House


DM just being CUTE!



Awwwww, so sweet girl. :) She looks so lovely, Susan. Just sitting there, she doesn't have to do anything and I'm melting... she's super cute ! :inlove:
Thank you for sharing info about Ikea. How's it going with finding someone to trim your bunnies' nails ? Have you got anyone yet ? Good luck for that.
Dave, I love the dehydrator and so do the bunnies. I've done bananas which they love and they are alot cheaper than the oxbow ones too. Carrots also are good. I've dried parsley which I sprinkle on their pellets an extra treat for them.

I paid $39.00 for mine from Wallyworld before Xmas. Best thing I ever bought for the bunnies. Both Daisy Mae & Buttercup know where the treats are they come to the kitchen door to get one or two.

Thanks for compliments everyone.

Yeah Dave it wasn't that expensive. It's a "Salton" Model # DH-1171.

Now for pictures of the Dutchess of Ajax. She wanted to take some pictures for her Boyfriend Skittles from Bunspace. It's his Birthday tomorrow.









Hey Susan?

Didn't you get a new camera?

Didn't you say something along the lines of taking lots more pictures, always? :p

Hehehe, seriously, I hope you are doing well today. :flowerskiss:
SOOOSKA wrote:
Thanks for sharing that Ali. Daisy Mae was very excited.

More pictures of Daisy Mae.

Daisy Mae sharing Buttercup's Bed.



DM in the Hidey House


DM just being CUTE!




Daisy Mae has to be the cutest bunny ever! :inlove: She is just so adorable. How on earth does she manage to stay so white?
Thanks for the nice replies.

Di, Daisy Mae is such a "Little Lady" :happybunny:she would be mordified:shock: if anyone saw her dirty.

She was not happy with her Mommie for posting those pictures of her with pumpkin on her nose.

Nela I did get the new camera, I must take more pictures SOON.:biggrin2:
