Sometimes people just tick me off...

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I always have this fear in situations like this that the bunns will get to be too big an issue or nuisance and they will quietly "disappear".:(

Well if you phone the OSPCA and I call again with the pics this time...maybe between the two of us we can get them closed happened with one other store I know of...but it takes a concentrated effort to get the OSPCA moving sometimes!That and Ithink after annoying them they cleaned everyone up and then the OSPCA came the next day...

LOL I told hubby I was going down to check on them and I think he feared I was going to come home with all of them...and granted it took and effort not to...

If you look at the price is for Lionhead Golf Rabbit $79.99..(whatever the heck that is) so they aren't going anywhere anytime soon!

*Pepper* wrote:

*rolls up sleeves, takes off earrings*



lol make sure you don't damage your earrings...

I will be interested to hear what happens when you make another call by, as I'm sure many others will be. All the best.
Pepper-you do have family in Mississauga don't you?
I don't know if I have enough money to bail you out...make sure before they get back up you grab all the fuzzies and run like mad!:biggrin2:
Runestonez wrote:
If you look at the price is for Lionhead Golf Rabbit $79.99..(whatever the heck that is) so they aren't going anywhere anytime soon!

This is why I have been continuing doing what I have. Lionhead Golf Rabbit?!? Sheesh! I'm going to have fun with this one! These people just don't get it - there is clearly a language barrier to boot which makes it VERY difficult to communicate at times (MOST times!). And a small inkling in me has always wanted to give them a benefit of the doubt due to this and 'help' them by understanding that what they are doing is wrong --- [this soley depends on the mood I enter the store with on any given day though - they often just gets rants with me standing there, tapping my shoe with my arms crossed]. It seems to me that they often play the 'ignorance is bliss' card with me... and by now they should know better. I'll get over there as quickly as I can and keep you posted. I'll also try contacting MAS and OHS to see what they have to say in addition to OSPCA... grrrr...
Runestonez wrote:
Pepper-you do have family in Mississauga don't you?
I don't know if I have enough money to bail you out...make sure before they get back up you grab all the fuzzies and run like mad!:biggrin2:
:thumbup sounds like a deal!

I sure hope this can go about in a civilized manner - I just have to somehow convince my fiance that our day full of running errands, together, will need to be tweaked a tad with a detour. He will tear my head off for torturing these people. Then again - what's love without a getaway car?!?!

Anyone seen the "IKEA" commercial??? "START THE CAR!!! START THE CAR!!!!!" except instead of bags full of great buys, I'll be running out dragging cages full of critters!

:big wink:
Why bother shutting it out gone!
I'm fully with you grab um and leg it! it's disgusting for them to be kept like that. If I could I would join you and give you a hand!
Well done for doing all of that! At least they are in a bit better condition.

But oh my goodness!!!!!

Here it seems to be very good with animal keeping in shops, as far as it goes. I love going into pet shops, and every one I've been to here in the UK has been a pleasure- 2 or 3 rabbits with maybe 12ft by 8ft space in one shop i saw! With toys, hay, food, water- it was lovely. The guinea pigs there to had plenty of space and toys- as much as the rabbits, which was lovely to see because people often think guinea pigs don't need space because "they don't hop".

I can't believe the OSPCA didn't do more than that. That's disgusting. Surely the OSPCA is full of passionate, driven people, but they didn't do anything......
Surely any one of us would have done better than that? There are certain rules that have to be followed when keeping pets in shops right? So surely the OSPCA have the right to enforce them in any way possible?

I phoned the OSPCA again...I had to leave a message...
That was Friday and they still haven't called back.

I know they are closed right now but I will keep phoning every darn day till I drive them nuts if I have to!:grumpy:

All I want is an email addy to send the pics to...then they can decide what to do.

Good for you! The world needs more people like you!
those pictures made me sick...

is there no one else you can call...??/
id call a local shelter up and see if theres someone else..they may know better
this is animal abuse on a couple levels, and neglect and if charged they could never again be allowed to carry small animals or any live animal but fish.

if it was be busting in at night and stealing all of them and leaving a note that nicely states how idiotic they a nice way :)

Personally I used to call the Toronto Humane...but with the kerfuffle between them and the OSPCA...I only have the OSPCA now to call for help.

And some darned help they have been so far either.:grumpy:
By the time they get around to it...
Just a thought - have you considered contacting Rabbit Rescue? Maybe OREO as well? I'm thinking (A) they might be able to put you directly in touch with a cruelty investigator they have worked with in the past, saving you all the red tape and runaround. And (B) they might be able to mobilize local volunteers to visit the store and complain.
unique user name wrote:
Just a thought - have you considered contacting Rabbit Rescue?  Maybe OREO as well?   I'm thinking (A) they might be able to put you directly in touch with a cruelty investigator they have worked with in the past, saving you all the red tape and runaround.   And (B) they might be able to mobilize local volunteers to visit the store and complain.  

Runestonez is OREO I believe.

I hope Runestonez and *Pepper* and get things figured out for the bunnies sake. Good lucks girls!
paul2641 wrote:
There is a pet shop like this were I live they are part of a chain and they are terrible the cages always reek of diarrhoea, And you can see it all over the pens, They also feed them terrible quality food and don't give them hay, While they have another branch of this pet store in my area aswell less then an hours walk from the other one and it is a hundreds times better, Cages always spotless, Staff actaully know what there doing, And they actually help!

I have pulled staff many a time in the bad one telling them the rabbits need hay, One day I nearly dropped to the ground laughing when one of the CHILDREN working there said Oh we don't feed hay as it makes rabbits BLOW UP! I was like WTF! And gave him a serious talk, A week later going in the rabbits were being fed hay!

Not to go off the thread but I was boarding Mercy in a facility that was not the best but when I worked there I know the horses were getting clean stalls, turnout, hay and food... and when I taught, kids and their horses were safe. I popped in unexpectedly to see Mercy at her gate quite angry as the girls feeding did not give her hay. I asked them "Why didn't THAT horse get hay?"

"Oh she doesn't get hay." After I held back some choice words I told them I work here in the mornings and that horse gets hay and I said so. We moved a month later.

Thank goodness for those bunnies someone is looking out for them. No bunny deserves to be treated like that.

How about the news media? I know here in my area our NBC affliate loves stories like these, especially when you back it up with facts - not that I wish it to go that way but these rabbits deserve better than the conditions they are in and the store should not be making a buck keeping any animal in conditions like that... it just perpetuates the badness....

Hope these bunnies can be helped...

Yes I am one of the four board members organizing OREO. We are strictly education and support...I can drop off educational materials but have no other authority. I can get involved in anyway I see fit but not as a member. Although I did try with the OSPCA to get them moving.:D

If you call the city, they tell you to call the OSPCA or Humane Society. Although cruelty and neglect are criminal offences and you can call the police...if the OSPCA is unwilling to move on the busniess...the police certainly won't.

Haviva (Rabbit Rescue) can't do much either. Although I will contact her and ask if she can apply a bit of pressure as well.

I am the unofficial outreach coordinator for OREO. So I regularly contact the media to try to keep rabbits and welfare front and center...uh huh...when was the last time you saw rabbits in the media and it wasn't Easter!? :grumpy:Its like butting your head against a brick wall just for fun.):banghead

I haven't heard from Pepper yet...hopefully she isn't in jail!;)

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