Someone dumped 2 domestic rabbits off on my 5 acres

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21oa89y.jpg's have got me spooked that Mahpsies gonna have heat stroke! I just read the links on overheated rabbits. UGH!

Mahpsie is in there, trust me. :) I didn't wanna move her shade, the picnic table,just to get a good pic.

The crate is right outside the the shade...5' from me. Every 10 minutes, I'm lookin' out with the binoculars...lookin' for signs. The heat index is already 93 & goin' for a minimum of 100. I've got the crate in a really good spot, to catch what little breeze there is. The spacing on the bars is 2". The adult wilds came & went via the door...the young wilds came & went thru the bars, but...Mahpsie couldn't begin to squeeze thru 'em. :)

I just took out some fresh the water bowl (Mahpsie was drinking from a 1960 era pink melmac cereal bowl, within 15 minutes of me catching him/her, this morning. Musta been pretty thirsty. OR...Mahpsie has a thing for pink. LOL!) Within 2 hours, s/he let me stick my hand in and touch her/his head. :) While I had the fresh, cool water...I poured some in my hand and flipped it on her/him & s/he didn't seem to mind at all.

The term panting. Does that mean with the tongue hangin' out, like a dog pants? Mahpie's breathin' pretty fast, but...the only time I've seen the tongue is after a drink. I know the wilds breathe pretty fast, in the heat.

I've got 2 frozen ice thingy's in the crate & most times, either the front end or the rear end of Mahpsie is touchin' at least one of them.

I've got some of the biggest coons I've ever seen. ( The whole family was out here at 4:00 AM, yesterday...chattering. 4 babies & Mom & Dad), sooooooo...I will make sure that Mahpsie is safe from them & any OTHER critter. I really don't wanna stress him/her out in this God awful heat, but...this evening...I'll probably sit the crate in the garage, once I get the fumey smellin' stuff sat outside for the night...and shut the garage up, for safe keeping. (Where I live, I don't ever lock a door or take a key out of a car & the garage is left open 24/7unless it's winter time or it's gonna rain.)

I see no signs of ticks...the nose is all healed up & is black. I assumed it was pink. You wouldn't know it'd ever been bleeding.

btw...The Momma ducks haven't lost anymore babies. WHEW!!!
Bunnies don't stick their tongues out when they are panting. It's just really fast breathing that makes the whole body move.
If Mahpsie is calm enough to let you pet him/her, I think you can safely move the crate inside to the AC without any major issue. Just place some blankets in there to snuggle into if she gets a bit cold, and try to place the cage near the semi-cool spot in the house.

You bunny whisperer, you! I still think you make a marvelous bunny parent.
Hooray! I'm so glad you caught her! I really admire your tenacity in this situation and how you're always thinking of the best for her :)
this is awesome news!! Good Job!! ..that poor bunny has been out in the elements struggling to survive.,,BRING THAT BUN IN THE HOUSE AND SPOIL IT !!..

hase213.gif's the "skinny" on Mahpsie.

I put him/her in the garage, last night. This morning, s/he allowed me to pick him/her up & put him/her in a carrying case. I moved the crate back outside...put him/her back in it & gathered some food for him/her.

S/he hadn't eaten a bit of the pellets I put in last night, sooooo...I gave him/her: freshly cut wild carrot tops (Queen Anne's Lace), Cheerios, Life cereal, oatmeal, a carrot & cabbage, this morning. S/he LOVES the carrot tops, Cheerios, Life, & oatmeal...with a few nibbles on a carrot.

I just talked to the woman at my vet's office. She doesn't have room for another rabbit, but...she's gonna ask the vet if he'll let his kids have it. We both know what's gonna happen if I take it to the "humane" society. UGH!


btw......Mahpsie is now in the living room, in the dog crate.
I let the Columbus Rescue know I caught him/her, but...haven't heard back from them. I gave them a link to this thread.
Yay! I'm so glad you got him/her! I've been following this thread since it started, but I feel I've missed something. What happened to Flahpsie?

I agree, you should definately keep him/her! After all you've shared together? I think it's great he/she's letting you pick him/her up! I was fully expecting them to be untouchable, hehe.
I haven't commented before, but I've been following this, and I think you are awsome for all the time and patience you have had fgor little Mahpsie. He/she has obviously been used to people at one point, as you were able to pick him/her up.

I hope the vet can take Mahpsie - if not, \i think you would make a great bunny slave ;):biggrin2:

Flahpsie disapeared..:( ...i have to tell u as this thread went on i wanted to not read it cuz i really didnt think we were gonna have a happy ending ,i know i sound like im being negative but all the sad stories i read about these little guys ..4pitysake you have no idea how happy i am about this! are amazing!!!...and FYI bunnies can really get attached to one person and they can actually be cage free in ur home (after u bunny proof it of course )..and when ur outside tending to ur 5 acres ur bunny will follow you around ur property and be a very good buddy to someone....they really arent just little critters that stay in cages anymore ...they are not as difficult to keep as one might think,,,i know ur wanting to find it a good home but if it comes down to you being "stuck" with this little critter ..ur gonna realize how magical they really are...let us know if u need any help or advice if you do end up keeping her/him.....we can def help make it easy for u:)....
:biggrin2:Thanks for considering me a prospective bunny slave, but...I honestly do NOT have time for a bunny. I've got 2 dogs & they keep me plenty busy.

I'm just one that has always defended the it critter or human. (And, times becoming almost obsessed.)

Can a bunny eat too many carrots? Mahpsie has eaten an entire carrot, today.

Not thinking Mahpsie needs a "bathroom", until I saw #1 & #2 in the crate...what do I use? All I have is cat litter.

No one from my vet's office can take Mahpsie, but...he's gonna call a client that has an elderly bunny & see if he'd like Mahpsie. I'll know, tomorrow.

Thurs. morning, I need to be in Columbus, Oh. at the OSU veterinary hospital, soooooooo...if I haven't found Mahpsie a home by then...I'll be more than willing to take him/her along & hand him/her off to someone. :wink
WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Man oh man, how thrilling! What a happy thing to read about!


After all that work... Are you suuuuuuuure you want to let her go? I mean, there's got to be some sort of bond there now right? ;)She just loves your place! Lol. Well, alright... If you insist :p

Seriously though, congratulations! Your hard work and determination really paid off hasn't it?
scoopable cat litter is no good..for now put a litterbox in there with shredded up newspaper ..that should work temp.:)
and yes too many carrots can be a bad thing..1 carrot will be ok..just not everyday..:)..keep us posted:)
Well, it's been 2 long weeks since I caught Mahpsie. (Mahpsie has been in the foyer for these 2 weeks, other than for the mornings outside while I clean the cage.) Iheard back from the Columbus House Rabbit Society. I'd explained to them that I can't keep Mahpsie & haven't been able to find a home for him/her...and, that I'd have to put him/her to sleep at my vet's, but...that I'm more than willing to drive the 3 hours to pass him/her off to one of them in their organization.They wrote back & this is part of their email: Sorry to hear you aren't having luck placing the rabbit. At this point, the best we could offer is to take him to our local shelter, where there
is also a chance he would be euthanized. Thank you for caring enough to catch the rabbit. Even if you end up having him euthanized, it's far better than the fate he would have had as a stray.

So, I went ahead & made an appt. with my vet to have Mahpsie PTS, tomorrow. Today, my vet came out to put my Mom's 12 yr. old Labrador to sleep & asked where Mahpsie was. I showed him/her to him...he called his office & said he was bringing Mahpsie in & for them to DO THEIR BEST AT FINDING MAHPSIE A HOME!!! So, Mahpsie is at the vet's office...still lookin' for a permanent home. He will keep HER in his office for as long as he can. (I had him make sure what gender that little black rabbit is. He chuckled, did a little searching and said: "It's a GIRL!" :) )

This is the last pic I took of Mahpsie. I had no idea how hard it would be to find her a home. :(

I'll keep you's posted. Say lots of :pray:that she gets a home. I know my vet won't allow her to go to anything but.

People need educated on getting rabbits. They are a lifetime commitment...just like any other pet. I have certainly gotten educated on them & will educate anyone I know of that is even THINKING of getting one. They aren't throw-away's.

{HUGS} to you all!
Mahpsie is lucky. Sanctuaries and rescues get more rescue calls than they can possibly handle. Mahpsie is very lucky. The intake requests to our rescue org have numbered around 12-15 unwanted companions in the last 3 weeks. It's really sad how many are unwanted, and the fate they face or actions from careless people who toss them loose.

Good for you to educate - and for capturing that lucky girl !!! Please keep on educating about throw-aways. The majority of 2-legged family members are clueless when they see the adorable picture of a youngen. More education is truly needed to prevent companion pets from dying.

It affects you when they are unneccesarily put down b/c homes are in short supply.
~ Glad she didn't get PTS and your vets are giving her another chance.

Hugs to Mahpsie. Thanks for posting the extra picture. :D

A fan across the miles,
:shock: Gosh my heart was pounding so hard when i was reading about the PTS sleep part and I was basically yelling NO NO NO! I'm so happy that she wasn't:expressionless It's so sad when these situations arise. I don't know if it's possible, but if shelters have adoption events maybe they can advertise her anyway in case someone might be interested?

Thanks for the update :)
One can't forget about Mahpsie's cohort, the brown-furred one, who wasn't seen again. Sadness here. You were there to help both of them and Mahpsie eventually was rewarded with your patience and efforts.

Your kindness, and ability to read tips the RO community posted to assist with their captures, is a trait I wish all humans had.

Thanks for keeping us all posted. That salad plate :D was somethin' else.

You're my hero for hangin' in there ~ and having a vet and vet tech to boot.

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