Snuggy's Family Scrapbook

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Oh gosh, your babies are the CUTESTthings! I want to go out and buy accessories for my boy butwhat do you get for a boy bunny! I love the professionalpicture wiht the bandana!!
Laura wrote:
Ithought you loved everything about Elvis, even the tackystuff. I'm disappointed.
Tacky stuff????

What Tacky Stuff?????

I was doing a little research on Great Danes and found this. Had to share:


I wasn't going to post any more dog pics, but this one was wearing bunny ears, so I couldn't resist!


:foreheadsmack:That poor dog! The indigity of it all!

Was talking about Toby last night saying how beautiful and sweet he is. Give him kisses for me.


Aw, thanks, Carolyn. Toby will be sixmonths old next Thursday! I can't believe it. I'mgoing to have to cut back on the pellets. I've been givinghim all he'll eat, which is less than half a cup per day.

He's really starting to look "mature". His face has changed alot and I've noticed his fur is starting to get darker.

I'll have to take some pics and put them up.


Well, it's taken almost a month, but I finally have Toby pics:

He is in bad need of a haircut. Razz, can you pop over and help me please???

Yes, there really is a rabbit in there:


Oh, there he is:


Boys can wear skirts. Stop laughing! It'sa kilt! I'm a Scottish American Fuzzy Lop!


Poor baby. I really do need to trim him. I brushand pull out wads of hair every day, but it's taking forever for it allto come out.


Snuggy says, "Ha ha, Toby-boy. I never have to get my hair cut." :p


"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful."

:faint:Toby looks like a faux fur rugthat learned to walk. W:shock:w, that baby has got tons of hair. What adoll though.

Snuggy looks so sweet and so smug all at the same time.:p Sheis so pretty. I love her markings and that face is so kissable.

Love on them for me ok.

Oh, it's been so long since I've seen this thread! They are all looking so beautiful. I just love Toby.

MyMom has 2 Great Danes. They are the mostwonderful dogs. Odin, our male, weighs 212 lbs and is 40" atthe shoulder. He's HUGE! Tira, his sister, weighs165 and is 36" at the shoulder.

:shock:OMG! Where are my scissors??? You can'ttell which end should eat and which end shouldpoo!!! Give that baby a haircut! AND I want Snuggy!!! What abeautiful baby! ;)


Thanks, Razz, but I'm afraid I can't tradeSnuggy fora haircut. Guess I'll just have to do itmyself. I have six days off starting tomorrow. Iwonder if that will be enough time!

Thanks Tina and Jen. I will give all the babies extra lovesfrom you. Jen, I think my next dog will definitely be analbino Great Dane. That boy wassuch a gorgeousbeast. What is it with me and wanting big white furryboys? Cough, Apollo,ahem.;)


I gave Toby a really BAD haircut. He'snot happy with me. I'm too embarassed to put up apic. Oh well, it will grow, right? At least now hewon't be ingesting much fur.


:nonono:No fair. We got to seethe before pictures, now we need the after pictures. It can't be thatbad. I want tot see Nekked Toby. I bet he looks adorable. So c'mon,where's the pics.

:waiting:We will be waiting for pics of the punkin.

Okay, Tina. I really made himugly. Kevin made me cry because he said I took away the thingthat made Toby special.


This is the look I've been getting since the haircut:


There's still some trimming up I need to do, but I thought I'd give him a little break.

I know it will grow back quickly so I'm not too bummed out.

He doesn't look ugly!!! What a cute lil guy! I'msure he's happier and cooler. "Punkin" is definitely a good word touse. :Djust want to sink your hands into that fur and givehim rubs!

Oh Sweetie, I really wish you hadn't cried. :hug:From one bunnyhugger to another... You did an awesome job.:blueribbon:

He looks great. I love the new haircut. I bet he feels betterand I know it helps you with fighting wool block. He is as adorable asever. Go hug that punkin for me.

Let Kevin brush him everyday and I bet he'll change his tune.That's like saying I woldn't be special anymore if I cut my hair. Don'tyou believe that for a second Sweetie. Toby is always going to be aspecial little guy no matter what.

:hug:and :kiss:to you both. We love you just the way you are.

Tina & Zoo Crew

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