Silly Rabbits

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not really much of an update, but wanted to post this as i was bored last night and was playing around on the computer


just for fun!
well, I posted an entire long bunny blog post last night, but it seems to be missing (weird huh?) guess maybe I clicked out before posting it or something!


for anyone that didn't see: my new septum piercing!

it didn't hurt at all when I got it done, but now my nose hurts so bad. But it was totally worth it, I love it.

And I went to this fancy italian place last night with my roommate and a close friend. My roommate and I were celebrating our "3rd anniversary" (we have lived with each other for 3 years on March 10th). It was SO good, words cannot even describe how yummy the food was.

as for the bunnies, winnie seems to be feeling a little better. still shedding fur everywhere, but she is using her litterbox again, and seems more active.

here is a theory that my roommate came up with: winnie doesn't like it when I am not home, and I have kinda been working mad crazy hours, and had lots of other stuff going on, so I have hardly been home to do more then sleep and take a quick shower. I think the stress of it got to her. because she seems to have really improved in the last 2 days and I have been home the last 2 days. there could be a connection.

And as for chaucer??? well, he has taken up a hobby. spraying. Yup, he sprays, and has amazing distance. he got me full body last night.

he is for sure ready to be fixed, and you bet I am calling the vet to get him RIGHT in!!!

anyway, I am off to take photos and meet my mom for lunch! might have some great bunny photos later today!
Ugh. Boy bunnies.

let me tell you, they stink and are messy, they spray, and they circle.

and it is utterly impossible to be angry at something that loves you SO much.

I feel guilty leaving the house everyday because Chaucer LOVES to go for car rides, and visit people, and stuff. Whenever I grab my coat and purse, he rushes to the door of his cage, and basically climbs it to say "let me come with you". All the while he is giving me the puppy dog look with his big brown eyes.

But right now it is hard to take him out, mostly because he is proving to be ALL boy now. He sprays everything, and my once clean freak rabbit has turned into one heck of a messy bun.


his cage after just 2 days! I know this isn't a big deal, that many people deal with this kind of mess on a daily bases with their rabbits, but it takes some adjusting for me as my rabbits are all clean freaks. His cage is normally impeccable. Cleaning it simply is changing the litterbox out, wiping the floor down with a damp cloth, and washing his food dish and water bottle out. Now I am scrubbing and sweeping.

blah. Not so much fun, and I won't be able to get him in for his neuter for a couple more weeks!!!!

but I still can't help but love him! I would love him even more if he would stop stealing my cloths though! That is the other thing really starting to annoy me is when he takes a $40 splurge shirt and decides that it is now 'his' and belongs in his cage so he can cuddle with it at night, and spray it all day with wonderful smelling boy urine. I thought I was doing really good and keeping all my cloths off my floor, but he discovered the dirty cloth's basket, and jumps around the house in joyful binkies when he finds it. Like a big pile of candy to a 4 year old.

Winnie has been very mellow lately. I even accidentally left a full bag of flour sitting on the floor after shopping the other day and she didn't even break into it. And we all know how winnie LOVES to make a mess.

Although she did play with a plastic bag, so that is something.

My girl is only 5 years old. . . what's going on with her? could old age be setting in already?

Being the guilty owner that I am, she is getting extra time with the heating pad while I lay with her at night, and that is making her a very happy bunny.

Just wish she was completely back to her old self again.

and chaucer now has the hiccups, guess he got to worked up trying to spray my entire room from his cage *rolls eyes*

anyway, I will leave everyone with this last photo (sorry, not a bunny). my nephew enjoying some blue moon ice cream at my brother and sister's party. I thought it was cute enough to share!

I love the piercing! I decided after being with Bayou through his horrible spraying phase before his neuter that the next rabbit I get will be neutered before I even bring him home. :biggrin2:
so a short update for the night!

cleaned my little boys cage out today, and i tossed all the cloths he had stashed away in there. final count:

3 tank tops, 1 shirt, 1 cami, and 2 sundress.


and you know the sad part? i tossed a few old shirts down so he could pick one or 2 to take back to his cage.

i am such an enabler. but I just feel so bad for taking his prizes away from him. he is like a raccoon with shiny objects, just can't help himself.

but it was really cute, when i was cleaning his cage, all he wanted was to get in my lap and get pets, I would be picking up toys and he would shove his head under my hand for pets. my little lover boy!

I really wish right now that I lived someplace were I could have a dog. Just my random thought of the night, I think the next place I live will have to allow dogs, hopefully a large dog (as i prefer big dogs) like a golden retriever, Akita, blue-tick coonhound, German short-haired pointer, ect. if not, I am looking at maybe a french bulldog, or something. would really like to get into showing or agility. it would be a fun thing to start up as a hobby.

and I would like everyone to know that my 'trucker stomach' (as my roommate calls it) is currently enjoying a plate of chips and cheese, but i didn't have any tortilla chips, so I made them with classic potato chips. yum :)

and my rabbits are far to used to my odd behavior. I like to kinda booty dance (okay, really it is just me shaking my butt and jumping around the house like a complete dork) every night for about 15 minutes. it is 15 minutes of hard cardio and it boosts my mood a lot. so there is katie, rocking out to lady gaga in my pjs, and i stop, look over and see winnie sprawled all lady like on my bed looking at me like 'she is 5 kinds of crazy'. then i start singing and chaucer start's to thump. guess that is the end of my career in singing!

oh, and thanks jess! I love my new piercing too! it hurts SO bad though, i am keeping it tucked up for the most part to heal as that is how it will be for 40 hours every week at work, and whenever i am at my parents house, plus i don't bump it as much when i have it tucked into my noise

I spent the whole day at home with the buns and I really think winnie has anxiety issues with me not being home, I really really think that is part of the problem with her health, cause when i am home for a few days in a row, she is back to herself and fallowing me around and even doing a binkie or 2! and if it was up to me i would just stay home all the time with her but i can't. I am really hoping that once she is completely bonded with chaucer and living with him it gets better

anyway, just finished my chips and cheese, and washed it down with a bottle of warm flat ginger ale. . . thinking it is time for my bed and my book! maybe i will get some photos tomorrow

night all!
So I am kinda sad.

winnie is back to not feeling good. I really REALLY think that has everything to do with me not being home and her anxiety and depression from that. today was my first day back from vacation.

chaucer is same old spraying chaucer :X i cannot wait to get him into the vet and get him fixed!

on other news, I am also not feeling my best. I have a really bad spider bite on my back and it just kinda makes me feel blah.

really hope that it isn't going to get worse.
so I haven't udated my blog in days!

ugh, so the sad news is that I lost my betta fish today. He has been sick for a long time now, and after struggling to make him better he just kinda left us. I found him when I got home tonight.

Goodbye Cornelius. . . you will be missed little buddy

AH! so not only has my blog fallen to the second page, but 1/2 down the second page!

I promise to really try for some more photos soon! I have just been SO busy lately!

and I thought I would share why:


Meet Evan, my brand new nephew!!!

and I have also been doing lots of this!


Jack (my other nephew) LOVES coloring easter eggs!
I read through your entire blog. It took me a while because I am a slow reader but it was worth it.

Your new camera looks like it takes great photos! I can really see the difference, the rabbits are in focus even though they might have been moving. That photo of Cornelius is really cool. I love the colours and reflection and bubbles.

And congrats on another nephew! I read some pages back that another nephew was on the way. How is Jack finding the new addition? I find it interesting how the older siblings adjust.

Anyway I love your blog, you are a great writer! Keep it up :)
Well, it has been a while since I have posted, updated, or even logged onto RO. I have been busy with the holiday weekend, and well, my internet (not mine really, but whoever is near me that doesn't have a locked wireless connection) has not been working at all!!! Very hard to get online! So right now I am sitting in Borders with a yummy late and checking my pile of emails that have been building!

The rabbits are doing okay, Winnie STILL isn't herself, and it looks like she will have to go back to the vet again to see what is going on. and Chaucer is a little pee machine. He sprays ALL day long, all night long. If I am home and watching him and I can see him about to spray I can tell him 'no!' but how often am I there to see? it has been happening many times that I will be laying in bed and all the sudden feel this shower of warm urine fall across my body.

Guess I should be happy that my boy loves me??? Anyway, I am calling the vet tomorrow to get him right in for a neuter. I personally can't wait, and then once he s all healed from that I can really start the bonding process with him and winnie, and *maybe* be down to one cage, and one litter box by summer.

And need good wishful vibes right now, My parents lost their golden a year ago to heart failure. I found someone trying to rehome their 6 month old golden, and emailed them. If things work out, my parents could finally have a new puppy. I am waiting to hear back from her, and am going to go out and try to meet up with her to see the dog and how it is tomorrow.

So that is basically what is going on here. Winnie is still not herself, and Chaucer can't keep his body fluids to himself. I am running between work, my mom and dad's house, and my sister's house to help with the baby. I am scrubbing pee off of just about ALL of my belongings, and there is snow coming in the next day or 2. Busy, Busy!

Oh, and I have just about stopped smoking altogether, and have gained about 13 pounds from it. Blah. . . not fun!
ugh Myia, doesn't spraying suck!!! I am rather used to it, since I kept a herd of about 30 to 60 rabbits you were going to get sprayed once in a while, but when I wake up in the morning and have to wash my cell phone off because chaucer got a little pee on it

I start to draw a line. Not to mention I fear having anyone come over and go into my room. what if he sprayed them????

I would laugh and find it funny

but I really don't think anyone else would

Oh and I got some fish! 2 barbs named Ponyo and Sosuke (pronounced so-skay). They are very cute and happy!
I am more concerned about the smell! Sheriffs spraying smelled like sulfur..and it was incredibly strong. Ugh!

Lol, and yes I think if he sprayed somebody else it would be hilarous.
it has been happening many times that I will be laying in bed and all the sudden feel this shower of warm urine fall across my body.

lol I love how descriptive this is. even though it's totally disgusting. I hope you can get him neutered real soon!

and I hope it works out to get the puppy for your parents too :)
long time no blog!

Hello RO. How is everyone doing?

We are all good here. So once again, my roommate fell in love with my fish. ggrrrr. But it is okay, the 2 barbs went to live with one of her boyfriends tanks, and I have added this little guy to mine


The photo doesn't do him justice, his color is really like a true lemon yellow with green iridescent streaks. He doesn't have a name yet, and I am honestly not in to much of a hurry.

Oh, and to anyone that might wonder, one eyed Willy the goldfish is getting bigger every day! I guess that even in a tank with one other little goldfish was proving to be a lot for Willy to handle, he was having problems getting enough food, so for a while my roommate's boyfriend would have to put basically hand feed him food!

I am doing good, back to being a redhead again (even more of one)

and as for the bunnies, we are all doing okay. Winnie STILL hasn't returned to her old self, even after de-worming her, giving her flea/tick meds, antibiotics, and so on. She has lost a few ounces in weight over the past few weeks, and her activity level is way down.




And Chaucer went in for a pre-neuter exam today! He will be fixed on May 12th! and I cannot wait! His spraying habits are crazy!






And, I have been working on lots of art projects and getting back into drawing and painting. I thought I would share my current 2 works in progress (now remember, they aren't done yet at all, so bare with me!)



So there are photos and kinda update. I will be posting more soon, it is getting late, and I should really get to bed! work tomorrow!
oh my gosh that drawing is absolutely amazing. is that done using pencil or charcoal or what?

It is very lifelike. You are really talented, seriously. The face and ears are so good, and the body shape and tail too.
The pictures are awesome! Can't wait to see the finished drawing.

I'll be sending Winnie some get better vibes!

And good luck with Chaucer's neuter, hopefully he stops being a naughty spraying bun and sticks to just being naughty :p

okay all, well here are our adventure photos from today!















and yes, that is my little BOY wearing a pink harness. Not my fault, I haven't gotten him one yet, so he used Winnie's old one!