Shya-she does what she wants

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2012
Reaction score
Katy, Texas, USA
"Rabbit for free. Allergic must go. Cage included"
Like I need a rabbit. But it never hurts to look right? And what if they just let it loose?
You've never had a rabbit
How hard can it be? It can't be all that hard compared to the ferrets or the bird
Well she's a cute, petite, little thing
"I'll take her."

HOLY CATNIP!! What did I just get myself into!?

Is she growling at me? Did she just throw a punch at me?

Dude you way 80 pounds and you're meant to last on the Alaskan tundra did she just rearranged your face?
Your a cat! You hunt and eat things larger than her, why are you running?
Why the heck am I running?!

Shya is not a Bunny. Bunnies are cute and fluffy and on Easter cards

Shya is that rabbit off of Monty Python with the bloody mouth

Shya is home security

Well, now we know the real reason the people were rehoming her. ;)

Is she spayed? Unspayed does can be EXTREMELY territorial. Also, she most likely was not socialized or handled properly by her former owners. Bunnies growl and box when they're scared. You're going to need lots of patience to untrain her defensive behaviour.

We got Gus under similar circumstances and he's still got "issues". But we love him anyway. :)

Hope that helps!

Ha! We used to have one of those. I hope your evil bunny is at least smart and well behaved!! Also, I want to see pictures...

From one texas bunny to another...
Shya seems inaptly named. :p

lol Reuben used to be like that; he's settled down a lot though! Would love to see some pics of her. :D
All of the above and then some. She wasn't spayed and territorial is exactly the word used to describe her. She has calmed down a lot but she's still a little moody. She's been spayed and she'll never be a lap bunny but she's whip smart. It took a couple of months and a lot of reading but it's all worth it. I just never realized how intelligent or complex rabbits could be both physically and mentally.

Now I find myself saying weird things like
"No you can't have the waffle the rabbit already ate it."
"humping her face is no way to make friends"
"you only love me for my sugar"

Once I figure out how to post pictures I will.
I think she's kind of an ugly little thing confirmation wise, but I'd never tell her to her face. I wouldn't have the guts too
Here I sit on the couch eating my zebra cake and lalala with the world.

"well hello Shya how are ya big girl?" I continue on watching my show in that mouth open half stupor

suddenly this black blur goes racing by and bounds into her room. I dont even hear toenails on the floor.

why is she so odd?

I go to take a bite out of my zebra cake and half of it is missing

Rabbit 1
Human 0
LOL! The way you phrase things are just perfect!

Going after the powdered sugar left over from my doughnuts


Shya with a little "crack" on her nose. To bad my husband is a police officer
I'm sitting at the computer tippy tapping away looking at bills and sorting paperwork

Shya hops up on my pile of papers to be filed and payed.

"hullo big girl. There ya go pee on my bills. Then I can shred them and say I never got them."

What does Shya proceed to do...pee on my papers.

Probably shouldn't leave stuff like that by her litter box

Rabbit 2
Human 0

PS can you imagine sending a rabbit peed on bill back to the collector.
haHA the ultimate REVENGE
hehe Ok I've said a few of those things too when I got Harvey. He's a sweetie. But really I have a 20lb cat running from a 4lb bunny. And the face humping. Why? haha It's always the face. And always the cat.
So I feel kind of bad. We actually have two rabbits. Teddy is a German lop but he just doesn't have the attitude like Shya. (thank God the world would probably spin off it's axis if their were to like her under the same roof) He's just kind of a lump of a rabbit here for decoration. He doesn't mind being petted or handled and he just kind of lays around when not chasing after his beloved Shya. Who wants nothing to do with him.

They say animals resemble their owners

Who pooted?


It wasn't me


What is that smell?


Nah I dont see it

The big dog is Sam. He loves his little rabbit.

If she's being chased he has to step in. If I'm scolding her he stands in front of her and curls his lip at me (we're working on that) He's that way with the bird too. Quite the circus at my house.

I'm pretty sure Teddy was a fashion designer in a past life. I leave the closet doors open for the cats to lay in and Teddy goes in one drawer and picks out this one scarf. Out of all the scarves, belts, and bags he goes for this one shiny one. I find it all over the house. He just recently discovered the matching belt to go with it.

I dont leave the house without running my outfit past Teddy. Of course it's ruining my self-esteem. A rabbit running and hiding under the bed after viewing your outfit is enough to give anyone doubts.

Thankfully most days I wear the same thing over and over. I'll write congress and let them know good job on the ACU color scheme. My rabbit approves.
kmaben wrote:
I dont leave the house without running my outfit past Teddy. Of course it's ruining my self-esteem. A rabbit running and hiding under the bed after viewing your outfit is enough to give anyone doubts.
Actually, she likes that outfit & wants you to leave it home so she can play with it. lol
Hmmm kinda hungry. What to eat, what to eat
OH! Theres that left over cookie in the pantry!! AND I'm wearing socks

sneak sneak sneak sneak
Open the cabinet, carefully no squeak
Pause, Listen. The dogs didn't even lift their heads off the couch.

ninja the door closed not even a hint of sound


Little black rabbit is sitting up begging for her share at my feet

Rabbit 3
Human 0

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