Shadow, Jester and Georgia

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Bunny Date- January 13, 2009

This time it was Pebbles turn to visit Shadow at Jan's place. Jan and Shadow just couldn't wait to see the little girl.



Is this a major disapproval look on Shadow?:shock: After all, a new bunny is invading his space.

Or ... is hetelling me, "Pebbles is mine, you can't have her back!" :p
They took little time to reacquaint themselves and the date was very successful.




Jan couldn't be any happier to see another bunny that wouldn't try to bite Shadow's nose off. :kiss:
Greatpictures as always Stan, but you had 3 Beautiful/Handsome Models.

Jan whatbreed of Bunny is Shadow? He looks so Big compared to Pebbles.

Stan where was poor Bebe? She must have missed Pebbles. Was she jealous of the smell of another Rabbit when you went home?

SOOOSKA wrote:
Greatpictures as always Stan
Thanks Susan, but I am having a hard time shooting black bunnies.


Bebe stayed home when I had Pebbles at Jan's house. Poor Bebe did miss Pebbles. When I brought Pebbles home, Bebe was all over Pebbles, sniffing and chinning her all over her body. :p
Perhaps absence makes the heart grow fonder?:)

I think its just wonderful that you guys live so close that you can hang out together with your buns :)

(And I looove Stan's pictures!) Jan, you make a lovely model!
:blushan: Aww, thanks for all the compliments! And thanks for posting the photos, Stan. You know, I really must start a blog for my babies.

Susan, Shadow is a New Zealand (at least, if not a full one, then mainly New Zealand). He is huge compared to Pebbles - I think he's around 9 lbs. He started off being very ungentleman- like at first, but he and Pebbles got on OK once they'd both settled down.

Pebbles is such a sweetie - she makes little chirping noises :D.

Unfortunately, Shadow and Jester still aren't bonded, although they do lay beside each other when there is a cage between them.That is why it was so nice to see Shadow getting attention from another bunny. I couldn't persuade Stan that he needed Pebbles to be here full time, though :p

Aww, thanks for doing this :hug:. I am late getting online today, and I was so pleased to see you had already put Shadow's Gotcha Day on :).


Mommy and Daddy love you to bits. I am so proud of the way you've adapted to the Canadian lifestyle from the British one ;). I am so glad I chose you from the shelter 2 years ago.



[align=center]Happy Gotcha Day Shadow[/align]
[align=center]:pinkelepht::magicwand::party::energizerbunny::bunny18:group::running bunny[/align]
Shadow and Jester is back at our place while Jan and John take some time off to the mountains. I may have them until next Monday (Feb. 16).


Here is their set up. They are in the same room so they won't miss each other. When I am home, at least one of them will be in the run downstairs.

Shadow weighs in at 3560 grams. He sits in the litter box most of the time because he doesn't like the smooth floor on the cage. He does come out when there is food been served.

Pebbles weighs 1165 grams, and Bebe weighs 2205 grams.

There is a nick onShadow's nose, as Jester took a bite a few days ago when they were home. So I am not allowing the two together during their stay here.
However Shadow and Pebbles are joined at the hips. Pebbles couldn't stop grooming Shadow the whole time they are together. They are like Romeo and Juliet. :love:
So Jan, Shadow may not be coming homenext Monday and leaving his love behind. :biggrin2:
Hi Jan,

Shadow and Jester are doing just fine here. Both of them are so good with their litter boxes in their cages and in the run. Shadow peed on the floor where Bebe peed, but thatwas the first time he was in the run and didn't know where the litter boxes were.

Pebbles continues to pee on the carpet and Bebe will pee on the concrete occasionally. All four bunnies are pooping all over therun though. :) It must be a pooping and chinning war going on.

When I put Pebbles and Shadow together, they are constantly side by side. Shadow continues to bury his head under Pebbles looking for grooms. At times Pebbles expects a groom back, and the two are pushing at each others head to get under the other. :D


Here is Shadow again in his litter box.


Jester spends alot of time sitting on the stool.

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