Sebille and the Rest

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2008
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Kansas City, KS
Sebi is a nuetered male VM holland lop. He was gven to me by a close friend who was lke a brother to me, and has a lot of sentimental value on top of being a great bun. He got used to going to work with me every weekend when i worked so is tolerable of car rides and being held, but idk if he so much enjoys it. He is a chubby little guy and still has a lot of spunk to him, but when he gets tired, he sleeps haaard. And of course in the middle of the room. And spoiled boy still runs to kitchen entry along with the dog and cats to beg for treats whenever the fridge door opens. I am a sucker for big eyes. Will get better pictures whenI can, he is not so keen on posng like he used to be :)

His hide out is under the desk lol. Dog nor cat will hurt him


Kodi the mutt dog...he ran across the road as we were driving and clipped him...he ended up coming home with us and put on 23lbs since we first found him. Poor guy was all puppy fluff when we got him.

Juliette is my daughters cat she picked out, she's got a torn ear from when she was attacked by a dog before she came to us :) She is a lover for sure and finds the rabbit super intrigueing but if he goes anywhere near her she gets scared and runs away.

sorry moved pics to try and organize and now i cant go back to edit them...

so been using the wood stove pellets, and got a 5$ off coupon for yesterdays news, so decided to try a bag. i do not like it much. it doesnt have the smell of the wood-stove pellets, but it doesnt hold scent of urine after just a few hours. so not impressed.

no bun was harmed in the making of these pictures.



she hit his ear...he retaliated and claimed the blanket as his and charged her everytime she tried walking on it :)



kodis funny faces

Hey, look over there! You don't see it? Look harder. *Runs off with cat*

Cutest animals ever. I bet the bunny had a field day with the cheerios....
Great pics.

You can edit only within 20 minutes after the original post. Once or twice I've started an edit within that time but by the time I was done editing it was past 20 minutes & the system wouldn't let me post the edited version. Very annoying, though I can see why there IS a time limit; so people can't make revisions to things that someone else has already commented on, which would make the comment not make sense.
qtipthebun wrote:
Hey, look over there! You don't see it? Look harder. *Runs off with cat*

Cutest animals ever. I bet the bunny had a field day with the cheerios....

lol the calico is my daughters for her 3rd bday present she wanted a cat. Juliette found us. Romeo hides during day so no pics of him much, he acts like hes aged 5 years since peyton was born!

and he loves cheerios! peyton cant pick them up off the ground well, still working on motor functions, but she dumps them everywhere and he goes for it. no baby will stop him ha
ya i dont think it used to be that way, with the time limit on edits. i would love to replace those pics with actual pics lol. bad me for organizing photobucket!
So to update this blog, heres the story of the two bunnies I found on the freeway/highway whichever it was.

This past week with them has been a huge reminder why I decided I perferred adults over babys! Poop...evvvverywhere. And pee. Oh, how I take Sebis good litter habits for granted. Not anymore, though!

After a LOOOOOONNNNG debate with my 3.5year old daughter about names...the black bunny finally has a name. Meet Voltron:Defender of the universe. Yes...If I don't use his whole name I get corrected promptly!



And then of course, Princess Allora! (She has the blue lion, btw) Have a harder time getting good pics inside because the flash makes her ghostly and its too dark in here. Blah. She is suuuuch a doll though. Will come looking for attention and just lays there while I pet her, even tolerates the kitten smacking her ears around. Until her brother comes to the rescue

Evil Kitty planning her next attack...Voltron jumped up there though scared the shiz outta her and she fell off instead :)
Play time on the patio...took a bit for Sebi to accept them but then he crawled past the gate to go be with them. But he grooms them, did his humpy dominance thing, and now they just follow him around and tuck their heads under his belly...Lol. Must be a mommy issue there.
It was sprinkling that afternoon, tornadoe warning later on and a few formed pretty close and touched for a couple seconds about 5 miles away. Its the beginning of tornadoe season though, blah. (I live in apartments, no where safe to go within 5-7 miles)




I thought it was nice of them to poop in the pan...




Both of my kids loooove the rabbits. I do activities with the older one teaching her about different animals. Last week was bunnies and we made a lot of art projects and she really got into it. :)


Ya charlee loves the bunnies! Sebi only gets to play with babies on the patio, hes a lot more active that way too.

Sebis been more lovey too lately :)

Had to call 911 twice this month gor my youngest...she needs a padded helmet or something. Little girls gonna make me crazy
Thanks for sharing all the awesome pics of family and pets.

Your Girls are precious. Love all the animals too!

Thank you :)
Love 'em!

I'm having the poop problem with my youngest (5 months). Grrr.... We really do get spoiled once we have them all trained, and then decide to get more!!
Lol ya, they seem to be catching on slowly
Well babys seem to be filling out and slowly gaining in size. Voltron will not tolerate being held and rarely petted, im sure he will be like sebi. Ill bump you but dont touch me unless you have treats! And allora runs up everytime she sees me for attention andlowers her head for me. Ive thought about taking her with me more everywhere i go like i did sebi. Who anyone can pick him up and cuddle on him, just not pet him. Lol.

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