RO Trivia challenge :-D

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2006
Reaction score
Dundee, Scotland, ,
I just saw this on another forum, so though we could have a go here too,

You register with them on the link (best to use your user-name fromhere) then do the quiz. There's a new quiz everyday, they add up thescores and there is a winner every month:)

So, who is the brainiest?

I hope it's ok thatI started it:?I already startedthe plague that is word association!;)There's no prizes, justthough it would be fun, and of course the winner gets to bask in theglory of everyone know how clever they are!:bunnydance:

Give it a go!

Still nobody...:waiting:

I used the banner from the top of the forum, is that ok? If not, I'll make my own.:)
Calculating your score..

Questions correct: 10 / 10
You took 90 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 910

Questions correct: 9 / 10
You took 127 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 773

I must admit... I made educated guesses fora couple


Wow, everyone is really clever!!

But you have to remember to try and play every day, or else they score you zero. Then in a month we'll see who's the winner:)
Is it a different test for everyone? I didn't have anything about flags on mine...

Yes it is a different quiz, but it says all questions are the same difficulty.

They recommend having different questions so people can't cheat, but Ican change it so everyone does get the same questions. Should I dothat? Would it be fairer?
[size="+1"]Calculating your score..

Questions correct: 7 / 10
You took 83 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 617

Oh well....:shock:

That's for sure...

One was a beer question (don't drink)

Another one was a baseball question (don't know anything about sports)

and one was a rock music type thing...which I know nothing about...

But it was fun and I'll look forward to tomorrow's quiz!


Michaela wrote:
Peg, you did a lot better than me!!

We'll make up for it next time;)
i got 5/10. . .not very smart. . . .:biggrin:

i will do better next time. . .

[size="+1"]Questions correct: 8 / 10
You took 128 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 672[/size]
wow that was hard! 5/10

where the olympics were held in 2000?

and a bunch about which country invaded such and such country... like i know anything about that...ha ha:D

too bad im leaving for 4days.. Now im going to get 4 zeroes!:shock::(

what happens when you get a zero? just takes your average down or something?

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