RIP my sweet Lilly

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Oh no, my heart just sank when I saw the title of this thread. It seems like you just got Lilly. I am incredibly sad for you, how are you doing? We're kind of in this together unfortunately, feel free to send me a PM if you want to talk. Again, I am soooo sorry about your beautiful Lilly girl. I was just thinking about her last night.
I know that I shouldn't blame myself. I know that most likely, even if I was here, there would have been nothing I could have done. . . .but none of that is helping. The not knowing what happened is killing me. I'm here. . . barely. Lilly was my only cuddle bunny out of the three, she had been even more cuddly the last few weeks and now I feel like she was trying to tell me something. . . I'll be ok, eventually, but right now, I'm just here.
I'm so sorry about your baby girl. I wish bunnies were sturdier creatures. Please don't feel guilty, I know that's easier said than done since I still feel guilty over Tallulah (maybe there was something else I could have done?) and it will be 4 weeks tomorrow since she passed on. You were such a good mama to Lilly and she was so happy with you, you finally gave her the wonderful home she deserved. RIP sweet Lilly.
SnowyShiloh wrote:
You were such a good mama to Lilly and she was so happy with you, you finally gave her the wonderful home she deserved. RIP sweet Lilly.
Yeah but she deserved to get to lounge in comfort and freedom for many more years. . . . not just the few months I had her. :sad:
I just turned on my camera for the first time since you left me. . . the first thing I saw were the last couple of pictures I have of you. From right before I left, when you were getting your cuddle time in on the couch. . . It's amazing the transformation you went through in the very very short time you were here. . . I am so very sorry that we didn't get to spend more time together. I know that you are whole now, and I hope you are doing tons of binkies up there. . . That big white bunny that met you at the gate, he's been waiting for you. Please thank him for me. . . I'm sorry I can't write more now. . . I'm taking care of your boys for you. . . Henri misses you, he actually let me cuddle with him today.

You will always be my Easter Lilly.



Wanted to add to my previous post, it was at work and I couldn't really think about it. I want you to know that pictures of your Lilly always give me a chuckle. What a fluffy, Muppet-looking bunny! It's amazing how happy you made her. Even her coat is a gleaming white after being in your care! I remember when you got her how dirty she was. I hope you can cherish those last pictures you have of her, not feel bad because you didn't know how little time you had left. This is my favorite quote and I hope it helps you:
[size="+2"]"We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own, live within a fragile circle, easily and often breached. Unable to accept its awful gaps, we still would live no other way. We cherish memory as the only certain immortality, never fully understanding the necessary plan." [/size]

[size="+2"]Irving Townsend[/size]

[size="+2"][[hugs]] to you and the boys.:rainbow:[/size]
angoragrl wrote:
...She was around 3. It's very possible she had a heart problem that we did not catch. We know she had other problems from her breeding. Her wool was very poor quality and her spine had a curve either from her breeding or from the conditions she was kept in before I got her. She was doing soo much better though. . . I feel like I failed her.
I am very sorry for your loss, angoragrl. :tears2: But whatever ailed Lilly hurts her no longer. Please find some peace in that fact. :hug2:

You're looking at things in the wrong light (although your current pain makes your viewpoint more understandable). Rather than having failed Lilly, you provided her with a wonderful home for three years. Considering her genetic battles, I think that you did exactly right by her and provided her with the longest, happiest life possible. :hearts



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