(Resolved) Time sensitive decision - Please advise

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
, Missouri, USA
I just got home from dropping my cat off at the vet office to be neutered. The vet wasnt in so the tech and I weighed Simon and got him caged.

While doing paperwork I saw behind the counter a dog crate with a rabbit in it. Naturally I said, Oh! I didnt know you guys saw rabbits...

She said they dont, but the animal was in front of the door when she opened this morning. I asked to see the rabbit and she said "honey, I dont think you ought to".

I insisted then but she warned me it had been attacked by an animal.

This rabbit is BAD, hole in the shoulder, bloody nose, possibly no (or damaged eyes, one socket is big and pus filled)

However - right now its pretty active and alert for the situation.

I asked if the vet would treat the rabbit and she said she really didnt know, he'd probably just euthanize.

I didnt bring the rabbit home but I got pretty upset thinking I should have. BUT tomorrow rabbits from Chicago Ridge are coming here.

I dont know what to do. My heart tells me to get the rabbit, my mind wonders if I should with the CR buns coming - I have to keep finances in mind. There are so many rabbits that need saving, but this white one really just needs help one way or the otherand I dont know the vet and with rabbits mainly as meat in the area I dont know if the vet will do more than euthanize without trying to help it in any other way.

Financially speaking, I have no idea what the rabbit will entail but I have a feeling the expenses will mount up. I didnt get to be hands on with it but it seemed feisty enough so maybe it has a chance if vetted - or maybe not.

Honestly, should I go back and get it (its a REW) or just let a non-rabbit vet make a final decision?


I was at the office too early, before 9:00am when they open. The vet doesnt get there himself until 10:00am - which is approx 45 minutes from now.

Oh gosh... what a horrible situation.... :?

My advice to you would be- if you feel you can afford it, timewise and financially, then go and get the bunny. Only if you feel you can. If you can't, then don't feel bad- you do so much for bunnies already, and you're about to do a whole lot more tomorrow, so nobody at all could think badly of you if you couldn't save this one.

I don't envy you, I must say....

I couldn't... not do it.

Graphic Pics:

Right Eye- Left Eye- Side- Nose

I hope I haven't made a mistake by bringing him home to have him treated, rather than allowing the vet to euthanize him due to his injuries.

Decisions like this suck.

All I can say is you are an ANGEL:bunnyangel2:. The world needs more people like you.

You always step inwhen Bunnies are in need. I so wish I could be 1/10 like you. I respect you so much for what you do for all these unwanted Bunnies.


You are AMAZING for all that you do for the bunnies. Soooska took the words right out of my mouth. When I was looking at his pics I was thinking "she is a angel"...and you are.
Leaf, you are an amazing person. I am sitting here practically bawling. You definitely did the right thing. If the expenses mount up, I'm sure we can all help, right? I know that I am willing to donate to his cause :)

Well, there is some good news. He does have both eyeballs and neither seem to be punctured at least.

I sat here in the computer room with a bucket of warm water, the rabbit on my lap and a washcloth. He(?) fought me at first, probably out of fear, and then settled down. As I wiped the eyes he either tranced very well or fell asleep.

Shifting him around did disturb him some and I ended up cradeling him like a baby in my left arm and my left hand held this back legs. I cleaned him up with my right hand. I think the warm cloth really felt good. He even sighed a few times and melted my heart when he gave me two quick kisses on my thumb.

It looks like most of the wounds on the right eye are just above the eye itself causing swelling that is smooshing his looks over there.

The left eyelid (top) has a split in it. The eye socket was pus filled but I think most of that is out. The warm compress helped the swelling some but it's still not looking nice.

While cradled in my arms I noticed his sore feet (I'll get pics of those too). The back feet seem to be bone and blood or very compressed hair that has blood/sores on it. Ouch! for those, but only in places, not the whole foot.

Tummy has a few tiny nicked up places that wont be photo worthy because they are so small.

What scares me is his shoulder wound. Once he was relaxed I layed him on my lap on his good side and I started the warm compresses on his wound. As hair unmatted I clipped around the wound. The good news is it isn't hot, red or fussy looking - the bad news is the photos I showed here don't begin to show the extent of the problem. What I thought may be a quarter sized problem spot is actually larger than a half dollar at the biggest part. Worst end, he has a degloved patch BUT with the exception of one area it's not really infected (form what I can tell)

I've made him a soft e-collar out of scraps here at the house. It'll do until I bring home some "proper" supplies. He hated it at first and tried to chew it, got mad and started chewing on his shoe box litter box, tried to nip at me but got over that.. Now he tries and tries to reach his shoulder. Granted, he can a bit, but now he doesnt have full access to it which is good!

Naturally, my vet is home sick with no fill in - I cant get him scheduled in anywhere on such short notice, and the vet I got him from isn't a rabbit vet.

It looks like for now he's in the best possible shape, or "hands" I can provide. I cant drive too far away because I've been up close to 20 hours at this point and I have to wait to go pick the cat up from the vet (so I'll end up stuck in rush hour traffic).

He's clean, safe, fed & watered. If he gets worse overnight I'll have to take him to an emergency vet, same with tomorrow but I'm HOPING he's set for right now.

Cats, dogs I know. If he were either I'd be able to rest easy but rabbits - they scare the living daylights out of me... His poop, drinking and appetite all look good now as well.

On my way home from the vet office I pass a farm store. Two, actually. Is there anything at one you guys can think of - that I should pick up for him to help out in any way - comfort or health wise?
I had a feeling you would get him!

I'm crying here reading this.... you really are one in a million... maybe more. :hug:

His eye does look so bad in the pictures but I guess that by the sounds of it you've cleared it up pretty well? And he's got so much more of a fighting chance now as well. Well, he's got a chance, which is more than he had before! Did the non-rabbit vet see him in the end or did you get there first? Were they ok about you taking him?

He's adroable as well.... I'm so glad he's safe :)

I am thinking that if he was attacked by another animal that he should be on antibiotics. Remember what happened to pipp's bunny that was bitten by the cat.

Do you know how to give bicillin (which can be bought at farm and fleet under the name combi -pen 48)
other idea is to get the non-rabbit saavy vet to give you antibiotics for this rabbit..even baytril which is given for cats and dogs.
I'm really sorry I didn't see this post sooner as I know that you have the trip tomorrow. :(
angieluv wrote:
I am thinking that if he was attacked by another animal that he should be on antibiotics. Remember what happened to pipp's bunny that was bitten by the cat.

I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner, too, but I would have gotten him as well with the hope that he can be healed with just antibiotics which aren't that expensive.

But he desperately does need antibiotic injections ASAP. AngieLuv's feed store or ER suggestion is good.

Leaf, you are indeed a saint.

sas :pray:

3rd vote on antibiotics here! Penicillin would be preferred, as it's pretty effective and readily available. And is there nobody capable of stitching up the degloved skin? I'd hate to leave it open. If nothing else, after cleaning it out wrap bandages around his body to hold the skin flap in place.

Another good thing to keep him comfortable is some sort of heat pad. Rice socks work in a pinch, but I'm a devoted fan of the Snuggle Safe now. Sometimes ill/injured rabbits have trouble keeping their body heat up, also the warmth will stimulate blood flow and encourage the healing process according to the e-vet that treated Fey's degloved wound.

You are an angel. I couldn't bear to leave him either.

Dear God, that poor rabbit :(

Leaf, thank you so much for getting him, and making him comfortable - and he gave you kisses too!!!

I would agree with antibiotics, regardless of what animal caused this.

keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers

The poor little baby.... I am so glad you went to pick the little guy up. He will be one specialbun when he starts to feel better after being healed. I hope he won't have emotional problems from the attack.

Best of luck with him,

He looks so sad.. I don't have much to add except, is he on any pain medication? It would seem Metacam might be in order.

Poor bun..you really are a saint.
naturestee wrote:
And is there nobody capable of stitching up the degloved skin? I'd hate to leave it open. If nothing else, after cleaning it out wrap bandages around his body to hold the skin flap in place.

You are an angel. I couldn't bear to leave him either.

It isn't a matter of an open flap. I'm not convinced the rabbit didn't get hurt earlier on before being left at the vet office. The wound is very dry and hard, - deep longways under the fur/skin, but it's a dry mass of tissue that is extremely hard to the touch.

mouse_chalk wrote:
Did the non-rabbit vet see him in the end or did you get there first? Were they ok about you taking him?
They were ok with me taking him. I didn't get there until the vet was there and he said he hadn't had time for an evaluation but if I could get him into a local vet he'd be ok with it since his own options are limited in his practice.
Leaf, any updates on the rabbit? I couldn't bear to look at the pictures, I can only imagine :tears2: Poor guy! Thanks for taking him in, I hope he'll be alright...