RESOLVED: Russian Hamster In Need of a Forever Home

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Active Member
Feb 6, 2008
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West Allis, Wisconsin, USA
I work at a petstore and we currently have a Russian hamster who is free to a good home. We discovered that for some reason her front right leg is completely gone. we dont know what happeneed to it but she now walks with a limp. If anyone could help give her a home please let me know.

Aww poor little one. I love hammies. I'm assuming she's a Campbell's Dwarf? I have had 5 Campbell's Dwarf hams (well, 1 was a real Siberian Dwarf from Germany) and they're so sweet. Wish I were closer!
I was just reading Blue Frogs' web site and looking at pictures of her rats. What are hamsters like compared to rats? How large of a housing unit would a hamster need? Would she require special vet care for her leg?
I wish we weren't so far apart. Our very first hammie rescue was a Russian....we named him Ivan. He was a wonderful hammie. He was not a young man when he came to us but he lived nearly 3 years with us. I would love to take her but I think the distance might be a problem....but if someone is headed anywhere close to NC....

Hammies are much easier than rats! I have both. My hamster, Data, lives in a little cage (you can get one for around $30-$40, though you can actually make them a cage out of a large clear Rubbermaid container and put wire mesh on top) and uses Carefresh or Aspen bedding (I prefer Aspen), eats Hazel Hamster food and has a wheel, assorted cardboard tubes, a house and a couple other things to chew on/play with in his cage. He has a little run around ball and comes out in that a couple times a week (he likes it), he's so small he'd get lost if I just let him run around! Then he usually comes out of his cage every day or every other day for a few minutes and we pet him and let him run around on the couch. I've only ever had to take one of my hammies to the vet. They're really quite easy pets, though of course they still need loving care. My friend got a hamster from a pet store that was also free to a good home as she has a club foot. She still runs on her wheel and gets around pretty well!
cmh9023 wrote:
I was just reading Blue Frogs' web site and looking at pictures of her rats. What are hamsters like compared to rats?

Hamsters are 100% different from rats, which a lot of people don't realize. I'd take 6 rats over 1 hamster any day :p.
Of everyone animal I have ever owned and cared for, my heart animal was my hamster, Khleo. I need to scan a picture of him...

I have a picture of him framed in my bedroom.

Man, I wish he could have lived forever. :( I hate how they have short lives. And I regret those days I said "I'll get you out in a little bit" when I should have had him out a long time with me.

He was the laziest thing. He would sleep anywhere on me, and he slept with me while i napped or watched tv. He was so comfortable and relaxed around everything. I miss him.

He's been gone for years, but I still think about him.
I really hope the poor little thing can find a home.....we don't have them here in Australia....they're actually illegal here and i had never heard of a hamster until a few years back when i was a member on another bunny forum,it would be nice to see one in real life though.

He/she really deserves a good home though

I only live about 15 minutes away from West Allis.I haven't read up on hamsters too much, and never thought about having one, but maybe I could do it??? I've always thought they seemed real cute and don't seem to take up much space (not as much as a NIC cage..haha). I'll see if Danielle89 posts again to say what's going on with him/her.

The one thing I thought of though, after reading about letting them run around on the couch, is that I have two cats. One being a little wild man who had been living under a bush before I found him. I suspect similar looking little creatures may have been a food source for him when he was outside starving :shock:Not sure how he would react to having one on "his" couch. I also read that they are very good at escaping from their homes which could be really dangerous with him around.
I definitely wouldn't recommend letting a hamster run around with a cat around! Could you go into a room and shut the door so the cats are in some other part of the house when you let her out to play? Also, I would advise against getting a wire cage if you have cats that you think would be interested in. I'd be afraid they'd terrorize her and try to stick their paws through the bars and try to knock the cage off the table. You could get an aquarium (a 10 gallon is kinda small but you can buy longer ones that are shorter) and a sturdy fine mesh wire lid that can be clamped onto the top so the cats couldn't knock the aquarium off the table or get into the cage. If you do those things, she should be fine! Also, I've never really had problems with my hamsters escaping and especially not from an aquarium. Just make sure the lid is on and doors are securely closed.

Good luck! You could also try sending Danielle a PM :) Hammies really are lovely pets!
She would need something thats at least the size of a 10 gallon tank and she does not need to see a vet, you just need tobe willing to meka some accomodations to her she would need a shallow food dish because otherwise she cant get up into it and no ramps or ladders because she cant climb them. She is friendly though too which is a plus.:)
As of right now, this little Russian is still available...we havent found anyone to take her yet. We are actually just waiting for the store general manager to ok her to be adopted. We know that she will be approved to be adopted, its just that this is one of petsmart's policies. Oh yeah...sorry I haven't been on a lot lately, I have been working a lot...sorry... if anyone is interested in giveing this little hamster a home please let me know so we could set something up.


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