RESOLVED Chicago Ridge Rabbits Need a Ride - And a Transport Coordinator ASAP

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Thanks Adamjai, exactly what my DH was trying to say.

The boys have been dropped off. They've had their complementary spa treatment. (I think one of them said something about, "How humiliating, what do they think I am, a girl?!") They are adjusting well to their new surroundings, including sitting up, grooming, rolling over into a full flop, and an occasional thump when no one is paying attention to them.

Mr. Downtown Buns:

One boy has a little runny eye. That will be treated. It appears that they were all kept on wires (extremely long nails, but not out-turned as a hard floor would do). Fortunately none of them appear to have sore hocks. The did all get nail trims, a little hand combing and a bunch of love. Other than the eye, there are no obvious problems and the eye is really not bad at all.

The lady at HRS thinks that both the mom and dad must have been the same color Mini-lop/Holland-lop cross. They're not quite big enough for minilops and they don't have "spoon" ears. But, 4 of the boys have the exact same coloring and marks. The fifth has a little "butterfly" pattern on his nose. (Too cute!)

I think that is just to mark the one with attitude. He immediately started thumping when we placed him into his new home. Then he noticed the little girl on the one side and the mini-lop on the other. Much sniffing ensued.

While we were there we took the time to hay and feed the rest of the sanctuary. The woman that normally would have done it was unable to come. Her basement flooded in last night's storm.

You know you are too worried about helping animals when you finally stop to eat your first meal at 5:00 PM and realize that you haven't eaten in 24 hours. If anyone cares to know I will try updating on the buns as I find out about them being cared for and adopted out.

If there are people that were intended to be the original recipients of these buns, feel free to send them HRS's direction. Loving adoptive parents are always needed.
I don't think it will be too long before another set of buns will be pulled out of a shelter in the nick of time to make their way to Leaf and the network of people she so tirelessly set up. Sadly enough, bunnies in that predicament come to our attention several times a week. :(

I just hope that with a little research Leaf will be recognized as the bunny-savvy, level-headed caregiver she is and those rabbits will be offered future transport assistance.

Its great to hear that people are staging large adoption events, I think they are very effective. Please feel free to post the details on the board.

Thanks again for your efforts!

Just wanted to add an update for Leaf. I reread your post and noticed that you said it would be a "struggle" to get established with the HRS even before all of this. I spoke with the head of the main foster home for the MO HRS in St. Louis just last night, and she told me what it would take for you to be a part of the organization, and it wouldn't be a struggle at all, it probably wouldn't take more than an afternoon, and she would very much like to work with you. Send me a pm or reply to this thread and I can get you two together. I sure hope you decide to do this!

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