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Oh my gawsh, I know I have said it before but ,, your girls arebeautiful and being a hairdresser I appreciated the hair shot, itlooked fantastic, I love those littl diamontes they really finish off ahairstyle, and as for SLG she looked beautiful too ( I noticed she gota shot with "the guy" as well LOL):D

Now all we need is to find Sebastian a prom outfit LOL:p:p:p
We could just use his tux from when he got married...



LOL hey good idea!! would cut down on costs wouldn't it :p:p:p Well shedid say she spent a lot so I gues sthis way it'd be cheaper ;););)
You all wouldn'teven believe how "in the middle" of everything SLG has tobe...


I don't know if I should thank God thatall the other kids willbe grown and I'll have more patience,age and wisdom when she gets to be thatage, or whether itwill be just awful because I'll need them around to deal with her!:shock:

Ariel, we could use your skills severaltimes a year! And of course, if you noticed, I have to do SLG's hair atthose times too! ;)

When we went down to the prom entrance,she knew half the alumni and parents that were there. She justdisappeared into the crowd! :XPretty soon I hear all thislaughter and I turned and looked and there was a gap on the red carpetand she was standing out there with her hand on her hip and flash bulbsgoing off! :shock:

She had asked one of the Mom's where herson was. (The boy is an ex of one on my girls, whom SLG hasn't given upon yet) He was at college and the Mom told her to step out onto thecarpet and she'd take a photo to send to him! :)

SLG should, and probably will be, on the redcarpet.

Blessher heart! She's a Love.

SLG is so precious. You are going tohavebeat the boys away with a stick when she gets older - sheso pretty. It is cute the way she wants to be like the bigkids.

**Adding SLG to bun-I mean childnapping list**:p

Makes me wish I had a little girl...:)
You would take herright off that list if you had been with her last night!:X

I took her for an awesome night out.Pizza and a great baseball game. Nebraska, ranked 5th in the nation vs.Wichita State, who always plays good ball...WELL...At the pizza placeshe states that she's a vegetarian and doesn't want anypizza. I'll save you reading the argument we had.

Then at the baseball field she "needed"cotton candy and a pop because vegetarians can eat that.

Not vegetarians that don't eat their dinner!

She ate a hotdog. She told everyone whowould listen that it was a veggie dog, so that she could save face!

Then she got her cotton-candy and pop!

Oh Raspberry, I had to laugh when I read aboutyour night out with SLG - she is just amazing. You tell her that veggiehot dogs are the BEST, and much better for her (not that I'm biased oranything :p). She looks so grown up in those pictures, doesn'tshe!? - Jan
Exactly, Luvabun. Tell SLG Ihavevanilla flavored soymilk and veggies burgersand am growing a big ol' garden so she can eat all the vegetarian foodsshe wants over here.:D
Okay you two!:XShe "became a vegetarian" Sunday night at dinner so thatshe wouldn't have to eat the potroast!

There is a downside to having anarticulate, intelligent child! Sometimes I thinkI can handlethe temper tantrumsbetter!


I'll trade you for a week. Jeremy is socranky and snippy and arguementive the past few days. So I'll take theLovely Vegan and you can have the Whiny Crab.

She is such an amazing little girl. You quit picking on my DollBaby. I love her to pieces and you stop being mean Mom.

I love that picture of her. She looks awesome.

It occurred to methat perhaps I should use this "bunny forum" for some bunny photos!

So, here are my latest shots!

We got some pretty cute ones. I had a lotof trouble keeping him from eating everything! :?

Here you go, no people, nothing but bunny!







OOOOOOHHH! He heard a BIG dog! :shock:That calls for Uppy ears! :dude:


Oh Raspberry. He looks amazing. Is adoll anyway but WOW. What incredible pictures. Every one of them is myfavorite and I mean that. What a great job you did. You take the mostamazing pictures. You need to send these to a calendar Seriously. Givethat adorable baby an extra treat from me and lots of kisses.
