Rabbits less affectionate after bonding?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney, , Australia
Has anyone found this?

I found my rabbit Racer is less inclined to hop up onto the bed and have a pat etc than he used to be pre-bonding with his partner (LeeHom my mini lop).
l.lai wrote:
Has anyone found this?

I found my rabbit Racer is less inclined to hop up onto the bed and have a pat etc than he used to be pre-bonding with his partner (LeeHom my mini lop).
:(Yea not with all bunnies just some. I have my pair Elvis and Teresa she is the same him not so much. My trio Connor and Dallas are still my mush balls but Chibi can't spare me a second unless I have a treat.
Yup...us hoomans just don't stack up in comparison to bunny love!
I get the odd chinning and some kisses occasionally...but I've been overthrown for a fuzzbutt!:D
So it is a common thing?

I see him grooming her all day long, but i used to get all the grooming!

haha i sound like a jealous rabbit owner..but then again im the one who paired them up.

I guess its about their happiness in the end?

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