Rabbit sick- help.

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New Member
May 28, 2018
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Hi all. I’m new to this but would be grateful for any advice as the vet is closed today.

My bun lost his appetite yesterday and appeared to be constipated as only poooed a little throughout the day and kept hopping in and out of his litter box as if he was trying hard to poop. He picked at food throughout the day although not much at all. His gut was moving all day just slowed down.

Today he appears to be peeing everywhere in his hutch and producing long toothpaste type consistency poops which STINK. It’s very unpleasant and he seems to have a lot stuck to him.

He’s still picking at food and chewing on his toys as normal but a little on the lethargic side (which is normal for the time of day to be fair as he usually sleeps). No teeth grinding or signs of being in a lot of pain.

Is it possible that this is just a tummy bug that will pass or is this something more sinister?

Any opinions or advice would be hugely welcomed. I’m very worried about him :(
I’ve never seen this personally but I would take him to an emergency vet if possible - rabbit GI system is very sensitive and I wouldn’t want to leave them any longer since this already started yesterday. Diarrhoea in rabbits is a lot more serious than in dogs, for example, and I would be worried about gas and bloat, dehydration and potential for gut stasis if the gut gets too inflamed.
I’ve never seen this personally but I would take him to an emergency vet if possible - rabbit GI system is very sensitive and I wouldn’t want to leave them any longer since this already started yesterday. Diarrhoea in rabbits is a lot more serious than in dogs, for example, and I would be worried about gas and bloat, dehydration and potential for gut stasis if the gut gets too inflamed.

Thank you for your advice! Unfortunately the emergency vet wouldn’t see him as he was technically still picking at food so she said it wasn’t an emergency. I took him in yesterday to his normal vet and she reckoned his tummy was tender but wasn’t sure why, possibly a bit of stasis... anyway he seems to be on the mend now :) just trying to keep him eating and hydrated!

Thanks so much for replying!
Do you feed treats, some sugary treats, perhaps too many? I am not an expert, just an owner of the bunnies with some problems, I am just sharing what I have learned myself . Stop treats for some time, if you feed them.
Do you feed treats, some sugary treats, perhaps too many? I am not an expert, just an owner of the bunnies with some problems, I am just sharing what I have learned myself . Stop treats for some time, if you feed them.
Yes! I’m really bad at giving into him when he pesters! If you’re having the same problems then I’ll definitely cut those out!

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