Rabbit pees and poops on my bed

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Jul 16, 2019
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I have seen this asked before but I have a young rabbit 7ish weeks old I have let him on my bed a few times and now he has learned to jump from my Ottoman to my bed quite the jump for such a little guy anyway he poops all over it but more annoying I guess is that he has a couple of particular places he likes to pee on it I always have a comforter and (now his was mine) blanket on top everytime he pees I use nature’s miracle dog urine spray on it (only thing I could find) and I wash both the blanket and the comforter every couple of days ( because I can’t keep it clean) yet he still pees in the same two spots any idea what I should do I obviously can’t put his litter box permanently on my bed so I need advice
He needs to be confined until his litter habbits are more consistant.
7weeks is a bit young to be away from the breeders too so hes likely aways from being neutered which will help.
He needs to be confined until his litter habbits are more consistant.
7weeks is a bit young to be away from the breeders too so hes likely aways from being neutered which will help.
Also will the dog urine eliminator stuff work for rabbits or while it not remove their sent?
https://rabbit.org/faq-diet/ has great diet info based on age ranges.

I'm not sure whether the enzymes that break down dog urine to remove the residual scent would also work on rabbit urine... but he'll probably continue to pee on stuff anyway due to a short attention span (because of his age) and the fact that some rabbits just like to pee on soft things like couches and beds. ALL rabbits poop where they're at - they produce up to 500 poops a day, so they can't get them all in the litter box! You can encourage most of them to end up there by setting up your litter box so that the rabbit can eat hay while sitting in it... but you'll never get them to not leave stray poops while free-roaming. At 7 weeks old, it's best to somewhat limit his space anyway, both for his own safety and to teach him basic litter box habits.
To be on the safe-side (unsure what chemicals may be in dog urine cleaner), I've found the most effective urine clean-up spray is just a mixture of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Vinegar does a great job breaking down the pee in carpet and other surfaces, and it is rabbit-safe.
Yeah like John said use a 1:1 ratio of water and white vinegar but DON'T use it for his litter box because it gets rid of the smell of his urine. When he urinates try your best to get as much into a paper towel as you can then put the paper towel in his litter box so he smells it. Do the same with his poops but you can just pick those up and put them in this litter box. And for now when you clean his litter box try to hold off as much as you can and only change the bedding don't wash it completely unless its really bad then just rinse it out with water

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