Rabbit Hopping...

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Spring, what kind of harness do you have? is it the rope one thats all one peice? if so try another one like an H shaped harness made for cats. That is what I have for Sherbert and since it is not atached to the leash you can leave the harness on them for a little while for them to get used to that first. Put the harness on for about 10-15 minutes afew times a day for acouple days.Then after they havegotten use to the harness onyou can try the leash inside so if they do want to run you can let go. This all worked for Sherbert.

Emily, I got Luna to jump a couple jumps already and also she is jumping through the hoop. I'll post a picof my little miniature course, it's kind of a mix between rabbit hopping and rabbit agility.

Yup, it's the H shape that clips on around the neck and around the belly. As soon as I clipped him around the neck (wasn't tight at all) he started panicking. May try in a few weeks with it really loose to see if I can get him used to it, but don't think I'll push it.
My guys cannot be disciplined in any way, but I LOVE those pics! Too cute! We need to see more bunnies intent on jumping high! The look of determination on that lop's face is precious. :biggrin2:
Hey, emily did you happen to finish the online training program. No rush I was just wondering.

Oh and guess what I meta lady named kimwho wants usto start a rabbithopping/agility club here in port orchard.I am pretty excited.

Hayley, yes this is pretty much the online program right here! Lol. But I mean I could probably make a website for it....got any ideas?

That is so cool! And wow I just noticed you lived in Washington! If she starts a club in Port Orchard, I'll have to join! lol. I dont think that's too far away from Auburn, WA. But that is sooo cool!

How great to see this thread on bunny jumping/agility. I think it is a great thing for the rabbits that really enjoy it. My girls are very happy wandering around in a harness, but I started bunny agility with them really when they were a little too old to seize on with great enthusiasm -- age 6.

I am especially glad to see 4-Hers picking up on this. It has always made me a little sad that a spayed/neutered rabbit could not enter a regular rabbit show, but at least they can have a competition like this, which is so exciting and really requires close work between owner and bunny.
4H does allow you to show spayed/neutered rabbits as well as non-purebreds in the "pet division." However the competition isn't very good--at our county fair there were only 3 or 4 in the pet division and at least 5 in most categories for non-pet divisions.
This is my makeshift three jump course in my bedroom, and Luna andOliver jumping over the jumps:




It's kind of hard to take the picture wilst getting them to jump. If anyone is interested in training their rabbits to do this I recomend using a target stick. This is Luna and Oliver following the target stick:




MyRabbits, thank you! Spayed and neutered rabbits can compete in regular shows as well, but it depends on the area. But, none of my rabbits are spayed/neutered (yet!! lol) and actually, some rabbit hopping clubs require that your rabbits don't be altered, reasons of this, I have no clue.

Tonyshuman, the pet class at my fairs/4-H shows are very large! Often 14-20 rabbits. I usually have about 5 of my rabbits competing against eachother in this category..

ADEE, that's great! I'm guessing you're going to train Rain? In your avatar, there's a picture of her in a harness, is she harness trained? if so, that's wonderful! You've already got one step done! Now just to get jumping!

Hayley411, any news about that rabbit hopping club yet? And what a cool little course! Luna & Oliver look like they're having fun! Are you going to train them both?They look likethey will be some great hoppers! Training with a target stick is good, but in shows/competitions you will not be allowed to use a target stick, so they shouldknow how tojump without thatkind of guidance, and on a harness/leash ;)


Thanks for finding this again Emily.

I too would like to continue this thread. Well her are afew recent and not so recentpictures of not only my girls but other rabbits in my agilty club.






Luna, I don't own her anymore. She now lives with Amanda a girl in the club, Luna still participates in Agility and is one of the best rabbits we have.







And Twilah:


our website:



Wow! This is so neat! Thanks for bringing the thread back. I found a neat youtube video, its: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6BK8qtuqeg[/ame]
Alright, so I need to know what people want to learn/get out of the training program to help me establish it. I'm come up with quite a few ideas, and of course the most important is that your rabbit is harness trained. I will look around and get some help from Hayley about harness training and the beginning steps of RH/RA.

I was thinking about making some tutorial type videos, showing how to put harnesses on and explaining how to harness train your rabbit. There could be a video for each step in training, from harnesses to grid/ground work, to the small jumps and even focusing on particular equipment.

So, feedback, questions, comments, please! :)


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