Rabbit hopping

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"I'm coming Mommy!"


"What are you talking about you have no treat, who cares if I knocked them both down"?!?


"Fine I guess I'll try it again".




"Now thats what I'm talking about".


Perfect Picture


"This thing, again"?


"I'd like to see you try it".


Me coxing Flopsy to jump


Seconds after Flopsy lands


Flopsy in midjump


I saved my favorite pics for last these are some of the first picturestaken of Flopsy. These are from maybe three years ago when I firststarted teaching Flopsy to jump. I only look scary cause theway the light was hitting my face and creating shadows. followingpictures in this post are the first pictures taken from the digitalcamera. These are perhaps my favorite picture selection ofFlopsy.


Flopsy is set in front of hurdle


This is only his second time ever jumping so I allow him to investigate


Whoot Whoot! I made it!"


"I just jumped this!"






Me and my baby. Look how proud I am with him.

That's so cool that you can jump bunnies. I haveheard about this before and planned on training my buck to jump, but ineed some help first and i have tons of questions!:

1) Should i first buy a harness and harness train him?

2) How big do the jumps have to be?

3) How long does it take to train a rabbit to show jump?

4) Do you actually compete in real shows?

I think that's all but i might have some more later! Thanks :runningrabbit:
1) Should i first buy a harness and harness train him?
Yes. Harness training is a big part of rabbit hopping. It ispossible to have your rabbit hop without a harness (my rabbit does aselection of on and off harness jumping), but it is a great tool whenfirst teaching your rabbits. Before attempting to jump anything withthe harness on, make sure your rabbit is comfortable on his harness.

2) How big do the jumps have to be?
The highest that a rabbit has ever jumped is around a metre high(100cm), but there's probably only a handful of rabbits in the worldwho could reach that height. My rabbit's record is 46cm, but I knowplenty of people manage to get their rabbit jumping higher than that.My rabbit doesn't really like to jump wide jumps, but they are also animportant part of their training if you ever plan to enter shows. I amplanning on training my rabbit to jump wide jumps soon. Start off withjust a pole, then raise it a few centimetres, then up a little bit oncemore, until they reach their limit. Rabbits under 8 weeks old shouldnever jump higher than 5cm, and rabbits around 8 weeks to 6 months oldshould attempt anything over around 35cm, because they are stillgrowing and injuries can occur. After that, try and get your rabbitjumping courses, and high jumps.

3) How long does it take to train a rabbit to show jump?
It really depends on the rabbit. My rabbit is one year old, and Ihave been training him since he was around three or four months old,give or take. He has taken that long to get up to 46cm. But there areprefessional rabbit hopping trainers who can get a rabbit up to thatheight in a couple of weeks. It mainly took me this long because I waslearning it all by myself. I didn't have any training references,because I didn't know rabbit hopping exsisted until I was a good 4months into his training. Plus, Ollie (my rabbit) wasn't bred for thissort of thing, but just likes jumping, and can develop bad habits veryeasily, so I had to take it slow. For example, when jumping jumps thatare too high for him, Ollie would jump over it fine, but then kick outwith his back legs and knock it down. It took me a good 3 months to gethim out of this habit, and he still does it sometimes. Anyway, it cantake anywhere from a month to three years, and some rabbits never learn.

4) Do you actually compete in real shows?
No, unfortunately. The closest show to us is a small rabbitfanciers club in NSW, a good 5 hour drive from here, and my parentswon't let me go that far for just a rabbit show. I have what we call'mini shows' with my best friend, who owns two rabbits that also dorabbit hopping. Every couple of months I'll take my rabbit over to herplace, or hers to mine, and we'll set up a couple of courses and giveeach other scores, just for training purposes. Last time, we didn'thave a show, but did training excercises. We were getting our tworabbits who had never even seen each other before, to jump the samejump at the same time and just keep going. Ollie kept trying to sniffthe other rabbit, but otherwise, they were amazingly good. Anyway, ifthere are any shows near you, then you should compete, and see if allthat time of training was worth anything.

Rabbit hopping is a great way to keep a rabbit fit whilst doing a funsport. I wrote a more detailed training peice on my rabbit hoppingwebsite, if you want to have a read of it.


If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, and I'd be happy to answer any questions you have.

Thanks Mikoli! That really helped! I actuallydid look at you site, which by the way is fantastic for anyone whowants to do rabbit hopping! I will recommend you site to anyone i meetwho wants to learn this sport. I am not sure if there would be anyrabbit hopping shows around here, but im sure that i can fit in adivision of rabbit hopping at my 4-H rabbit show that im planning. Imnot sure if anyone will come, but then my sister can compete in it withmy bunny whilst i judge or something. I am actually going to be buyinga harness very soon but until then i have a little dog harness; my buckslips out of it, but i think my larger rabbit (min rex) will be able tofit into it and still jump because she's lightweight. If i have anymore questions i'll be sure to pm you! thanks! :colors:
The weather was nice yesterday and as i didnt have much planned i took the opportunity to do some rabbit hopping with the girls!

here are a few pics and vids -

What i think is probaebly the hardest jump daisy has jump perhpas minusthe water jumps as water and rabbits dont usualy mix well!


Dandy posing for you to be able to work out the size

Dandy posing again much to her dismay as she didnt really want to posehere (probably because she thoguht she was free and she couldnt jumpit! lol)

Daisy jumping the huge jump -

This is what can happen if you or your rabbit is not fullyconcentrating or if your rabbit is tired, scared or been pused to much!In this case Daisy is getting tired so this was one of her last set ofjumps and as im walking along filming im not fully concentrating on herwhich i usally am!

Here are some screen shots from the videos above and some other i have -








When things are about to go wrongand how to recorgnise it!

A refuesl signals the start of a bad jump but dont just give up try toget the bunny over the jump no matter if they clear it as this willmean that they dont learnt that they can get their own way. (Also inthis pic you can see Dandy using her litter tray right next to thefence whihc adds an extra destraction forDaisy!)


This is better than the first time, shes get a bit close which showsshes not actually going to clear such a big jump buteventhough she is only jumping from one pole onto the next one she is stilltrying!


Ok so shes not actually jumping but oh well!

Onceshe has done part of the jump she get a bit destratedwith a smell or something on the grass but with a bit of encourgementshe does finsih the jump!

Cool photos hunnybunny. :D I'll try to get somemore up of Ollie jumping. I haven't been able to get anyone to take anyphotos of him lately. I took him around a difficult course today, andhe did amazingly well. It wasn't very high, but there were heaps ofturns and lots of accuracy needed to turn tightly after a high jump.Anyway, I'm very proud of him, and I'll try to get my sister to take amovie of him doing the course tomorrow.

A Very Proud Bunny Parent. :D
aka Rachel.
Mikoli wrote:
Cool photos hunnybunny. :D I'll try to get some more up ofOllie jumping. I haven't been able to get anyone to take any photos ofhim lately. I took him around a difficult course today, and he didamazingly well. It wasn't very high, but there were heaps of turns andlots of accuracy needed to turn tightly after a high jump. Anyway, I'mvery proud of him, and I'll try to get my sister to take a movie of himdoing the course tomorrow.

A Very Proud Bunny Parent. :D
aka Rachel.

thanks and i look forward to seeing the pics and video. i tip i mustpass on is to get good pics of rabbits actually going over a jump is tofind a box or somthing of the right height leave the cmaera on itrecording a video then take the rabbit over the jump but make sure youdont block the camera. this means that the jump will b ecaptured andonce moved onto the computer you can screen print the video and getpictures although blury usually of the rabbit going over a jump. thisalso works if there is only one of you!
Mikoli wrote (in a pm to me):

Since I know that you're one of the people on here that does rabbithopping, I was just wondering about how your rabbits are trained ...

Are your rabbits harness trained to respond to tugs on the leash, orvoice commands, or how you move, or something else? My rabbit istrained by light tugs on the leash, and I was just wondering how otherpeople were training their rabbits.

I replied:
Good question do you mean trained to go over the jump or whereto go? I'm thinking about moving this convo to the thred do you mind? ithink it would benefit everyone on here!
Mikoli replied:
I mean trained on how to respond to signalsthrough the harness. So, let's say that you were doing a course and youwanted your rabbit to go left, how would you signal to the rabbit toturn?

I don't mind if you move the conversation or make it public.
I just thought that I'd ask a specificperson, because when most people train rabbits to accept the harness,they just let them go wherever they want. But in rabbit hopping, theyusually have to be trained to go in a certain direction from some sortof signal from their handler.

sorry if your confused about above, basically Mikoli pm me a relevantquestion about rabbit hopping and so i am sharing it with everyone.

my rabbits are trained to walk on their harnesses, to steer them ithink (some thought had to be put into that as i dont really thinkabout it when i do it!)i just sorta pull gently on the leadto steer them in right direction where i want them to go. i also usethis to make them slow down and stand still. To get them to go i eitherwiggle their lead touching their bum/hind legs, tickleDandyunder the bum as this seems to makeher move or with daisy iusualy walk her on a long pice of rope and swinging that gently behindher makes her move as she has learnt this means go!

hope this answers your question and helps you and anyone else interested!

Alright, thanks! :D Ollie is trained in pretty much the same way (except for standing still, he never does that ;)).

Mikoli wrote:
Alright, thanks! :D Ollie is trained in pretty much the sameway (except for standing still, he never does that ;)).


lol ive been trying to teach daisy to stand on que, Dandy seems to stopmore than she goes! Ive tried a sort of half halt as you call it whenhorse riding! i tug gently on the lead to get her to slow down intostop, then gently stop holding her still but as soon as she actualylsteps then i pull gently again until she is standing quietly. at thesame time i say in a low voice staaand staaand it seems to work soem ofthe time. I will try and get a video next time i have her out but atthe minute being in my last year at school i have lots of work to do!
I thought it was timeI updated on what me and my bunnies have been up to recently.

I decided to move slightly away from rabbit hopping and more intorabbit agility, which for anyone that doesnt know is just like dogagility but everything is downsized to rabbit size.

I have tried a bit of agility before but had limeted equipment butrecently i got back an old arc run that i leant to a freind for herguinea pigs which have now sadly passed away :(. How ever one end ofthe run is sheltered by wooden pannels and so with a big of imaginationit looked like a sort of A frame!

I then from the A frame thought i should have a 'dog walk' soconstructed one using wooden ladders from the hutches (which have themto go into a run), the arc run and some plastic containers. I then putsome towels on them to encourage my bunnies onto them as they are usedto jumping over poles wiht towels on them! After a while of using this'dog walk' i then decided to make a course using both a 'dog walk' andan 'A frame' so couldnt use the arc run for both so changed to using 2ladders and atravel cage.

The Obsticals (sorry i cant spell)

The'A frame' (was changed later on from the discriptionabove, as the ladders were needed to make the'dogwalk')-
Original -

New (the tunnel is used to stop the bunnies running round it during training)-

The 'dog walk' -


Standingtable -


The double tunnel (as the shorter one is wider so easier to get the bunnies to go through at speed!) -


The whole course on that particular day -


Here are some pics of my bunnies doing the course -

Dandy going over the old 'dog walk' -

Dandy standing on the 'standing table' -

Daisy on the old 'dog walk' -

Daisy on the old 'A frame' -

Daisy on the standing table, standing still with a lot of effort from me as she wanted to jumpg off as soon as she jumped on! -

Thats it from me for now, i'll keep you updated on their progress!

How is everyone else doing with training their bunnies?


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