Post Surgery Cleaniness - Need advice.

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Aug 1, 2012
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My bun had a massive bladder stone removed on August 5th. Up until today, he seemed to have his bowels under control and was pretty happy. However, today, when I picked him up, I found his hind legs, tail and even part of his back *soaked* in urine. I can't figure out how he got so much urine so high up his back. I called the vet and was advised not to wash him because of the stitches on his stomach. I tried to clean him with a dry towel but can tell he's pretty miserable. He also keeps trying to clean himself. I'm worried about infection. Sadly, I can't afford to take him back to the vet at this point. I can't take him back until payday. Any advice on how I can clean him up or what could be happening here? Thank you in advance.
Honestly, and I am certainly no expert, but I would try to wash the area that has pee on it. I wouldn't submerse him in water or anything, but I would use a damp soapy cloth and try to get the urine off. It seems to me that leaving the pee on him would lead to possible infection more. As long as your careful around the stitches, I don't see the problem. Poor little fella. I don't know if you have a credit card, but you could put it on there and pay it off when you get your paycheck.

Good luck!
I agree with Carrie. I'm not a vet either but I would think pee soaked fur is more of an infection risk than water soaked fur. Maybe not use soap, but Luke warm water?? Not drench him but enough to get the pee out.

Poor bunny, hope he gets better soon!

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