Pet Insurance ... Revisited

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This was Paul, my friend who is a lawyer's, reaction to the site posted.

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I did a 2 year-old rabbit in your zip and got $120/year, notsure if it includes routine coverage (doubtful).

The bulk of health insurance is not true insurance but rather a poolingof risks and thus a smoothing of costs among a group. Insurance onlycomes into it if you have (like I do), insurance you pay for yourselfthat protects against major illness/hospitalizations; most costs comeout-of-pocket. For a pet, especially a rabbit that I suspectan owner wouldn't pay heroic amounts to save, I would guess thatinsurance probably does not make sense. In other words,assuming the $120 doesn't cover $120 of routine exams and vacinnations,that'sa large wager over a couple years that you'd recoupthose premiums in care cost.

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Thanks so much, Carolyn, for this great info!

Let me think about it for just a little while before I reply.
Well, I beg to differ with my dear friend, Paul,about owners not paying heroic amounts of money to save a rabbit, buthe does make some very good points.

Carolyn, yes, that was animmediate point that I was going to disagree with. Just as Iwould with a child, I'd go to the lengths necessary to ensure Sherman'shealth.

Buck, thanks for the vote ofconfidence!
Sounds like your pet insurance over in the US may be rather different from ours over here in the UK.

I should know how ours works now have had enough claims going through in the last couple of months with Crunchie and her lumps!

Over here for a small premium which you can pay monthly (I do) oryearly your rabbit will be covered against most illnesses, treatmentand operations as long as you keep up the payments and realise you haveto pay an excess which is £40 in my case. I think this is quitereasonable considering the cost of vets fees I am upto about £600 nowfor Crunchies fees and have only had to pay £40 plus the monthly costof £13.00 (£6.50 for each rabbit). My policy covers me for upto £2,000for each rabbit in any one year. So I think I will be OK for Crunchieas my policy is up for renewal in November and am only upto £600 so far!

The insurance will not pay out unless your rabbit is vaccinated. Theywill not pay for your animal to be put to sleep either and will not payfor your rabbit to be cremated.

They will pay boarding fees if you have to go into hospital for anyreason and cannot look after your bunny. They will also pay advertisingfees if you pet runs away!

I can thoroughly recommend it! But as I say it does sound as if theinsurance available for bunnies in the US may be a bit different!
Carolyn wrote:

This was Paul, my friend who is a lawyer's, reaction to the site posted.

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I did a 2 year-old rabbit in your zip and got $120/year, notsure if it includes routine coverage (doubtful).

The bulk of health insurance is not true insurance but rather a poolingof risks and thus a smoothing of costs among a group. Insurance onlycomes into it if you have (like I do), insurance you pay for yourselfthat protects against major illness/hospitalizations; most costs comeout-of-pocket. For a pet, especially a rabbit that I suspectan owner wouldn't pay heroic amounts to save, I would guess thatinsurance probably does not make sense. In other words,assuming the $120 doesn't cover $120 of routine exams and vacinnations,that'sa large wager over a couple years that you'd recoupthose premiums in care cost.

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I thank Paul profusely for his very well articulated, insightfulanalysis and for taking the time out of what I know must be a very busyschedule to give us his learned opinions on this.:) Here is my rebuttal:

1) His first statement is absolutely correct. TheAvian and Exotic Plan which would cover bunnies does not allow theroutine services coverage plan for bunnies. It's availablefor birds, but not bunnies. :(

2) As stated earlier, I would indeed pay heroic amounts toinitiate, preserve, and ensure Sherman's health, so on this point we'renot in agreement:?

3) He summed it up best when he said,"The bulk of health insurance is not trueinsurance but rather a pooling of risks and thus a smoothing of costsamong a group. Insurance only comes into it if you have (like I do),insurance you pay for yourself that protects against majorillness/hospitalizations; most costs comeout-of-pocket."

If the pet owner has a clear understanding thatthis is the primary purpose of this specific plan, then he/she won't bedisappointed. I fully expect to have to pay the majority ofthe costs of Sherman's routine veterinary care (althoughquite a comprehensive number of services encountered in a routine visitare covered), but I'm looking towards the pet insurance to diminish ourliability in the event of majorillness/hospitalization.

I think that only true bunny lovers can understand the lengths thatwe all would go to to ensure quality of life for our furbabies. Many of us have reported how othershavedeemed us "loony" for doing the sorts of things that wedo for bunny. Dog owners understand sacrifices for adog; cat owners understand sacrifices for cats, but sincebunnies have only relatively recently emerged as a credible companionanimal in society, most people truly don't understandandwouldn't be willing to make the sacrifices for them that wewould.

That being said, Sherman's policy came in the mail onFriday.:D Will update you all as we goalong to what degree the hype measures up to the reality. I'mgreatly encouraged though by Foofy's experience with her petplan. If I understand correctly, I believe (don't holdme to this though), that the company I'm using is a sister company tothe one that she uses.

Carolyn, thanks again for your most excellent research in this area andfor reporting thesefindings. You're always looking out for us and have our best interests at heart,and for that we'll always love and appreciateyou.

Thank you for your research and sharing your perspective.

So noted, and well stated. You do make one stop and think.



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