Pepper and Dotties thread

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I will indeed have to get some more videos of the bunnies.

Its starting to get really frosty out, so today I am preparing the shedfor the guinea pigs temporary winter home. Its the first timethey have been in there, so alot has to be done to it to make it piggyproof.

Meanwhile, Rosie has been improving tremendously and she even let me put a ribbon around her neck :shock:



Im going to post some more pictures tonight, as it looks like I amgoing to be out in the garden all day with the bunnies!
Hello all again! I havent checked thissite for a few days because lots has been happening in my life thisweek! Mostly bad actually.

Dottie is recovering from mites/lices so I suppose that is one good thing!

The bad news is that I was in a car crash on Sunday, my friend and mumwere both in the car with me. It wasn't that major, and thedamage done to it you can hardly see.... But I took it for an estimateprice in repair today as it was the women who went into me's fault, andit is going to cost £1,300 to repair! I really cant believeit. My car is only worth £900, so ofcourse its a right off:( There is nothing wrong with the car, it runs and its quitea newish car. I really dont want to lose my baby!:(Its like losing a member of the family.

Also if I want to keep the car, even though they let me take it hometoday and its still sitting in my drive way now, they want me to pay£180 to keep it/get it back! Or I let them have it, and they give me£900 for it. I dont want to lose my baby!

Sorry for blabbering on, and its probually not the right place to talk about this, as its my bunnies blog, but :(
sorry to hear about your car!

sometimes when i am down, i just play with my bunny or even just watching him somehow makes me feel better......

maomaochiu is my magical pill that cures everything, hoho...
Aww Linz, thank goodness you were all OK. I knowwhat you mean about your car, though, I had my car for 15 years, andwhen it eventually had to go, I was heartbroken - I kept remebering allthe good times I'd had in it!

Poor Dottie. At least she is getting over the lice and mites. Did Pepper get them as well?

Hope you are feeling OK :hug2:


Luckily Pepper didnt get any mites! Dottie has not seenPepper for about a week so Pepper was begining to wonderwhere she went.

Yesterday Dottie went in the garden while Pepper was in her run, andthey both went crazy like 'what are you doing on my land!'They both kept grunting, holding their tails high and sprayingeverywhere. It was funny. Just like old times:shock:

Good news about my car aswell!!!!! :DMy dad took it somewheretoday to get it done for cheaper and its gonna cost £600 at this othergarage! The women is willing to pay that much, so we dontneed to go through insurance either. My car is saved!!!! Itsgoing to be spare parts, but its going to look brand new :DAnything to save my car lol.
Hey linz!

Wow,it looks like rosie's having a blast of a time!

How is your car going?

She did have lots of fun jumping through all the windows!

My car is alright, its going to the garage tomorow for repairs so Iwill have to get the bus to college all week :(Fortunatley,or ironically we got a leaflet through the paper today with a free dayreturn bus ticket, or £5 off a weekly ticket! So that waslucky, as buses are so expencive here.

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