Pee and Poop Issues

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Feb 8, 2015
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Here's my 3-month old bunny named Happy who loves to pee and poop anywhere she likes. There is no sign when she is peeing or pooping until you see the urine or poop on the floor. This morning she even peed on the sofa twice!!! Now she is not allowed to come into the house and must stay outside. What can I do to potty train her? Or is she just mad that we moved her nest outside the house (she is allowed to run everywhere in the small garden)?

Help please!
If you have a dog crate or x-pen, you can keep her in there with 2 litter boxes on opposite ends filled with hay on top of litter. Get her urine on a paper towel/newspaper and put that into each box. You could use just one box, but it usually helps to give her the choice of 2. She should be enticed to poop in at least one box while she eats. Her inclination to pee in it may not come right away, but the best strategy is to keep her confined during this process so you have a controlled environment where you can quickly clean up her messes in the areas you don't want her to do her business, so she understands the purpose of the boxes. Don't clean the box too well with cleaner in the beginning to avoid confusing her. Once she is peeing exclusively inside the litter box (some poop out of the box is to be expected), you can gradually give her a little more space to roam. Don't rush it and give too much freedom initially or you could undo all the progress. Keeping her outside will not help matters and will only stress her out as she is accustomed to being inside. If she is spayed when she comes of age, she'll be less inclined to mark everywhere. Hope that helps.
Thanks for commenting, zosia. She already got two litter boxes which she is currently using but when she got more freedom she just started to mark places again! Should I confine her again? =(
Don't be discouraged. Babies and unspayed females are known to be more difficult. I would try limiting her living space again, and reward her with treats only when she's in her litter box. My bun was about the same age when I began litter training. He also reverted back to old ways when free. I'd treat carpet stains regularly until I figured out that one area had a higher concentration of urine stains than anywhere else. So I put a litter box there and shampooed everywhere else. As soon as he used it regularly, I cleaned the remaining carpet stains and he was the perfect free range bun from then on. here's a link that may help you better:
It is not unusual for a hormonal rabbit to be bad with potty habits. Some might even say it is almost useless to try training her until she is spayed. Even babies that do litter train when young may "forget" that training during the hormonal time.
If you do continue to try to train her, just be sure that when she is out of her cage that she is only out on wipe-able surfaces.
Thanks Zosia and Blue eyes. So should I take her to the vet for spaying? She is roughly three-month-old now.
Previously the pee usually is in puddle, but now I can see trail of droplets instead of a puddle. Is it normal?
Thanks Zosia and Blue eyes. So should I take her to the vet for spaying? She is roughly three-month-old now.
Previously the pee usually is in puddle, but now I can see trail of droplets instead of a puddle. Is it normal?
Some vets may spay that young, but others like to wait until age of 5 or 6 months. You would need to find a rabbit savvy vet and then ask when they are willing to spay.

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