Paralyzed Baby Cottontail

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Jul 1, 2024
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New to the site. My husband and I found a baby bunny in our yard over the weekend that appears to have been born with their back legs paralyzed...His eyes are open and he has the white streak on his head so we are estimating that he is around 6 weeks old. We brought him in over the weekend.

I called a few local rehabs and no one in the area will take cottontails, especially disabled ones. We don't want him to die in our yard or get eaten because he is slow, but he seems totally healthy otherwise. He has been active with an appetite and energy. He has been demolishing the dandelions and hay we have been leaving for him. He doesn't appear to be in pain and it really looks as if he has been paralyzed since birth because he is well acclimated and his front legs are strong. He also has regular poop and bladder function.

I am totally at a loss! I guess I wanted to ask what anyone's experience with having/raising/taming a cottontail is. Since he is so young, will he acclimate? We don't want him to die in the yard...and we don't want him to get euthanized if he is otherwise healthy...

Our thought is probably to get him strong enough and maybe build/buy him a bunny coop for our yard when he's bigger? It's better than death right?


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It's very good that he's relaxed enough around you to still eat well. A very stressed rabbit wouldn't eat well, or at all sometimes, which can result in digestive shutdown and the rabbit starving itself if proper medical care isn't received. There have been a few members on here in the past, that have cared for cottontails, one long term. So it is possible for it to work out.

Really the only options other than finding a licensed rehabber(NOT a raptor rehabber) that will keep him and take care of him permanently, or having him euthanized, is to take him in as a pet yourself, or to find someone else who will. Like Blue Eyes mentioned, in most states it's illegal to care for wildlife without the proper license, so you'd need to check your state wildlife laws.

If you do decide you want to continue to care for him permanently and your state requires a license, to do this legally you could obtain a rehab license, which would also mean he could then receive vet care when needed. I believe the license involves a test, and probably a licensing fee. I just watched a YouTube video about a guy that found a disabled squirrel and decided to study for and get the license, so he could care for the squirrel permanently as a licensed rehabber. So that is a possible solution.

It's good that you've only fed natural food the bunny would be used to eating and not tried feeding commercial rabbit food. Just be aware that baby rabbits in particular, have a very sensitive digestive system and any sudden food changes can sometimes cause a severe disruption to the delicate balance of a rabbits gut. This can be a fatal thing in some cases. High carb and sugary foods are especially important to avoid until a rabbit is older, and then these foods should be very limited to small amounts, and only fed if no digestive upset occurs.

If you do end up keeping the bunny, you won't have to maintain a wild diet permanently. Good quality (no mold) grass hay (timothy, orchard, meadow, etc) is a staple in pet rabbits diet and is one of the best foods for their digestive health. And can usually be given right away without having to gradually introduce into the diet, as it rarely causes digestive upset. Wild greens like the dandelion, and other rabbit safe forage the bunny is used to, can continue to be fed. In a few weeks, other greens and veg could be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with small amounts, one at a time per week. Commercial pelleted feed could be introduced later if needed, but should be very gradually introduced over several weeks. I'd also stick with a high quality brand like oxbow, sherwood, science select, etc.

Here's a bunch more info on domestic rabbits in case you do become his permanent carer.

Baby rabbit diet

Understanding how a rabbits digestive system functions and what normal poop looks like, is an essential part of pet rabbit care, as changes in this can signal the development of health issues, some serious.

Rabbits digestive system

He's a cute little guy and was very lucky you found him. It's unlikely he would have survived long with that disability.
@4Bunjamin , Are you able to get in touch with Dana Krempels? Contact her through Facebook or through University of Miami dot edu / She has written numerous articles on rabbit care.

She may offer additional assistance on this. Cottontails and domestics are very dear to my heart so I commend you for not simply "tossing" him out to be killed. I knew another rehab woman who was able to offer an injured cottontail QOL for the time Jeopardized Cottontail stayed in her care.

DNR and other places will view this special needs' lagomorph as disposable object b/c focus can be geared to the more "hollywood"-type predators.
Thanks everyone! This has all been SO HELPFUL so far! Little Bunjamin is still doing so well! We added Timothy Hay to his diet yesterday and he continues to be super active and quite ravenous honestly! He definitely seems to be growing as well.

Next I want to figure out what handling looks like...any thoughts on touch and interaction? Since he is disabled and will likely need more hands on help overtime I want to make sure we are introducing touch in helpful constructive ways. I have held him a few times which usually results in peeing and pooping, so I know he doesn't exactly love it...I spend time everyday down at eye level talking to him while stroking his head and back gently which he doesn't move away from or spook at.

We do have him in a large rabbit cage in my husband's office, so he see's us regularly and can hear our voices throughout the day. He has a box to hide in if he were scared, but he spends most of his time out and about even in the day and when we are in the room. I am reading this all as positive less fearful reinforcement, but want to continue being as intentional as possible.
Rabbits rarely liked to be picked up. Keep in mind that to a rabbit, the action of being picked up is something that would really only happen when being caught by a predator, so you're working against their natural reaction. But this will certainly have to be something this little bun gets accustomed to having a disability, and is something that rabbits can be trained to at least tolerate in most cases, but on a limited basis usually, even if they don't like it.

I would start with sitting with him as much as you can. Time spent with rabbits is how they get used to other rabbits, people, etc, and how they eventually form a bond. Then I would start hand feeding his usual greens to him as a sort of treat, particularly any of the ones he seems to love the most. This is positive reinforcement and showing him you are the source of good things.

After he seems very comfortable with that, I would move on to trying feeding him on my lap, while sitting on the floor in case he wants to scoot off. Use a thick towel to help add some padding and make for a flatter surface (and absorb pee accidents). He should start to associate being picked up and moved to your lap, as a good thing.

Then it's just time, reinforcement, and patience. As he gets more used to this new living situation and being around people, I think he'll become less nervous about the times when it's necessary for you to handle him.
@4Bunjamin , one of the stories I knew from rehab was a less-than-releasable cottontail had to transition to a qualified licensed individual however the transition was accompanied with a Whole Lotta Red Tape and Paperwork. It was much less duress for the individual to state the disabled cottontail passed away vs. the paperwork that was wanted.

We know there are a gazillion domestics who need forever-devoted homes with humans. Yet a cottontail should be given as much of a chance to live a happy, good life.

Reaching out to Dana M. Krempels may prove beneficial for the future longevity of that disabled sentient lagomorph.

@Blue eyes and @JBun , you always provide valuable info. I take note of everything you type.

My FL friend texted today that a rehab center was home for a bun that suffered head trauma making him/her less-aware of predators and s/he was deemed unreleasable. - Wild bun has been living at the center for 7 years.

My focus has been disabled/special needs' care for domestic rabbits for the past 20 years, and many of our current residents (not all are less-abled) do acclimate to being held or picked up. Happens often when meds need to be administered. They have different personalities, plus age and Trust Factor are key elements to a rabbit feeling safe and secure.
Truth regarding certain states having laws about illegal ownership of wildlife. Check that out.

Good to note the person who came across a disabled squirrel and applied for a license.

You don't want someone knocking on your door and removing the disabled bun to be euthanized.

The case I mentioned above involved a dog grabbing a cottontail and injuring his eye or causing blindness in his/her injured eye. The dog owners brought the injured bun in to DVM clinic, and then cottie was given to licensed rehab for permanent care.

All rabbits will poop and pee while being held--just the nature of things in general, not him singling you out. Any rabbit can be a challenge--our avatar Nikki was deaf and blind for 5 years, but was with us for over 10 wonderful years--just needed a little extra care and caution.
Thanks everyone! This has all been SO HELPFUL so far! Little Bunjamin is still doing so well! We added Timothy Hay to his diet yesterday and he continues to be super active and quite ravenous honestly! He definitely seems to be growing as well.

Next I want to figure out what handling looks like...any thoughts on touch and interaction? Since he is disabled and will likely need more hands on help overtime I want to make sure we are introducing touch in helpful constructive ways. I have held him a few times which usually results in peeing and pooping, so I know he doesn't exactly love it...I spend time everyday down at eye level talking to him while stroking his head and back gently which he doesn't move away from or spook at.

We do have him in a large rabbit cage in my husband's office, so he see's us regularly and can hear our voices throughout the day. He has a box to hide in if he were scared, but he spends most of his time out and about even in the day and when we are in the room. I am reading this all as positive less fearful reinforcement, but want to continue being as intentional as possible.
I am so happy for your little Benjamin! You are an amazing family and it just blesses my heart that you have taken this little one into your hearts! You are doing so much for him to make his little life happy and content. It just puts such a happy smile on my face as I read all you are doing to give him a safe and happy life. I hope and pray he continues to grow and thrive under you loving conditions and brings much happiness into your lives. Bless you!🙏🙏👏👏🥰❤️💕🐇🐇
Another happy update on Bunjamin! He continues to grow everyday it seems! He is looking more and more like a rabbit and less like a little fluffy baseball. We upgraded his cage set up with soft bedding and a little house for him to hang out in. He is definitely getting a bit calmer with petting and doesn't shy away when we enter the room. He will let me stroke between his ears and down his back for a long time. We are hoping he will litter train as he gets older as he gets his cage super messy. He is still not a fan of being picked up...but we are trying to keep handling him every few days because of his disability. We want to make sure we can successfully handle as he gets bigger and may need more help in the future.

We are guessing he is around 7 weeks now but would love to confirm if anyone thinks they are good at predicting ages more accurately.

Keep the tips and tricks coming! :)


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I'd say 5-6 weeks old, based on how old he looks in your previous photos and also now. But cottontails do mature faster than domestic rabbits, so I could be wrong.

My advise is to start litter training now. Rabbits of any age, are usually inclined to pick one primary spot to pee in, when it comes to their main living space. With the proper set up and placement, that's key. And it can actually become more difficult to properly litter train rabbits as they get older and develop bad habits, particularly with rabbits that aren't fixed. So it really is best to start young.

Though do keep in mind, that once a rabbit hits puberty at around 2-5 months, litter box habits can take a step backwards, as you are then contending with hormonal marking behaviors.

You also have a bun with a disability, so that can affect the ability to use a litter box. Proper set up is especially important for this. But he sounds like he's pretty adept at scooting around, so may be able to navigate it ok, once he gets the hang of it.

Here's the basic litter box set up for rabbits:

I'd suggest a low sided litter box, put in the corner he seems most inclined to pee in. Wood pellet litter has always worked the best for me. It's cheap, and great at controlling odor, and helps keep the urine drained and away from the rabbit. But it's very coarse. So topping off with soft grass hay is preferred, which also has the added benefit of helping train bun to use the litter box, as rabbits often poop and pee while they're munching on hay.

Because he's disabled, you may need to still use an absorbent layer on the cage floor, since he'll be scooting around on it and you don't want him scooting through any urine accidents. If he doesn't end up being much of a chewer, puppy pee pads can be used, disposable or washable. It's what I used when I had an elderly bun that lost use of her hind legs. Here's what her set up looked like. Also a good link on working with disabled rabbits.
I'd say 5-6 weeks old, based on how old he looks in your previous photos and also now. But cottontails do mature faster than domestic rabbits, so I could be wrong.

My advise is to start litter training now. Rabbits of any age, are usually inclined to pick one primary spot to pee in, when it comes to their main living space. With the proper set up and placement, that's key. And it can actually become more difficult to properly litter train rabbits as they get older and develop bad habits, particularly with rabbits that aren't fixed. So it really is best to start young.

Though do keep in mind, that once a rabbit hits puberty at around 2-5 months, litter box habits can take a step backwards, as you are then contending with hormonal marking behaviors.

You also have a bun with a disability, so that can affect the ability to use a litter box. Proper set up is especially important for this. But he sounds like he's pretty adept at scooting around, so may be able to navigate it ok, once he gets the hang of it.

Here's the basic litter box set up for rabbits:

I'd suggest a low sided litter box, put in the corner he seems most inclined to pee in. Wood pellet litter has always worked the best for me. It's cheap, and great at controlling odor, and helps keep the urine drained and away from the rabbit. But it's very coarse. So topping off with soft grass hay is preferred, which also has the added benefit of helping train bun to use the litter box, as rabbits often poop and pee while they're munching on hay.

Because he's disabled, you may need to still use an absorbent layer on the cage floor, since he'll be scooting around on it and you don't want him scooting through any urine accidents. If he doesn't end up being much of a chewer, puppy pee pads can be used, disposable or washable. It's what I used when I had an elderly bun that lost use of her hind legs. Here's what her set up looked like. Also a good link on working with disabled rabbits.
This is all super good info! Question about the puppy pads...right now we have him in a cage with a 2 inch thick layer of pet bedding (so what hamsters or gerbils would have). We aren't utilizing puppy pads at all. Every couple of days I am cleaning up the top layer of bedding that is soiled and replacing it with fresh. I do also change out all of the bedding once a week.

Should that suffice? I feel like the bedding with texture helps him to have something to dig into a bit as he moves, but I don't want to set up an improper environment.

I also am hoping that his cage is big enough...the rule of thumb I saw is that the cage should be "3 hops length," but since he doesn't hop...I have no idea if his space can/should be smaller.
Bunjamin is still with us and I swear he grows everyday! His front legs are strong and he is still scooting around well. He's getting more and more comfortable with pets and my being in the room while he eats. He peeps out looking for me as I pass the room too :)

We are starting to think about a larger home for him and I wanted to get feedback on outdoor coops/hutches? We live in the midwest so the weather other than winter feels like a fair choice? Since he really doesn't exercise or play I am worried that he will get depressed just being inside...

Or maybe I am overthinking it...


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Bunjamin is still with us and I swear he grows everyday! His front legs are strong and he is still scooting around well. He's getting more and more comfortable with pets and my being in the room while he eats. He peeps out looking for me as I pass the room too :)

We are starting to think about a larger home for him and I wanted to get feedback on outdoor coops/hutches? We live in the midwest so the weather other than winter feels like a fair choice? Since he really doesn't exercise or play I am worried that he will get depressed just being inside...

Or maybe I am overthinking it...
Oh my goodness he is so
Cute and such a little darling! He looks so healthy and happy and content! I’m so glad you found him and made such a happy home for Bunjamin and love him so much!
Benjamin is a blessed bun!!!👍👍🫶🫶🫶🤣🐇