Our new girl!

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For some strange reason - to me Darcy reminds me of "binky"...an energetic sort of name or something...like the emoticon Katie is using..
LOL....Can't name her Darcy for the same reason why I am iffy on keeping her name as Molly. Quite hilarious you should suggest that, because the girl named "Molly" that we know...her sister is named "Darcy".

Ryan likes "Molly Sophia" and I like "Riley Sophia". I still am not totally sure. I'm not sure why naming her is sooo hard, LOL.


Where is the bunny?

I know I had a rabbit in this cage...

Where could she b.....OH WAIT!!!!!

I think I see her!!

There she is!!!

Now, onto the sad/happy part! This was the cage she came to me in (obviously) and now she is in her new NIC cage :biggrin2:.



Now she has lots of ROOM and TOYS (added more after the picture)!!



My little helpers :)...


Bunny room, for right now - we are moving next month and will be staying in that house for 3 years (semi-permanent, for once!).


She can streeeeeech now!


My girly :hearts...


She is taking to litter training very nicely, actually. Just a few "marking" poops and a little pee spot (probably for marking purposes, too) :).
I LOVE your bunny room and the girly girl...she's so cute.

Now for her and Morgan to bond...
She is so beautiful and gentle looking--like an "old soul," you know what I mean? That's why I love Sophia for her. It means wisdom.
Thanks, you guys :D!

I agree with you, Claire - she does look like she has an "old soul", just like Morgan does. When you look at this girl, you are just waiting for her to talk to you to tell you a story, LOL.

Every time I go into the bunny room, Morgan is laying flopped out by her cage & she lays closest to him. He used to flop out by Marlin's cage....so I guess this is a good sign.

Can't name her "Maggie" because everyone calls my Aunt Margaret "Maggie" :p.

Gaaahh....just stuck on the name thing. I am reading everyone's suggestions, but the names aren't sticking to me. None of the names that I am coming up with are sticking, either. This is difficult! If she was a boy, she would have had a name Thursday night, LOL....naming girls is rather difficult.
Maebh "may + v" Maeve From an old Irish name Madb, "the cause of great joy" or "she who intoxicates." The great warrior queen of Connacht and embodiment of sovereignity she stars in Ireland's greatest epic "The Cattle Raid of Cooley" (read the legend). She left king Conchobhar Mac Nessa for Ailill because "you are a man without meaness, fear or jealousy, a match for my own greatness." But the couple quarrelled over who had the most possessions. Maebh's bull had defected to Ailill's herd and so she bought Daire's brown bull. When Daire went back on the deal she went to war with Cuchulainn (read the legend) and the province of Ulster to recover the bull. [align=center] [/align] Maire "my + ra" Mary The name that was used in Ireland for Our Lady was Muire and interestingly, her name was so honored that it was rarely used as a first name until the end of the fifteenth century. Then Maire became acceptable as a given name but the spelling Muire was reserved for the Blessed Mother. [align=center] [/align] Mairead
or Muiread "mawr + aid" "mur + aid" Margaret The Irish form of Margaret, it became popular around the fourteenth century. [align=center] [/align] Maolisa "mail + issa" Melissa maol + Iosa "follower of Jesus." A name first used by clerics as early as the tenth century.
It is used for boys and girls. [align=center] [/align] Meara "meer + a"
The Irish word mara means "sea." [align=center] [/align] Mona

Muadhnat "little noble one" is one possible source of the name. The Normans brought Monique, "giver of advice," or it could refer to Madonna, "lady" as in the Mona Lisa. [align=center] [/align] Muireann, Muirenn "mur + in" Miren,
Moirin Means "sea white, sea fair." The very appropriate name of the 6th century mermaid caught by a fisherman in Lough Neagh. He brought her to St. Comghall who baptized her which transformed her into a woman. [align=center] [/align] Muirgheal "mur + el" Meryl,
Muriel muirgheal "bright as the sea." The Irish form of the name Muriel. [align=center] [/align] Muirne "mir + ne" Morna, Myrna muirne means "high-spirited, festive." Muirne loved Conall who was from an opposing tribe. Her father, a druid, opposed the match and had Conall killed but not before Muirne had conceived a son, who grew up to be the legendary warrior Fionn Mac Cool (read the legend) and who later avenged the death of his father. [align=center] [/align]
Congrats, Amy and Morgan - she is a beautiful girl - and she looks so happy in her new, big cage :). Sounds like she and Morgan already have some kind of attraction for each other :).

As for names, I like Molly Sophia, and also Maeve

undergunfire wrote:
I agree with you, Claire - she does look like she has an "old soul", just like Morgan does. When you look at this girl, you are just waiting for her to talk to you to tell you a story, LOL.

maybe she needs more of a wise old lady name... my grandma's name was Hazel, it is a bit old skool but I really like it. or, my friend's grandma's name Louella (not sure on spelling?), could be Ella or Lou/Lu/Lulu for short.

everyone suggest your favourite old lady name haha ;)
How about Eulalie? That's a very old fashioned name. I've never heard it on anyone other than the very occasional old lady. It's pronounced yoo-LAY-lee. I think it's pretty :)
Ryan went walking into the bunny room to PET (!!!!!) the new girl bunny :shock:. Um....Ryan never goes into the animal room. He thinks her name should be Molly Sophia. Hrmph....when does he ever suggest things for the rabbits, LOL?!

He was petting her & she loved it. Ryan pets the rabbits rough, like he pets the dog (not like smacking, but heavy stroking, LOL)....so usually only Brody likes to be pet by him, but now the girly likes it, too :p.

So, I guess the girl buns name might be "Molly Sophia". I still don't like "Molly" all that much because it doesn't sound super original & I've known other species named that. I just like Sophia for her middle name.
I was just thinking about how insanely weird it is to get a new rabbit and not be all *gushy* and overly excited. I'm not either of those. It feels like "Molly" (yep, shes just that, for now at least) has always been with us. She just "fits" here, so there isn't much to be excited about, I suppose. Now, when her and Morgan bond...then I may be all *gushy* ;).
I am happy to hear There is finally a name for your new girl. Molly is nice...reminds me of Molly Ringwald...who I loved btw lol

But more pics would be sooo nice :)
Crystal....you do NEED another bun! I told you that like 1.5 years ago, LOL!

Well....bad news. I Molly got out of her NIC cage sometime early this morning (as I was up at 12:30am still).....and her & Morgan faught. There is hair EVERYWHERE in the bunny room. No one is hurt....but Morgan was being grumpy in his corner & Molly was binkying across the room when I found them. I know she wanted to get out of her cage soooo bad since getting her...and today is her day, she should have waited :grumpy:.

I was upset that she escaped & they faught because I thought I had ruined any chance of bonding, but Alicia reminded me of how many times Teresa and Elvis fought...and now they are a pair.
I think all the great couples in history (human and bunny) have fought hard and loved well anyway.

I'm sure they'll wind up bonding - it will just take time.