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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2008
Reaction score
, , Norway
Hello everyone:)
I'm a forum-addict, rabbit-forums in particular:p so when I found this site I thought it looked intresting (possibly due tot he word "Rabbit" in the title:shock:) so I figured I'd join in the fun:D

I live far up norht in the cold Norway, with my father and one younger brother, and of course the bunnies, and soon hopefully a dwarf hamster (recently had a syrian hamster, but she got put down not too long ago and I miss her so much:()

As you probably would notice I love rabbits, I am the owner of two wonderful rex-rabbits and plain crazy mixbreed named Zakura the Killer Rabbit...not without a reason.. She got the name after developing a nasty habit of biting during feeding time when she was only 3 months old. As the problem just got worse and worse, I had her neutered at the age of two and now finally she isn't quite living up to her name anymore:biggrin2:
Zakura was my first rabbit, and despite the hardships I couldn't dream of parting with her, now come on, who can look at this face and say she's a killer?

As some of you probably noticed the name was inspired by Monthy Python (yeah, and the Zakura-part is from the japanese manga/anime Naruto, I love manga and anime:D almost as much as I love bunnies, Zakura (or Sakura really...I just prefer to spell it with a Z) means Cherry Blossom in Japanese)
So when I got my second rabbit, I figured he needed a name in the same style too.

His name is Sasuke the Legendary Black Beast. Sasuke is from the same series as Zakura, and he's also named from the Legendary Black Beast of AAAAARGH from Monthy Python and the Holy Grail.
And here's why:

He's a standard rex rabbit, so I thought the Legendary Black Beast fit him well:D cept for the beast-part...he's an angel! An extremely lazy angel it seems:p I used to keep him indoors in a pet shop cage but he refused to come out of it...besides the thumping on the plastic floor made me mad so I built him a run instead:biggrin2:
And I'm actually quite proud of the outcome:

Even though he still makes some noise at night...particularly at 3 AM, he likes to nibble on the inside of his house...I need to sort that out somehow if I'm ever going to get a good night sleep again:( (and since it's the middle of winter...moving him out is out of the question!)

My third (most hyperactive) rabbit has the long fancy name Vestkystens Romance told by Aroma, and for once I didn't name her:cool: Aroma or Roma for short.

She's a young rex rabbit (which may explain why she's plain nuts) and brown sable. I actually got her from far across to almost the other side of the country, just because I had decided I wanted a sable:biggrin2: and I never regretted that.
She's a beautiful girl in all ways, very kind, except to Zakura...
The girls both live outside in hutches (now with run extensions) but I have to keep them separate since they keep trying to bite each other through the bars:p

I am hoping to breed Sasuke and Aroma soon, but the cage Aroma is in is unfit for breeding (the cage itself is too small and the run has too wide bar openings, so young rabbits will easily slip through) so I am waiting for my dad to finish the cages he promised me IN JUNE:? Sasuke carries sable, which is why I set my eyes on a sable doe:cool: if I'm lucky, both rabbits may even carry blue! (I know Sasuke is, since his father was blue sable)
I can't help but wonder how the activity level on the kits will be, Sasuke being so lazy and Aroma so insane... but according to a friend of mine, who used to own Aroma's parents and grandparents, her grandpa was the same way she is now as a youngster, but eventually settled down:biggrin2:

That was me and my crazy fuzzballs:dude: I hope we'll get along nicely:) and that you don't think I use too many pictures in my post:p Animal photography is another hobby of mine...
:hello Welcome! This is a great place to talk "BUNNY"! Your rabbits are adorable! :bunnydance:
Ohh I love those bunnies!!! Sasuke is so pretty! Is he a standard rex?

Welcome to the forum!!!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Ohh I love those bunnies!!! Sasuke is so pretty! Is he a standard rex?

Welcome to the forum!!!
Thanks and yes, I did say so:biggrin2:
Both Sasuke and Aroma are standard rexes.
Hey there!

Your bunnies are just too precious =] Lolz, I used to watch Naruto non-stop until... I moved and had no tv for three months. Now I work when it's on, so no more Naruto for me =P Welcome to the forums!


Hey ZR, what a great addition to our forum. :) You and your bunnies are most welcome!

Bo and I are both mini-rex nuts, thus the 'standard' query, but according to another current thread, apparently 'rex' people don't like that much, the proper terms are rex and mini-rex. Me? I call them maxi-rexes. ;)

The sable colour is awesome, I've never seen one before. Too gorgeous!!

And I don't think the Norway north country is much colder than northern Alberta, so you can probably 'shop talk' with MyBabyBunnies about unfreezing water bottles and the like, she's the most attentive 'snow bunny mum' I've ever seen. ;)

Can you put your location in your profile? That will be most helpful to know when people respond to you.

Again, Welcome to RO! :welcome1

sas :bunnydance:
NZminilops wrote:
Nice to meet ya! I have a Sakura :D, she's a biting demon rabbit :p.
Oh my...the name must be cursed:shock: (That should show my friend who claimed she became like that since I joked about "The Killer Rabbit":p)

Thanks Pipp.
I call them rexes normally too, as minirexes are so rare in Norway and most are pretty much rex-dwarf crosses from breeders who TRY to create the minirex from scratch (Import laws are very strict here since we're not part of EU, and besides Norway is one of the few countries around here where I haven't heard of a single case of myxi, vaccinations are banned and we can't import vaccinated buns since that may spread the disease:()
I totally fell for the sable rex too:cool: I first saw it when I asked some breeders what colours I could get and what to use for breeding Sasuke, and him being a sable-carrier, one breeder showed me a sable rex and I fell in love:shock:
I knew I had to get one. Aroma hasn't gotten the best marks for her colour and since Sasuke's sable doesn't even show I'm very exited over how the babies will turn out:biggrin2:

I can't even watch Naruto on TV...it doesn't run here D: So I watch it online;P Directly subtitled from the japanese version:D And my brother is buying the american DVDs:biggrin2:
I went and looked up Naruto, I don't think we have that here, it looks good! My Sakura is named after the girl from Cardcaptors :p, er, sort of a childish cartoon but I like it :D.


Looking foreard to seeing and hearing about those babies :biggrin2:
Wow - Norway! I've always wanted to go there - even if it can get cold.

Welcome to the forum....I love all the photos.


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