Once Upon a Time

Rabbits Online Forum

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Jul 9, 2011
Reaction score
Nepean, Ontario, Canada
Some people set out to get a rabbit. They see one in a little corner pet store, fall in love and are determined to bring the sweet creature home. They find an ad on Kajiji or Used Ottawa – they go to their local humane society, a shelter, or even a farm that provides them with their very own $10 bunny. The desire to get a bunny has to come from somewhere, a small visit, a book, a movie, maybe even just pictures. But there is that moment when we first see the face of a rabbit – it hooks us. Their eyes stare back, in terror, in desire, who knows. We see their long ears, puff tails and multitude of coats and just sigh, that is the pet for me.

My start with rabbits begun at a young age. I, like every other 12 year old, saw a bunny in a petstore and fell madly in love. I begged and pleaded with my parents, bartered, did whatever I thought it would take to get myself a rabbit. Looking back now, I’m glad my parents said no. I was nowhere near ready for the responsibility or commitment of a rabbit. Instead they bought me two little guinea pigs, and I was equally delighted in them. They lived for a following 5 years, until they both, sadly succumbed to cancer.

I was much older when I looked into getting myself a rabbit. I was 19 and living off and on with an ex boyfriend at the time. I thought, stupidly, that getting animals together would fix our relationship. Oh, how naïve I was. I again, found myself begging and pleading for a pair of rabbits (one each). This time though, I got my wish. I looked online and found a breeder of lionheads, and the following week, we each went to pick out our very own $10 rabbit. I choose a white male, Simba and he choose a black male, Lexus.

I was in love. Simba was the most wonderful animal I had ever owned. And it dawned on me, I was so happy with my rabbit; I no longer needed my boyfriend. So I packed my rabbit and I up (he kept, and still has Lexus to this day) and moved back home with my wonderful parents. I soon after neutered Simba and we shared our bedroom. He became my best friend, everything revolved around him and his happiness. He is, to this day, a very spoiled rabbit.

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