Oma rapiti, oma rapiti...

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Yeah, it's crazy how much they bleed. Not that I've had to deal with a bleeding rabbit ear. Take ages to heal, too.

Assignments are all in, who knows how well I did. Hopefully I pass them, lol. Now exams to get through. Lovely.
Thanks guys! Got my first exam tomorrow; I'm sorta studying hard.
Rabbits are hanging out in mum's room a lot lately, which annoys her because she's allergic to them. She woke me up last night by coming into my room, asking if I had them. There was something under her bed, and she said it wasn't a cat. Turns out it was a cat, she'd kicked him out but he'd sneaked back in. Blaming my precious babies! They would totally never do anything like burrowing inside bed bases. *stares at Nermal*

Took my sister's dog Ruby for a walk today, and bawled the entire time because it wasn't Cody.
Walking to my exam this morning, I saw a white NZ rabbit in someone's driveway. No gate. Was worried he'd hop out in the road or something; so knocked on their door to check. Wasn't hers, he was from two doors up; his owner was away, he'd figured out how to escape from his place, and he was spending his time hopping between three houses, being fed, eating the lady's garden,(she didn't mind), and basically living a hobo's life.
The guy's daughter knew about it, but didn't seem to be doing anything. Apparently he's smart enough to stay off the road, and the cats around aren't interested. So....yeah.
My brother, who was with me, spent the rest of the walk trying to convince me that's how Reuben and Nermal should live. Sure.

White rabbits are good luck, right?
haha I was ages early anyway, so no chance of being late. Used up a bit of time that would have been spent in nerves, anyway. :S He seems to just hop between the three houses, sounds like he goes back to his hutch at night.
Ohai! I'm alive! I passed all my papers! Life's still an uphill battle, but I'm slowly getting better at figuring out how to stop the downward slide. Did a big clean out and rearrangement of my room last night, and shuffled cages around. Turbo and Dragon are now in the old boys cage, because it was bigger, and the old boys just have a little one they can climb into to eat, poop, wee, and drink.
They've been free-ranging 24/7 for a few weeks now, and it's going pretty well. They mostly sleep in my bed, and climb up on my bookshelf(sigh) to muck about, etc. I have a sort of loft bed, so the rabbits don't need to worry about them, they're too old to climb down. The rabbits are also pretty good at keeping cats out, although Pearly's started coming in. She doesn't realize the rats free-range, but I still have to keep my door shut, which the rabbits aren't happy about.
Ira had an abscess come up right by his penis. He had to have surgery to remove it, but it's come back. Also his aunt Harper has an open abscess thing right by her vulva, and Ira's sister Leila has a suspicious bulge/lump in about the same place. Harper's sister(the sibling's mum) died of weird internal bleeding in the perineal area, which we weren't able to solve before she died. It seems to be genetic in this horribly inbreed family. *sigh*

Anyway. Reuben had his nails clipped this morning, and my sister took pictures of his marshmallowness. What would I do without this guy? <3 He deserves better than me.



I swear Nermal knows exactly what a camera is, and what I do with the pictures. I ended up using my dog's large plastic bed for litter, and hay. She was in a large pile of hay, eating, and I picked the camera up casually, casually pointing it in her direction and...she looked at me, and jumped out. BAH! I got one of her anyway. I swear she does and stands by poop deliberately.

Oh, and here's one of Ira, all snuggled up in my bed, and Elsa, curled up on my laptop. She wouldn't give it up, either; every time I moved her, she'd be back. Even as I was typing.


Ira (4).jpg

So long time no posty on the forum. Well, now it's yanna spam time! I had a camera, there were rabbits. So, I took photos. Unfortunately, it's been so long since I've touched a camera, I seem to have lost my skills. Oh well. Pixelated pictures it is. Also a video, which sadly gets pretty shaky when I zoom in on his mouth. That's him munching loudly, btw. ;D I have no idea why the camera makes such clunking sounds.

Excuse the room, I'm still rearranging things. As for the poop...they poop where they want. *sigh*
[ame=""]Reuben eating[/ame]



Aww, how cute. They sure do poop where they want. Bandit, bless him, is very good at using his litter tray. But one day when I went into his room there was just poop everywhere! I'm not sure what happened, but thank goodness it was a one off.

Your buns are very cute :)
Thank you!

Reuben used to be pretty good, but once Nermal came, she never really caught on, and Reuben just followed suit. They use the litter trays, but they also just go where they want, if they feel like it. Luckily I have lino, even if it is hideous, but once I bought a rug, and they ruined that. Gah.
Oh your buns are so cute! :) Ash is pretty good with his litter box but like Bec said one day I came and looked in his tray and I saw poop al over the place. He usually poops in his litter box though. Thank god for that!
Thank you! Of course, all rabbits are cute, but I can't help but feel Reuben takes the cake. Er, I didn't mean that literally. Even though he has done, before. And Nermal provides me with great fun, I love watching her. At the moment, I think she's practising the new olympic sport: mouth tossing. She seems to be trying to see how far she can throw a piece of wire.

It occurred to me as I logged on, that I had no idea what my profile picture was. I remembered once I saw it, lol, but now I'm wondering if I should change it or not. Hmm. Decisions, decisions.
I was perusing petfinder and came across this bun that looked exactly like Reuben. Except she's a she! Same ears and eyeliner same....roundness and dewlap. I was a bit blown away and told Omar he had to go down and visit with her. He knows who Reuben is so I'm waiting for him to be super impressed!
We've been having a few quakes lately. Just had the biggest one yet. Nermal's looking a little worried, Reuben is placidly settled on his built-in cushions. Nothing could ever touch the great jigglebun, surely??

Quakes haven't affected us at all, just the last one nearly made some vases go over, and the house creaked. We're used to 'em here. :) They do seem to be building up though.

Power's flicking. We were lucky we didn't lose power during the huge storms recently, or in the quakes yet, but we might eventually.
I luce Reubens built in cushions! Glad you guys aren't being affected by quakes. I don't think I would like to have any quakes around here. Would be a bit creepy to feel the whole house shaking.
We've had another big one,(and aftershocks) which caused a bit of damage in the town closest to it. Bit of speculation as to if that was 'the big one' or just more lead up. We've been expecting a big one for years in my city, but actually we've not had any activity in our local faults for a while.

Anyway!!! I've adopted a 13 year old husky. :) He's just moved in. I would give you pictures, but Nermal broke into my rabbit-free cords area, and nibbled my usb cord. So I can't. Everything's going ok so far, Beaudine is a little sulky, but he's behaving; Ruby is not, but she's little so we don't need to worry about her eating him lol. Mixed reaction from the cats, some are definitely not happy...Set(husky) is highly interested in the guinea pigs, so he will not be allowed in my room where the rats and rabbits are at all. Reuben has seen him though....he ain't happy either.

So that's my news. :)