Oma rapiti, oma rapiti...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
Reaction score
Wellington, New Zealand
So, I have decided to start a blog. Just 'cos. It will either have hardly any updates, or I will treat it like twitter. Speaking of which, here* is Reuben's twitter. I made him a new one, due to people I know following him that I would rather not. I haven't gotten round to following all my old follows, or hunting down people, and so on. Still don't get on it much these days. :/ Also, his facebook*.

Right then. Should do some kind of an introduction. Firstly, I should probably translate the title. It's Run rabbit, run rabbit...also explains Reuben's second name. Rabbit, and Rabbitson just seemed too mainstream. :p The title is appropriate, because both rabbits like to run. Reuben likes to go awol, and sneak out. Nermal likes to run. And climb. Seriously. I think she's part cat.

ANYWAY. Most people know Reuben, and Nermal. Reuben is fat, used to be cranky, but these days is pretty laid back. I think it is laziness. Still capable of beating up the cats and dog though, if they get too close. Nermal is shy, but fast. I think the other half is ninja. Ok, maybe I've just been too used to my cuddle slug, but she gets into some weird places.

So, their surroundings. There is me. I am an engineering student. Ze furry things are the reason why. I would have preferred pathology, or medicine of some kind, or joining the air force, but all involved abandoning them, due to medicine not being available in this city. *sigh*
Apart from that, I am a sad, pathetic loser who for awhile was too afraid to even go out by herself. No real reason why, just 'cos. I devote my life to being a slave to rats, rabbits, cats, and dog. I also live with guinea pigs, and other cats, and dogs.

I might possibly get around to posting pictures. Maybe.

Ooook, I have a feeling this might have been a bad idea. I should turn of the light and allow myself to sleep. But first I will post this, and hope I don't wake up tomorrow and really regret this.
Here. Here is a box full o' guineas.


They sleepy rat did me in. That was so freakin' cute. Nermal better get some pictures up fast if she wants to have anything on that.
I think your blog is great! And I think its funny that you made Reuben a twitter account. Too cute, I'll definitely follow it! Maybe I'll make Ash a twitter account too.
Naww, thank you people! I say and do some weird things when I stay up too late...good to see I did nothing overly weird. I was inspired to make Reuben's after another forum member made her rabbit one. Speaking of which, haven't seen her around lately...
Definitely make Ash one!

The rat is Ashley. He is trouble. Cute trouble, but trouble. He's not actually sleepy, he's just pulling the paper through; eye's shut 'cos of the bar. Who anyone who doesn't know, the paper is a Smashing Pumpkin song reference; Bullet with Butteryfly Wings.

I don't have any pictures of the rabbits that I haven't already posted here, so that's why I decided I'd better post something cute. Box o' guineas ticked the box! But, I dunno if I've ever posted this one here, so you get it now. ehehe.

Oh, I am sick, and wrapped up in my blanky, and trying to decide if I should go to a rat meet or not. I feel more or less fine, but it is at a pregnant ladies house. I don't wanna give her any bugs, so I think I will stay home. *sigh*

However, I decided I might as well take a picture of my tile. It is a bad picture, but you get the idea.

Great start and love all the pics...a twitter account for your rabbit...rabbits tweeting...interesting thought...although I´m sure they´d make more sense than some people. Love the rat, cutie pie.
Well, I'll start off by linking all the threads I've posted my rabbits in, for easy reference for me, too. I don't really have any new pictures, but I have a grooming/cuddle session planned for later, so I will see what my phone can do in the way of pictures!

Here. Here is a little motivational thingy. I *know* the cutting and pasting is terrible. I was on a horrible computer that wouldn't play nice.

Aw man. I wanted to post the original picture that I took that angry print of Rubey, so I'm trawling through my photobucket. It seems I didn't tag that one, so I'm sifting through. So many past furfriends pictures, I'm getting all sad. :( It's, you're all dead. And I'm still here. You're more than dead, you're in the past.
Anyway. Here, a baby Willoughby, and Galahad. They were supposed to be friends, and no it didn't work out. We now know they don't really mix the way cats and dogs do.

Hmm. Can't find the picture. Now it is bugging me. I don't have any of my old pictures on my laptop, so I'm stuck. Here is a demanding kitten, instead.

Anyway; my First Thread*. Second thread*. And my Christmas Thread!*

Sorry chaps, that's all I got. Well. That's a lie. I actually have a lot, but I had better stop. Unless you'd like a post introducing all furry members of this house, with multiple pictures? Too bad, I'm too lazy to do it.
*bleedy picture further down. Nothing major, just a small cut that bleed heaps. Also a Reuben picture*

Sweet buns! I only just realized you're Annette. :D I was actually wondering awhile back what happened to you; turns out you were actually already back. lol.

Well, I got busy yesterday, rearranging my room. I moved the rabbit's cage, and Reuben instantly went and pee'd where it used to be. Except it didn't go on the lino, it went on the concrete where Nermal has torn up the lino, and it seeped underneath the lino. Poobum. Then this morning, I swept up all the hay, poo, and spilt litter, and sat down to er, rest. He went up to it, and then foot flicked through it. Kicking it every where. Fat ball of lard. I got a picture of him relaxing after that strenuous effort at making my life harder.

Turbo thought it would be clever to climb up onto the older boys cage. It wasn't. They nipped his tail, which bled heaps, as tails do. I wasn't in the room at the time, so I come back later, to see...well, you'll see it. I promise it is just a small cut, the lumpy looking stuff is just clotted blood. Toads. It's fine this morning, should heal well.


There's nothing wrong with that! :D I keep planning on turning that into a t-shirt, lol. But I just haven't been able to get a picture of a rat I'm happy with. tbh, whenever I see this blog, I just start singing the run rabbit song, hehe.
Sweet buns! I only just realized you're Annette. :D I was actually wondering awhile back what happened to you; turns out you were actually already back. lol.

Hehe, yeah i went on hiatus for a bit. We actually were without the internet for a few weeks after we moved into our new place, then there was just so much to do i was hardly sitting down at my computer at all for a while. I have a new bunny since the last time i visited the forums (actually i don't remember if i had him already and introduced him or not), he's a big fuzzy english angora. ^.^
No. :( I was just little when they came out. I *cough* have only watched the third one...Planning to watch the other two now though! I couldn't apply for the Hobbit, because of study. My tutor was an extra though!

No, I haven't watched that yet, either. :p

Don't worry, you will have to do much to outcreep me. :ph34r2:lurker