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Thanks Laura,

Well said.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

As I stated before, if you've ever been through a hard time, you havelearned that sometimes the only way through the agony is knowing thatpeople care and are pulling for you.

No one here ever proclaimed to have the answers. I was looking for alittle support and perhaps a suggestion for this young woman.

We go off topic a lot, which is why such posts are entitled "OffTopic". There are plenty of other posts to read should you not findthem well placed here.

I agree that counseling and other powers can help more than us. Asyou'll note, many directed the person toward literature, self-defensesuggestions, and appropriate adults and authorities to help with theissue.

The people here reacted exactly as I had expected they would.

Thank you all.


P.S. Extra special thanks to Laura for sharing her experience with us. You're a brave girl, Laura.

* * * * * * *

Also, when you speak to some 'hard and cold', don't be surprised and claim victim when the tone is returned.
To all who posted here and especially to theyoung lady in question. sometimes in life one makes a mistake, usuallymore than once!

My post was insensative and not very well worded. for that i apologise to all concerned.

It was meant with the best intentions but those intentions did not translate into words I am afraid :-(

sorry folks!

Bob, I've enjoyed your posts in other threads andgained much from them. I haven't gone back and hashed through this one(anyones post) and don't intend too. If you made ajudgment/miscommunication error, thanks for stepping forward and tryingto clear it up. I admire that. I hope you will continue to activelyparticipate.


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