O/T Hopefully A Nightmare Coming To An End

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This guyislookingreallyguilty but I hope the law doesn't have any loop holeshe can get out through like them taking that DNA evidence without hisdaughter knowing it. We have stupid, ignorant, left sided laws herethat protect the guilty and if he gets good enough lawyers he could getoff the hook just by pure "evidence" problems.
rarepup wrote:
This guy?is?looking really?guilty but I hope the law doesn'thave any loop holes he can get out through like them taking that DNAevidence without his daughter knowing it. We have stupid, ignorant,left sided laws here that protect the guilty and if he gets good enoughlawyers he could get off the hook just by pure "evidence" problems.

Like what they're saying now - how the Chief of Police never should'vesaid "BTK is arrested." Understand the excitement, but Not Cool! Evenhaving the DNA, he shouldn't've said that as he's supposed to beconsidered innocent until proven guilty. I'd say that's pretty guilty,but you had to know at that moment that a defense attorney wasscribbling on his notepad.

Open mouth, insert foot. :?


Dear Raspberry,

That was a great documentary tonight. It focused on not only thepsycho, but on the whole community being terrorized. You poor people.

I shook through the whole program, and couldn't imagine being you.

It's true what the one man said, "If it was in L.A., everybody would've known." How sad is that?

The fear goes on until we know he's locked up for good, or dead.

Prayers continue, and always will for the innocence and trust he took away from you for all these years.

Just finnished watching this too, WOW:shock:

He was a scout leader, a father, a church president, etc.

I find these sort of cases very disturbing... How can a person, one person lead such a double life?

It really is freakyisn't it? How a person must be different in his mind to be able to betwo different people like that. And from listening to people who reallyknew him, not just in this program but in plenty of other interviews,he was a true friend to some people...:?Can you imagine thepain and confusion those people must be feeling? How you would doubtyourself???

As I've said before, it's hard to explainif you haven't lived it, but look at my "small town living" thread andthen think about having this man work beside your husband. Sit at yourdaughters table as she serves him at the restaurant. Harassing yoursister over a compliance issue. Imagine him watching your Dad walk pasthis home every morning on his daily walk. It's hard to even comprehend,even for me, because it's so unreal....

Wow, that must be pretty scary to think about now!

The closet brush I've ever had with anything like that was back in2002. Our family was visiting Washington, D.C., and staying inneighboring Fairfax, Virginia, the first couple weeks of September. Afew days later, we had the news on for some reason...and I rememberthinking, "That looks familiar."

It was the D.C. sniper.

I followed the story for the next couple weeks with a bizarre - almostsurreal - detattchment. I was there. We stood at some ofthe places where people were shot, not so long before. That was asclose as I had ever gotten to anything like that, and as close as Iever want to get.
m.e. wrote:
Wow, that must be pretty scary to think about now!

The closet brush I've ever had with anything like that was back in2002. Our family was visiting Washington, D.C., and staying inneighboring Fairfax, Virginia, the first couple weeks of September. Afew days later, we had the news on for some reason...and I rememberthinking, "That looks familiar."

It was the D.C. sniper.

I followed the story for the next couple weeks with a bizarre - almostsurreal - detattchment. I was there. We stood at some ofthe places where people were shot, not so long before. That was asclose as I had ever gotten to anything like that, and as close as Iever want to get.
Oh the D.C. Sniper was scary too! All of the 'attacks' fromthe D.C. Sniper were within a half an hour to an hour ofwhere I used to live! I knew friends in just about every town he hitat! I had a few friends that stayed stationary at their house becauseof the D.C Snipers. Those poor people couldn't be at a gas stationwithout the fear of being killed. I'm just glad none of theD.C Snipers victums were friends of mine! I too had been inmany of the locations that they were shot at! My parents were a normalcustomer for the guy that was shot in Manassass VA and to think I wentto church right around the corner from that gas station. :?

I never lived in that fear but had many friends that were who sharedtheir feelings with me. I can only imagine how the 'little town' felttrying to 'dodge' the BTK killer for 19 or so years!
Yes, it really is hard to comprehend that yourfamily brushed up against that Maniac so many times. Yourdaughter, father, sister, and husband. That about covers allareas of your family, ey?!

The show definitely gave you a perspective on how it effected the community.

It was creepy how he knew where all the single women lived, if they hada dog, if they had an alarm system, what their schedules were, etc.because he had access to all that information.

Incredible. It's getting hard to trust anyone anymore.

At least we couldfeel somewhat safe if we were in groups or out in public. With thesniper you would feel like you could be picked off like prey by ahunter at any moment anywhere...how creepy...

I'm glad it didn't last 30 years for those people. :?

Have you heard more news on what's happening on the BTK's trial?

Did anyone hear that Scott Peterson was ssentenced to death row:shock:?i didn't think that the case would move so quickly. He must've had alot of evidence proving he was guilty.

Glad to hear that you can move "safely" around town without the fear of him showing up on your door step.

There was supposedto have been something happen here this last week or so but it gotchanged to a couple months away! :X

Not really. Theyhave stories here and there in the paper about so and so knew him backwhen, or somebody's theory on what his defense will be. But I haven'treally heard anything new lately. I don't even know when the next courtdate is. I guess I need to pay better attention. :?

No big deal, Raspberry. I'm sure Icould find out the next court date on the net. Just wascurious. Don't bother to follow it. You've gotenough going on. When it goes to court, we'll hear alot, I'msure.


He goes to courttomorrow morning at 9:00. There is so much commotion here with themedia from all over the United States, you wouldn't believe it! There'sall kinds of guessing going on as to what will happen. Some say he willplead not guilty and then it will go on to trial, some say he hasalready confessed...There is no telling what will happen. Everyone iswaiting to see because this is the first we will hear from theprosecutors about what they really have on him...if they actually tellus this time!

I haven't honestly read this entire thread, justbits and pieces. I've kept up with the case in the news, butit's all awful, so I've kind of ignore it here...sometimes I just don'twant to deal with it. Anyway, I've never been sure what tosay when I was reading here, so I didn't say anything, and even as Ipost this, I know it sounds stupid and...

Ok, so I really wanted to say that we should all offer prayers for thevictims' families because this trial will bring it all back to lightfor them.

Well....everyonewas hoping to hear what the state had on him but he waived his right topreliminary hearing. That means the state didn't have to prove anyevidence against him to hold him over for trial. Usually he would thenenter a plea right after the preliminary hearing but they agreed tocontinue that until May 3rd. Sooooo, we didn't hear anything new andeveryone is just guessing about what's next.

He has grown a beard and has lost a lotof weight. I guess we will know something more in three weeks.

Keep us posted. I saw that TLC did a rerun ofthat show the other night and thought of you. Ok, that didn't soundquite right......not that I associate you with this guy, just thisthread and the discussions we've had about it!

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