Newly aggressive behavior?

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Active Member
Jun 8, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
I have never seen him do this before - he is getting attention everyday and just recently he has developed this aggressive behavior. He has been kicking out all of his litter from his litter pan, knocking his food bowl upside down, and attacking my hand everytime i even go close to his bowl. Right now he is digging, nudging and attacking his bowl in every way he can. I have never in my life seen him do this. Any suggestions as to why he hates his bowl all of a sudden? I have no idea why he has suddenly hated his litter pan and bowl..
If he is reaching adolescence and his hormones are kicking in male rabbits can change drastically in behavior. Neutering male rabbit will take care of the aggressive issues (usually)
He has dug out all of his litter in his litter pan. We are afraid to clean and refill it because it will just become a routine. Any suggestions at all at how to combat this? I reached my hand in there to pet him today and he actually lunged at me. He has never done this.
Has anything significant changed in your home? Noises in and near the house? New pets? New fragrances? Anyone wearing perfume or using new detergent or anything like that?

Has he been eating besides the fact that he's throwing stuff around? Did anything change with his diet that is displeasing him maybe?

I don't know if aggression is a symptom of any sort of possible illness but I will let someone more knowledgeable give their thoughts on that.
Well, I know when they don't feel well it can be, right? But he is going to the bathroom, eating, and drinking fine. We changed his food like two months ago, but it's just this last week that he has actually shown aggression. Should I go and get his old food again and see if that makes a difference? He never used to care when we would wean him off one food to the next.
That's strange. A rapid and dramatic change in behavior like that would make me think something has changed or he's ill. If you can, get him out of the cage and do a full-body well bunny exam, checking for cuts, lumps, gas noises in the belly, eye/nose crusties, poo stuck to fur, ear issues, etc. There hasn't been any new animal or person added to the house, has there? Or a change in the location of his cage, the temperature of the house, the daily routine?
Any new smells in the house?
Have you changed your perfume, deodorant?
Does he only react this way to you, or to all people in the house?

Has he been getting less out time than usual lately?

Any physical irritants? Fleas/Mites may be terrorizing him.

What does the cage look like? He may be thinking it is too small.

How do you reach into the cage? From the side, or from above?

Have you been doing something annoying lately (music, vacuum, TV late at night...)

(Boy, so many things to consider... Claire's full body exam is a must do, though... you may wish to take him to a veterinarian to rule out internal illness)

What's his medical history like?

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