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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
This has been a very "trying"week or sofor me. Good and bad.....

First, I had to go to the doc because I felt a lump in the area of my thyroid. So, they scheduled an ultrasound. That was last Tuesday. The doc phoned me as soon as he got word of the results - 8 a.m. on Friday morning. Then I waited for the specialist to contact me for a biopsy appt. He phoned at 11 a.m. today, and I go tomorrow for the biopsy - 3 pm. The lump has grown pretty rapidly and I have pain from it sometimes..... it also presses into my throat so it causes me to feel like I have something stuck or something....... and cough.

My son won an academic award and we had to get all the stuff (suit, shoes, dress clothes for me and Lexi cause we had none!) for the thing tonight. So shopping was big last week...... the event was very nice and I'm very happy for him. Although, it was just me and Lexi and my MIL and his former teacher that showed up for the event. Several of our family members are too lazy to go to those things or were sick/forgot.

Hubby was working out of town..... home weekends.... he left this morning for the job and couldn't come home in time for the award ceremony since they finished the job up - worked late to close it down...... now it's just a wait and see sort of thing regarding work. Most likely he'll work most of the winter, but it's never a guarantee in his job.

I think the transmission is going out on my car. It started acting up on me this weekend. :(

I'm supposed to work in the morning and then on Wed. Morning. My nerves are a bit shot tonight and I don't know if I want to postpone tomorrow til thursday..... but at the moment....... I want to just sleep all day LOL!

I'm just so...... stressed or something....... I feel dumb and I don't mean to complain but I would ask that you keep good vibes coming my way for this biopsy! Everything else will fix itself in the long run.......

Don't ever feel dumb and don't ever feel like you can't speak what you feel!

I will be thinking of you, girl. I will also be praying for you! You'll do well! Here for you!


Thank you :hug:

I just don't want to whine. Things are so much worse for so many, I know. So, I try to be thankful for what we have and brush off the little stuff.It just feels like there's a lot of little stuff lately! LOL!

That IS a lot to have to deal with! Don't feel bad for moaning, you have every right!

I really hope that the biopsy goes ok and it's nothing too serious..... I'll be thinking of you today :hug:

We're always here for you to rant at :)
Thanks again.

I decided to not work today. The people I clean for (both families) are just real easy going about that sort of thing. They cancel, change days, ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (diesel says hello or something there).... and forget to leave my pay sometimes..... So it was no biggy - I was going to work on Thursday but she said just take this week off.... yay! I've cleaned for them for 6 or 7 years now!

So, now, that's one less thing to worry about !!

I should be cleaning my own house, but I'm being a lazybutt today!
That's good that you don't have to work! One less thing to worry about...

I say you should sit down and relax a bit- you deserve some 'me' time I think :) Or, at the very least, bunny time!
Thanks :)

I've got some laundry in the wash - guess that's at least something LOL!

I am getting bunny evil eyes today tho. I haven't gotten out to get the fresh bag of Oxbow Hay. Bo is being forced to eat the little bits from the bottom of the bag. :disgust:I think he's going to call the bunny protection services on me!

So, I'll be leaving early to drop by the petstore.......:nod
Aww, they aren't such 'little'things - no wonder you're stressed. And the fact that the lump is near your thyroid could be causing you to feel tired.

Congrats to your son - and hey, you and Lexi got new outfits out of it too :D

Will be keeping you in my thoughts - good luck with the biopsy :hug:

At this point, the doc could not rule out cancer. He read the slides while I was there but only 1/2 of them..... he said that I have some cells that could be just unusual cells or they can be a type of cancer cell. They have to look closer (with better equipment) to decide if it is the good or bad kind.

Luckily thyroid cancer is one of the most curable types of cancer.

My neck hurts! It was not bad at all during the biopsy - it's like someone just punched me now.
Oh no Pennie....

I'm so sorry you're going through this- it must be so hard for you and your family :(

I really, really hope that the results come back with good news- for you and the people around you. I shall be thinking about you lots :bunnyhug:

Do they know when you will get the results?

I should know something by Monday.

I am a bit worried and nervous about it but it's not as bad as some of the other things many people have..... So, I'm going to try to keep positive....

right now I'm positive that my neck is sore! LOL!

Thanks, Jen. I appreciate the good thoughts.
I'm so sorry -I'm just now reading this thread.

I wish I could do something - even if it was to come there and get drunk with you and we could cry into our booze (is that the right term??).

Or make a cup of hot tea and cry into that...

Please keep sharing with us...

Thanks Peg :hug:

My house I clean tomorrow - she called and asked if I could clean Thursday or even Friday because she is a teacher and goes in late tomorrow. I told her that it actually works better for me this week! Which also is funny cause I would normally have worked Thursday at today's house if she had chosen me to...instead of just skipping this week! Friday is Halloween so I really don't want to work that day. I like to make something like cookies or cakes or something for my kids/hubby/friends.

So that gives me a day to kinda relax and my neck should feel better.

Honestly tho, it's not bad. Just feels sore like a bruise or something - the test is no biggy so if anyone ever has to have it done..... don't fret. I didn't feel much at all. I hate needles!
TinysMom wrote:
I'm so sorry -I'm just now reading this thread.

I wish I could do something - even if it was to come there and get drunk with you and we could cry into our booze (is that the right term??).

Or make a cup of hot tea and cry into that...

Please keep sharing with us...
Did you mean drowning sorrows?

I also wish I was there to drown sorrows with you!

When's your hubby back? I don't like to think of you on your own :hug:

Definately take that day to rest yourself- I know I'm a fine one to talk, lol, but take some time out for yourself and to rest a bit.... :hug:
Hubby's home now. He's not a big help tho. If I need to have the surgery to get it out - he'll be around through the first of the year I imagine.... so I have him and the kids..... Luke drives so I can take a break for a few days which is all it takes to get back to normal I guess.
I'm just seeing this. I really hope it's not cancer.:(

If it helps at all, a friend of mine had surgery and chemo for thyroid cancer a year ago. She had thyroid problems all her life so when she got a lump they went right to surgery. I saw her at a wedding 2-3 weeks after the treatment and she was doing really good. Not good for a cancer patient, but actually really good. It's been a year now and no problems yet. I think they just took her whole thyroid out because of the lifelong problems.

Hi Bo
You DO have a lot going on!!

and handling it so graciously..
even if the news is bad re. thryoidthere are so many fantastic treatment options now that it probably would be something that you can look back on and be glad that it's over...

then again could be nothing serious..

it's the 'up in the air' stuff that is really nerve-wracking..I'm sorry that you're going through so much thoughts wil be with you

Oh Pennie, I am in such admiration of the way you are handling things. I bet it's going to be a long wait until Monday for you :?

Just know that we are here for you. Sending love and positive thoughts your way.


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