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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2014
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The pregnant foster rabbit I got a month ago should be having babies soon if she is pregnant. She came to me with 3 females, and 1 male kept together.
She has started tearing up her cage the past 3 days. Literally digging into the padding and ruining it. This morning she has started having a lot of cecotropes that's she's just leaving around her cage. Could the two be early labor signs? Or not related at all. ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1393262479.446600.jpgImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1393262563.890027.jpg
Increased restlessness could certainly be a sign she could be having babies soon. Sometimes you can hold your hand on the rabbits belly and feel the little kits moving around, if she is pregnant.
I've been researching and learning more about rabbits and their behaviour since i have decided to keep the lil rescue bun Stewie that i have.I read somewhere that yes this is normal for her to be doing this especially with the soft blankets and stuff in there as she will be preparing her nest soon.The poops i've seen and heard of too in some of my research especially with a new and nervous doe if this is her first litter.They say it's a form of marking off her territory to others especially other female buns.Not sure if i am getting the right facts or not doing this research i am doing but it would make sence to me lol.
That makes me feel better. Because I also know that cecotropes not eaten could mean illness. So I'm anxiously waiting.
She doesn't look large to me at all. But I know some rabbits may never look pregnant, or she may just be carrying 1 or 2 babies. I also forgot to add she's been nipping me when I put my hand in the cage, and that's not normal at all for her.
My rabbits just had a surprise litter - 5 babies! And she didn't look pregnant at all. She did have certain behavior though before she gave birth which we put down to her just being a chewer. A few days before she gave birth she chewed her run endlessly (the bottom material) and put many holes in it. She also dug on her run too. We thought she was just a rabbit who liked to chew and was being hyper-active but it turns out these could have been signs of her pregnancy as this was literally a few days before the birth. We did feel her stomach when she started to take her fur out just to make sure but felt nothing so thought it was a phantom pregnancy. We didn't have a clue she was pregnant at all and we honestly couldn't tell .. only tell tale signs were her behavior and her sometimes not wanting to be held even though she loves her cuddles.
My own personal rabbit had surprise babies 4 weeks and 2 days ago with 6 babies. But she is naturally fat. She looks the same today as she did before she had all the babies.
I foster rabbits and got placed with her almost exactly 30 days ago.
She definitely is acting out of the norm. I mean this rabbit is amazing normally. She is 100% box trained. Cleanest rabbit ever. She has been a mess the last several days. I'm pulling my hair out lol I feel bad for her. I told her this morning that she better have an excuse for this. She is wearing me out. She destroyed an $8 dollar padding this morning, and one two days ago.
Oh dear lol fingers crossed! Well my bun did enjoy chewing and digging before babies were born. She's got several lovely huge holes in the bottom of her run. Lol
Providing her with a nesting box and lots and lots of hay, could help her stop from destroying anymore of her padding. If she is pregnant and due soon, she is probably restless because she is wanting to build her nest.
A shoe box that was for high tops or boots would do nicely for a nest box, or any box about that size. Rabbits are not too picky about nest boxes.
I put a lot of orchard grass. She dug in the corner of the box all night.
Good, just let her be with the box, she should pull fur soon, then have kits. Rabbits more often than not give birth at night, so don't be surprised when you wake up to popples. :)
I'm taking in a pregnant doe that is due tomorrow, and a 2 year old doe lop tonight. Lord help me!

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