Natasha Rabbitova's first blog

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When I got home tonight, Natasha was in a weird mood. She ran into the computer room, and kept jumping up on my chair - I think she had an urgent e-mail to send, and was frustrated because the chair was facing the wrong way.



Then she ran into the living room, jumped up on my recliner and let the waterworks loose on the seat.

That seemed to relieve whatever frustration Natasha was feeling, and she settled down immediately to her evening snack. Afterwards, she lay quietly on the sofa next to me for a nice long petting. I think she looks very satisfied with herself in this picture:


That third picture looks more like a "Yeah, I peed on the couch. What are YOU going to do about it?" She certainly has quite the mini-rexy attitude!
kherrmann3 wrote:
That third picture looks more like a "Yeah, I peed on the couch. What are YOU going to do about it?" She certainly has quite the mini-rexy attitude!

:yeahthat: **Hehehe...** Kelly said it, I didn't.... :coolness:I wonder if she makes her pee-plans while you are gone to work. I bet sweet little Natasha practices her "Who? Me?!!"-face while you have your back turned to her.... Just thinkin' out loud.

Here's some early November pictures of Natasha - I tried Stan's suggestion of turning up the flash exposure a bit, and it did help bring out more of the shininess of her fur with less Photoshop adjustment.

Natasha and the shredder basket - she does love those credit card offers...

In fact, Natasha's taken to pulling out a piece of paper and then running at top speed to jump into my lap, so we can share her delight.

She's been exploring more on her own, between lap sessions, too...

"Hi, Daddy! What're you doing sitting on the floor?"

Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Has Natasha been behaving herself?
*knock on wood* Yes, she has - the change in her behavior over the last few weeks has been amazing.

She's been using the litter boxes in the dining room and the computer room, when I'm on the computer she plays with paper on the floor or just lies next to me, and when she does jump into my lap at the computer she hasn't peed on me once in weeks. I've even noticed that she's been much cleaner in her cage, not leaving droppings on the upper level at all for quite some while.

I had friends over last Sunday for dinner and they remarked on how "normal" she seemed ("normal" being more like Scone, since he's the only other rabbit we've known). She did leak a bit on the sofa while they were there - just making sure they knew she was still claiming me - but it was a real leap forward.

For some reason Natasha started to push her water jug off the top level of the cage over the last week, which is something of a feat, as when it's full it has to weigh about half what she does. I've bungee-corded the jug to the side of the cage and that seems to have foiled her attempts at redecoration for a while. She does have definite ideas of where things ought to be - for a few days her baby keys would be carefully put in her food dish, then she started stacking the cardboard hay tube in the hay rack after she ate all the hay in it.

I'm almost ready to start leaving Natasha out at night. I tried a few nights ago, letting her out after her bedtime broccoli and getting into bed to see what she'd do. She had a great time jumping up on the bed, climbing all over and kissing me, and jumping to the floor to jump up and do it again. I finally chickened out and put her back in her cage, but I think free-range nighttime is coming closer.
I think Natasha was an interior decorator in an earlier life. I had a bunch of people over last night - the Scouts and leaders from this summer's Scotland trip, and the Scouts' parents - so I moved the furniture out of the way to make more room.

This morning, Natasha did her usual inspection when I let her out of her cage - counterclockwise around the dining room, then clockwise around the living room - and she was deeply disturbed. She stood in the middle of the dining room and thumped her foot, looking at me, and wouldn't eat her breakfast until I'd put the table and chairs back when they belonged.

As soon as the furniture was rearranged, she ran into her cage and ate her breakfast. All was well in Natasha's world.
Here are a few shots I took in the past week:

"Yummy snack, Dad!"

It's a real relief to watch Natasha sitting on the couch without having to wonder what she's doing.


"Why did you go and block me off from under the woodstove? That's mean..."

Natasha exploring the living room, and finding a plastic cup - a new toy!

"Can I get up on the bed, do you think?"

"I can, and look what I found! Is there anything in here for me?"

Turns out old New York History magazines are as big a hit with Natasha as they were with Scone... something about the thick old paper, I guess. I like history, but to be honest they make better rabbit toys than reading material...
