My rant about work

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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Central, Washington, USA
So I work in a clothing store. And some of the people I work with drive me crazy, in particular one of my supervisors that I work with a few days a week, I'll call her Rosie. Tonight, Rosie told me to call 'Dora' to see what needed to be cleaned in the Jewelry Dept since she didn't know, but she knew that there was SOMETHING. She swore up and down it had to do with dusting something. So I called Dora. Dora didn't know - she told me to call 'Sara' the Jewelry Specialist. I called Sara and she said that all the Flip Flops needed to be organized and when that was done, to start organizing all the jewelry racks. After about an hour of picking things up, Rosie asks how far I've gotten with dusting. I explained to her that Sara didn't say anything about dusting and that 'Judy' the top Boss wanted the jewelry dept organized since it hadn't been gone through in a while, so I'd be organizing things. Rosie got REALLY mad at me, told me I had no right to be in Jewelry cleaning because that wasn't her department, and that I needed to make sure the 'Front' (cash registers) were clean, and everything was ready for the end of the night before I started to think about picking up jewelry. I told her that Sara told me that's what needed to be done. Rosie got mad and told me that I was supposed to ask Dora - I told her Dora didn't know and that Dora told me to call Sara. Long story, short. I got yelled at for doing what I was told to do! And better yet, the BOSS of the store is the one that wanted the Cashiers cleaning the Jewelry Dept tonight. So I told Sara that I couldn't clean Jewelry because Rosie told me I couldn't, even though Judy, the TOP Boss of the store is the one that said it needed to get done, SPECIFICALLY by the Cashiers, ME! I was the only Cashier! DUH!
On top of tonight, she makes it a regular duty of repeating herself like you're a 12 year old. She talks down to EVERYBODY, and regularly talks bad about the other Customer Service employees, even to our Customers!

So tomorrow I am going to go in on my day off, especially to talk to Judy about at least not working with Rosie anymore. I really never thought I would have to be the type "Oh I don't want to work with so-and-so" but it had just driven me too far. I already wanted to work part-time in another department, but this just pushes it too far. I LOVE being a Cashier, I really do! I just can't stand Rosie! I'm NOT 12! You need to learn to respect your employees. She's not a bad person, as a PERSON, but she's a HORRIBLE Supervisor, and when she's not there, even the other Supervisors (higher up than her) talk about her being pushy and rude! I don't want to put someone else's job on the line, but apparently nobody else is going to speak up. It has gotten to the point that I PHYSICALLY DREAD the days I work with her. Tonight, I came home such an emotional wreck, I just wanted to SCREAM at the top of my lungs, and I don't have this problem with anybody else in my life, in or out of work. I could work alllll day long dealing with fussy customers and not get as frustrated as I do on one regular night with her.
Melissa, i feel for you. I've been there, believe meyou are still very young, you will run into some real "Treats" in your Professional Life" in the years to come.

I've had jobs that I hated with a passion, I worked at them till I found something better. Unfortunately in this day and age "Good Decent Paying" jobs are hard to come by.

At the moment I am working a job that I am so under paid. But unfortunately I need to work. It makes me sick because the owners are Multi Millionaires that don't care, they just want someone in to do the job. Ha God Forbid they get their kids to do what I do for what i get paid. I was told that where I work "The Wives & Daughters" do NOT work at the company. Can you Believe that nonsense?

Good Luck withe your talk with your Boss. I hope she will let you work with people you want to work with. It sounds like you really like your job, which is very important.

Thanks Susan =)

I know that there could be a much worse job, and I'm definitely not 'the perfect employee' but I do work my tail off, and she has the nerve to knock me down every night I work with her. If she was just another co-worker I could just brush it off and ignore her, but it's hard to ignore your supervisor! :rant::pullhair::nope:
It is really tough working for people that make you feel like you are worthless and stupid. There are all sorts of bosses out there, some good and caring, and others that just power trip. The nice thing about the shop I work at is that there are 3 of us to deal with customers, and if the boss pisses me off, I'll just cut him off because I'm married to With the state the job market is in presently some people are more difficult to work for, just knowing that you pretty much have to take it or try in a high unemployment time to get another job. Best of luck talking to her, if it doesn't work, can you go above her head??
My advice? There are four things you could do:

#1 - Tell her how you feel. Sometimes people don't realize that they are acting in a way that is offensive, and you may be doing her a favor.

#2 - Speak to HER superior. You do run the risk of sounding like a snitch, but it's an almost guarentee that something will be done about it.

#3 - Find a new job

#4 -Live with it. You will certainly find people you can't stand in any place you work, and she IS your superior. Unless she is actively singling you out and harassing you, she isn't doing anything wrong, and it's probably just a simple personality conflict (which you will find throughout your work life, believe me).

Good luck!
I haven't been able to speak with anyone higher up one-on-one since I wrote this post, but I did work with Rosie again tonight. Since I've started thinking about it, I've noticed more and more things. The gentleman that works at Customer Service with her told her that she is very unprofessional tonight. And she 'jokingly' threatened to slap him across the face about it later on. In my book, NEVER is it OK to threaten to physically/emotionally/otherwise threaten to harm a co-worker. Sure, I've had ups and downs with my other co-workers, but I would never even dream about, even jokingly, threatening their well-being. Some people!

I really do love my job, I just don't like working with her in particular. My problem is, just like this week, I work 5 days... 4 I close and the other I am out in the Garden Center. I have a 99% chance of closing with her, since right now we only have one other supervisor and she has school so she generally doesn't close unless it's a weekend. =\

I really want to talk to someone up as high as possible, but I've never seen myself as the person who has to whine to the boss about every little thing. The whole thing just makes my blood boil. =( And it wouldn't be so bad if it was JUST me who felt Rosie has crossed the line, and does so on a more than regular basis, more like a few times per shift.. as far as I have heard, nobody can say they have nothing bad to say about her.
If she is causing problems with the whole staff she needs to be reprimanted. You really need to talk to someone above her as it will eventually give the store a bad name as this could extend to the customers. If that doesn't work you may have to go to Labour Relations ( they cannot fire you for that )

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