my rabbits skin feels very hard and thick

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2013
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He has a jaw abscess that i will be treating with pen g today,the vet just got it in. But the issue im really concerned about is his skin. I dont know how to describe it,its mostly on his left side,the side his jaw abscess is on funny enough. But when you go to pick up his skin it just feels like a piece of hard leather,there is no pliability to it. I called the vet and spoke to him,hes baffled by it. He has some thickening around his neck too,between his shoulders and a teeny bit on his right side. There are no scabs,no marks of any kind.
I asked about burrowing mites and he said possibly,i asked about lymphatic swelling he said possibly. Has anyone experienced anything like this?
Does the skin look normal, no dandruf, hair loss etc.?

One of my girls had mites last year, I think, but there were obvious signs like a layer of kind of dandruf that held together pretty well and clumps of fur came off with it, and treatment (I think with Stronghold) worked.

Hm, would be interesting what your vet says when he sees it irl.
hes had mites before,he is an english angora. I knew i would be doing pen g injections so i removed his coat on the weekend. We started the injections last night for the abscess he has but the skin was SOOOOOO hard i really struggled the needle in. I had to use an 18g needle and even that had difficulties getting in his skin. He looks normal,no discoloration no hair loss. Still eating and drinking very well. This hard feeling is around his neck,over the shoulders just to the arch in his back and down his sides. his rump and belly feel normal.
I dont know if this is maybe a cellulitis from the abscess? But if no improvement by saturday i will be booking him for sunday so the vet can see this for himself.


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Sebaceous adenitis? I had a rabbit with it, and the skin was thickened, though was also scaly and dandruffy, on his head some and down the sides of his back to his rump. At first I thought it was mites, but it didn't clear up with mite treatment, and was also non-pruritic. Which mites would tend to cause excessive scratching.

Medirabbit: sebaceous adenitis
Sebaceous adenitis? I had a rabbit with it, and the skin was thickened, though was also scaly and dandruffy, on his head some and down the sides of his back to his rump. At first I thought it was mites, but it didn't clear up with mite treatment, and was also non-pruritic. Which mites would tend to cause excessive scratching.

Medirabbit: sebaceous adenitis
I dont know if its that,the vet was stumped he said other than doing a skin test theres no way to tell,and i cant afford that right now im still paying off our cats emergent surgery from constipation.
I gave him his pen g last night and the skin being thickened made it nearly impossible for the needle to go through,i eventually did get it with a thicker needle,but my lord was it hard to get through.
Did his second needle tonight and he seemed better with it,went it slightly better for me. But he has an abscess on his left lower jaw,the thickened skin is around his neck shoulders sides and almost down to his rump. He seemed very irritated last night and tonight there is far less moodiness in him.
his skin seems fine no irritation there,

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